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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Nothin lasts forever, not even cold november rain.
  2. I know the feeling, but it's always the best thing you can do.
  3. SMH SF... Well... that's an awful outlook.
  4. FUCK THE WORD 'AWKWARD'! THAT WORD FUCKIN SUCKS! PISSES ME OFF WHEN PEOPLE GO, 'oh this is such an awkward situation OHMYGOSH!' like for real, if you're so damn bad socially do something about it instead of trying for more attention. /rant
  5. had to do a fucking search on YT cause i didn't believe that shit. but holy fuck he changed.
  6. well, everything you say from now on gets taken with grain of sand.
  7. to much money. fuck paying that much for a pet.
  8. not a big sonic fan. I approve of the yay shout.
  9. short, like 'ein eilver rose'?
  10. Happy birthday SF :wub: been a fun year and a half for me so far!
  11. I usually try and do something that has similar characteristics to what I am naming. (Same first letter of animal, rhymes with animal etc.)
  12. nah, 2011 was not all that great. But not a downright shithole of a year. The only reason i would listen to friday.
  13. Below, Int words it better than I would have. I knew you loved sothe alot. And i think you're in control of the tier again, and I could see that if people were blinded enough by some stupid P1 rush strategy... My bad. EDIT: And i saw this topic, it's much more possible to me that sothe is on top of a tier list than meg being a decent unit http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=28862&st=0
  14. yup, P1 was exactly what i was talking about. ('cept not) I wouldn't want to rely on Sothe in P3 with beast killer, since he can kill two tigers, and then the 3rd one kills him.(or however many it takes to kill a sothe) Oscar has flexibilty between teams however, giving him SOME advantage. And i believe he'd be better than Sothe, but i'm tired atm and far too lazy to look up stats.
  15. Fenrir

    Your worst fears?

  16. So, we're doing this SOYO thing? I'm up for it.
  17. *sobs uncontrollably upon seeing sothe at the top* noooooo nono no no no!! I don't get how he can be that high, he's nothing more than a utility unit(Available for your use, does chip damage, and has his special skill of stealing) in P3 and P4. It could make sense to me if somebody explained, but it just makes me cringe seeing a guy who wears a belly shirt being labeled 'The Greatest Unit in the Entire Universe' I agree volke isn't anything special. But, c'mon man! that's no point at all. EDIT: I also believe Jill(t) > Oscar(t). But it is a bit of a toss up, just my 2 cents.
  18. This is a joke, right? Coming from a guy named 'ranulf is my pillow'... speedy generals suck, just like all other generals.
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