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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Same people who can't stand hearing the word retarded. Worse to me to call yourself OCD than someone else retarded.
  2. Well, yes you're right. But in a hypothetical were they don't majorly fuck anything up(Not a PERFECT game) would you rather have the RPG or MMO?
  3. This is sadly correct, seen it a lot. While we're on the subject, does anyone get pissed off at people who say they have OCD? If you had OCD you'd be a hell of a lot worse. It's not a funny joke and you don't fucking have it.
  4. Luck WILL be No 1 pick. Luck has all the tools, and will no doubt be good. I even think he'll be a pro bowler, possibly win super bowls. RG3 has more upside though. Could be Mike Vick 2.0
  5. That fucking sucks! But I cant/wont help.
  6. It's the world man, dumbasses run freely with no remorse! Second'd, even though I'm lucky enough not to have a mental disorder(For lack of a better word) it's rare to see people use that as a reason to act like a dumbass. For example, I have a friend who's dad is a crazy alcoholic, parents split and he's been kicked out of both houses simultaneously, and has bi-polar disorder/ADD, NEVER uses any of that as an excuse.
  7. Don't play the game because I can't afford it. But this caught my eye. I think we can all probably agree that a Kickass KOTOR 3 would be better than an MMO. Right?
  8. To busy looking for Carth/Bastilla! "OH, QUICK BEFORE YOU DIE SHOVE IT IN ME!" Most likely, the dragons carry children 20 years. Nothing else seems plausible. But again, no FE is to great of a plot.
  9. Looks badass, can't wait to maul people with a tomahawk! Also looks as if the vertical dimensions of the game will take place in the forest. Well done, ubisoft.
  10. Can i join? Miccy badge! So much better than Rofl
  11. I know I'm a little late on this SF, but it looks like I was right about American Revolution. Tomahawk, bow and arrow, guns. Looks like a pretty god damn awesome game. One problem will be the vertical aspect which colonial America lacked. I saw a picture of the guy up in a tree, so we will see how it works out. Anybody have guesses for Desmond?
  12. I'm sure they can find a way for it to be any gender they want. I'm hoping Russian Revolution/Victorian England/American Revolution.
  13. I've heard that, I think she sounds lame. Just my opinion, but its right!!
  14. Playing KOTR again. F yeah this game rocks! I'm a Consular and using 2 other Jedi's(Bastilia and old Sam Jackson.)
  15. Yeah, Japan France, it could all be cool. I think(hope at least) they will make the transition kick ass no matter what. The main thing is making the next character a badass while having indivuality compared to Altair and Ezio. I don't wanna feel like I'm playing the same character. But I don't want to be doing something radically different in a radically different place.
  16. A move full of faggotry. FB can be chill. But most of the times its just like an obsessive annoying friend who you hang with cause he give you stuff but most of the time your generally moody when he's around.
  17. We're all gonna go have kids and parent them well!!
  18. Never go to know you much man, but good luck with your life.
  19. da fuq? Stop complimenting your own ass, even for you nestling thats just dumb.
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