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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Well, for some reason the avatar didn't go through first time. Its up now though!

  2. After gloating to you guys. Yesterday my Biology teacher(I shit you not) decided we shouldn't have free seating, helper notes and we should have harder and more frequent homework. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Least i got 1 good semester(And 3 weeks of free seating)
  3. hahaha, i love how easy my school can be. And if i ever need to cheat, 80% of the class does non-stop HW
  4. Why do you both just call each other drama queens lololol? anyway, keep going with it! oh, well maybe it is a good idea then.
  5. well, there a virtual lock to win the South. So thats going out on a big huge healthy limb, supported by a big nice comfy bandwagon. But i completely agree with you!
  6. LOKIIIIIII! Doth thou like my new avatar. It's pretty awesome fenrir picture, and your knowledge of myths makes you one of the few who can appreciate it

  7. yeah, i was dreading this class so so so much. But instead i get an A!
  8. i love you i love you i love you i love you. This new skin might have made my day!!

  9. BIOLOLOGY! had a test yesterday, class is a joke cause we get front/back of page for notes. trololol
  10. *Gets mad because it is not new enough or funny enough for standards.*
  11. EDIT: Omyyy goodddd this is getting fun between you guys! Crash, next hit him with a direct insult, if you don't you'll look like an idiot for just taking and taking and taking. UMAD! Nestling will eventually make a grapic porn, extremely detailed, of Miccy/Volug fuckin each others brains out. That is how his ridiculously spammy ways get stopped. (Prophecied in the book of fruit, written by Tangerine, forward by RFOF.)
  12. yeah, but damn it would be weird as fuckkk so touchy
  13. man, that gets me to wondering what it would look like if somebody ACTUALLY scarfed down a hard one.
  14. yeah, you're not stooping down to my level... messing with an ignorant person never hurt anybody~
  15. to know the purpose of your avatar... Any other annoying questions you want to ask about my annoying questions before answering them?
  16. I thought of this thread when i saw the news, why wouldn't he just stay and college and have a good time? Since he's no lock to be a surefire guy in the NFL.
  17. what exactly, is the purpose of your avatar?
  18. EERYBODY DISAGREE'N! ...honest abe.
  19. me and my friends always make fun of this song cause a girl was playing it on her ipod. FUCKING BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT SONG EVER!
  20. congratz. Now go away and shove the gun up your ass.
  21. i didnt think it was to bad, but not your best.
  22. Would've been better said if he had said "makes you happy" since it doesn't give you ultimate happiness, just a short term thing to enjoy.
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