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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I'll continue team prepremote with Innes and Duessel. A lot of units are pretty bad in Eph route RR.
  2. Tethys has really good avoid (especially compared to Ross) so she'll be ok. Not to mention Gerik easily ORKO's the fighter on turn 1 NPC phase so she only needs one dodge.
  3. his description is the best, it's like "super loyal retainer of Renais" or something, the irony is strong.
  4. I forgot to mention, Syrene has her own PRF, it's essentially another Reginleif, despite what the description says, it's effective against the same things Reginleif is effective against. Natasha also doesn't spawn on an island like Cormag does, so she's actually recruitable. Here's the patch: https://www.sendspace.com/file/wa20c5
  5. welp, that filled fast I choose Saleh. Patch is almost done.
  6. PATCH: https://www.sendspace.com/file/wa20c5 Before the holidays started, I pretty much finished up work on a reverse recruitment patch based on the recruitment order of Ephraim route (excluding postgame characters) that included swapping Myrrh and Orson (something the other patch didn't do) for fun. I wanna run a draft of it to make sure I didn't accidently mess up something one way or the other, and there's stuff like promotion items that needed to be changed since the recruitment order is now different. I just want a few people to play through and maybe provide suggestions on promotion item changes and other changes i've made mainly: - Since Myrrh is now Seth, I made a slightly weaker dragonstone for her for earlygame. She's still ridiculously strong and gets OP really fast, but she can't really rescue anyone and has 6 movement. I dunno how to implement her into the draft though, Syrene is really lame early on and aside from Saleh, a lot of the units you get early are also pretty bad. Her earlygame dragonstone is 10MT, 85 hit, 5 crit with the following stat boosts: - As far as I can remember, I've given Natasha (who replaced Cormag) a Guiding Ring, and made the droppable Guiding Ring in the Ewan/Marisa chapter a droppable Elysian whip (since you get a TON of magic users early). I gave Ephraim's promotion item to Neimi (who replaced Marisa) for no apparent reason other than to make it exist. I don't think I changed anything else but I could be wrong. - I made Seth (who replaced Myrrh) a level 10 promoted unit, since Myrrh is supposed to essentially make sure you have someone who can fight the demon king. I made Seth fulfill the same niche. as for the rules, i'm willing to discuss them but here they are for now. The patch should be done within the hour, just need to touch up a few things. Here's the changelog with character stats and starting items (NOTE: some of the starting items are incorrect... probably...) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13FH_vigVftOg4EjeipdCJ9Y7vd-RvOVbUHdZ_YrLNWo/edit?usp=sharing Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Syrene, Amelia, Tethys, Kyle and Seth are free for all to use. 3. Myrrh is banned from all use* 4. The game will be played on Eprhaim Hard Mode You may not choose to go Eirika Route (mostly because I didn't change anything there...). Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Map shopping is allowed. 4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Myrrh is free for all while forced. She is banned from chapter 4 onwards. Teams: General Horace - Saleh, Innes, Duessel, Vanessa, Ross, Garcia, Lute Gradivus - Ewan, Gerik, Dozla, Joshua, L'Arachel, Gilliam, Eirika Doofina- Cormag, Artur, Orson, Rennac, Forde, Ephraim, Colm Icemario - Tana, Knoll, Natasha, Marisa, Moulder, Franz, Neimi
  7. you can falling uair > Knee and stomp > knee if they don't tech (but it's really easy to tech it) at certain %'s. I wanna say if you spike someone on stage with utilt you can probably get knee out of it too but that's tougher to pull off
  8. New Gen, New Post. CHAPTER 6 - 16/16 TURNS Ran Celice to the castles, he used the Earth Sword to heal up on one of Johan's chumps. Delmud was fed most of the kills (well not fed, he ORKO'd with the Silver Blade). Oifaye will nab the 100 kill steel sword next chapter. Oifaye got the skill ring and Lana, Delmud, and Lester all got a village each. Celice is actually pretty good! As in his speed isn't a catastrophe!
