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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. you didn't rank yourself. int and dondon are discussing to much, int even made this tier list and hurt my self esteem(just kidding narga) Me and GJ are only low b/c of eddy i bet >.>
  2. hehe that made me laugh :D not really trying, guess it just comes naturally... am i like the first on this site or sumthin?
  3. hmm, looks like not much has happened...aran still in upper mid(is boyd keeping him there?) eddy in lower mid(whats keeping him here?) and of course rhys and mist are still pretty far apart, id vote mist down but, im okay with either option. basically...i dont understand what the arguement is over now =/ are we still looking at dondon's stuff? also, i saw something about boyd and his speed woes, I'd like to give my two cents. Boyd is used for chip damage until around 3-7 or 3-8, now we start feeding him kills(or bexp if you really want) and then on 3-10 he takes a wing, I don't really see who's a better person for this seeing as Ike should be fine if slowplayed, and titan and haar have taken theirs. Basically, Boyd is like a reinforcement unit, he'll do fine chipping in P3, but later on when he can eat a wing he's gonna make heads a rollin.
  4. me and my dad fight alot especially lately, he thinks i hate our family...which for the mostpart i do. ragequits are gay, you dont feel like you were absolutely right and you couldnt get your point through =[
  5. unfortunatly we have some of this as well. now i remember why i never made a gfaqs account
  6. -Thank you for telling me why. -except neph is not vulnerable to mages and the stats may be comparable but neph gets the wishblade while one of these two is stuck with something else, therefore, neph is +4 stonger than tanith, or has +6 on a non-wishblade marcia.(assuming they get an 18mt weapon...i forgot the max mt of silver spear) -So, they take Nolan and Jill's places lets say. Now our team has to go in these certain formations to make anything work at all. -Miccy, any lower level unit, its hard to say since every PT is different, another reason i don't think, aside from Tibarn, Naesala and Cain there should be any "normal" endgame characters.
  7. welcome flashpoint. why do gfaqers have such a bad rep?
  8. you were joking riiiight??
  9. alot of people in pr0nz are really good looking...but usually the men are notno men are good looking to me, but from what ive heard...(and i am assuming here you are only interested in them from what you've said)
  10. Also, if they are not triangle attacking there combat sucks. I think its proven we can do endgame just fine without them.(they wouldn't have helped int on his run) So why waste paragon and bexp on these units?
  11. MAAAAAAAAAAAGE i guess i get it now. its more than just getting banned, its doing something funny :D
  12. well im not like screaming at my mom just because i dont like what im eating, i'll make myself something else if i dont like it. are you this confusing irl?
  13. I saw this movie for the second time last night, and was thinking about Lux's idea's the whole way through, i'd however say i like albus' idea the best
  14. If you are planning on a bow its Shinnon or no one, unless you have rolf(t) like dondon said. Rolf is bleh to train, Leo is ahnoying for DB with no enemy phase and Astrid has no avalibility and still sucks. I wouldn't put the time into training them, Elincia is good, but Marcia and Tanith are not that great in P4.
  15. obviously you haven't talked to many teenagers lately. what da fuck?
  16. well dont attempt it, im not a fan of "manparts" and im less a fan of poorly drawn, and ive seen my fair share of these. that didnt make sense to me D:
  17. Im unsure when i shall be finishing this up, school starts monday, and my least favorite stage is staring me in the face(4-4)
  18. we're never at a shortage of endgame people, 2 lions, plus the bird kings and nailah gives us 5 really good characters. Lets throw in 1-2 of nolan/eddy/jill and we're at 6-7 plus Shinnon, Mia, Neph, even Boyd. We could throw in the hawks, Skrimir or anyone else, but 4-E isnt haar's bright moment, he does however do very nice on 4-E-1, i think intercepter fielded him almost solely for his ability in this battle.
  19. no, he meant that your never poor in this game, he did phrase it oddly tho. Do we have to argue over the two best characters in the game? edward still isnt out of lower mid...
  20. if its a problem, dont eat it. if you think your mom doesnt listen to you about food, i used to always sit down for dinner and be liek,"wtf is this shit?" and my mom was like ? you dun like? then i was like told you yesterday...then id just say, "did you know i dont like cottage chese?" she replied like wtf?? for the first 3-4 times i said this
  21. you guys all suck, im teh masterz of this game. lucas, marth, Ike, Link, toon link and pikachu all make shit happen.(and i probly forgot one since i haven't played in like 6months)
  22. aw that was fucking funny dude, the rest of this arguement is dumb, but that shit made it worth it. @general, basically what rfof said, if u dont like being effecient make your own list.
  23. exactly, i love soren in NM but in HM he is shit. Kyza can go to bottom as well. Mist's bonds dont mean much because do we really want her at frontline? where Ike, Titan, Boyd and Jill are all going to be. her support CAN be nice, but Rhys has fire aff so hes not at to much of a disadvantage, and again Mist is not that useful for supports because she is far away. Unless we are talking about Int's pocket mist.
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