  9. I didn't forget about this, holidays just happened! CHAPTER 4 - 22/92 TURNS TO THE TOP PLACE - 11/22 TURNS Dew got the leg ring, Sigurd, Lachesis, Beowulf, and Midir headed for the castle. Not much happened really. TO THE OTHER PLACE - 11/22 TURNS Just ran there and seized really after Sigurd rebought the leg ring. Aideen and Jamka fell in love, netting me the hero bow, and Jamka passed Aideen his money and raided some villages, and she could finally rebuy warp to promote. stats after chapter 5 arena: CHAPTER 5 - 17/109 TURNS Can't remember castle specifics but I'm pretty sure I get 17 turns every time I do this chapter because I never have Sylvia. Sigurd just ran places and killed the bosses. Had to get creative at the end since I had nobody other than SIgurd that could kill Reptor, so I had Jamka and Midir lure some enemies away so that Midir could kill an armour that otherwise blocked SIgurd's path to Reptor. Lachesis and Beowulf fell in love around turn 12.
  10. by other rooms do you mean the other games? Or just other people playing for fun before/after tourney games? I imagine there will be a bit of both. I doubt Jedi will force everyone to finish on the day the tournament starts, I'd think he'd allow a couple days since stuff like timezones and people's schedules can be an issue.
  11. NO at least shin didn't be me in a match. I'll have my revenge!
  12. ^ I know if one person randoms their stage the other stage that is picked it automatically selected. I'd assume it's loser's choice? Picks and bans and all that jazz might be tough online (people might also just not care enough either) I'm interested in playing though!
  13. Incredibly salty that I'll be on a flight for almost the entire duration. I think I've missed seeing every gdq fe run due to travelling. Best of luck regardless!
  14. NO i didn't return in time to vote dedede to s tier Cloud, Roy and Kirby are all too high in my opinion, but it actually looks pretty good. I want to say Megaman could be higher too, I honestly don't really know what's all that bad about the character. That being said I've only played 1.1.3 for a couple hours so maybe Kirby's buffs make him not suck somehow or something.
  15. Sanic and Zelda because I want to actually be around to discuss Falcon
  16. samus's dash attack is really good, it's hitboxes look decieving but it lasts a long time and is an amazing combo starter. Just takes some getting used to. Her Missiles are useless though and her jab is pretty bad. She's really not that terrible.
  17. I'll list once per game. FE4: Lex. Although I don't think he's actually particularly good, he's considered a strong unit, he likes getting HP/Luck for me. FE5: Othin. He has strength issues when I use him, which really isn't a huge deal thanks to Pugi and Wrath, but I couldn't think of anyone else. FE6: Rutger. I've never had one be particularly useful past the western isles. FE7: Sain and Florina. They both have speed issues (don't ask how Florina has speed issues, I guess her speed base is pretty bad) FE8: Actually all the units that are considered good are usually good for me. Unless Forde is supposed to be good, screw Forde. FE11: Abel. Fuck Abel. FE13: Cordelia, plz get speed. and the bad... FE4: Janne. Although I give her some favouritism. FE5: Marty, the real MVP. FE6: While he's not bad, i'm going to say Noah since he's not supposed to be very good statistically, but he turns out pretty nicely for me. FE7: None of the chumps turn out well for me, and there aren't very many chumps in this game anyway. FE8: Dozlaaaaaaaaa FE11: Roshea turns out pretty well for me. FE13: Are there any chumps in this game other than Donnel? If Lissa counts, I'll say her.
  18. im no expert, but it was mentioned that Ryu beats Sonic easily, but Sonic has like a billion multihit moves that ruin focus attack and can probably get out of utilt strings with upb and the spring also fucks his recovery if he recovers low too. It just doesn't seem like a particularly good matchup. As for Ryu himself he's pretty unique I guess but True Shoryuken is really his only reliable kill option unless you get one of his situational dair combos near the edge or something. Has some good combos for damage and like all his moves do way too much damage (15% fair that's fast and combos into itself, seems fair, 16% bair) but I dunno it feels they had to make him good because he's motherfucking Ryu and i'm ok with that. should have voted falcon ryu is boring
  19. ganon's pretty popular on for glory. Kirby and Mewtwo got quite a few buffs too, hopefully the change on Mewtwo's down throw actually lets him have followups now. I'm hoping the same for Bowser.
  20. voted for 19xx and no lyn mode checkmate
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