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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. All of you guys judge me, since you've all been judged enough. And I haven't! JUDGE ME NOW! SAY HORRIBLE THINGS! PLOX
  2. Tyler, the creator is pretty legit. Any of you guys know immortal technique?
  3. Fenrir is something that I often use. Dave or other things used as similar to Dave. IE "The King Dave" I used "TheJinjer" for a while on various stuff. If I want to do something original and new I will just go through google to find a badass name. If my character is a girl, I just go searching around for a name I like that means something cool. That's SO Raven bitches! Just ruined that name forever for anyone who didn't notice.
  4. I know 2 kids who failed drivers ed. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM??
  5. A small almost meaningless picture, that administration likes to use to fuck with us.
  6. No Night either =/ anyhow, hope your doin good.

  7. I never catch you or your bro in chat anymore... In related news, chat is horrible these days.

  8. Damn, what's that movie. Sounds good. LETDOWN CITY!
  9. England always beats Ireland, except when they need it most or something. That's what I've gathered. Ireland's kinda like that little brother who shows up a a party and exposes something you've done to all the girls there in order to get payback for the countless times you've beaten him up mentally and physically. Just my take, probably wrong for the mostpart.
  10. Yeah I can't tell either, drawing a blank.
  11. I really really thought that a nasty dick pic was coming. Glad I was prepared.
  12. yeah... me too. This is just a fucking weird topic now. Putting way to many bad images in my head.
  13. Great post, Raven. If she wants a friend who's a dude(Assuming he isn't the sassy gay man she ultimately will find) and she's hot. He ain't keepin his eyes off her knickers.
  14. Freohr, you just completely confused me with the first two lines... But I get your point about the representatives, I was just joking around with you.
  15. "I hate my gender" - Freohr and Lumi Truth. Sadly.
  16. Oh, wow, encouragement in the greatest form from Freohr...
  17. Holy shit i'm surprised with that wall of text. Totally thought a huge dick was coming...
  18. The article in Gameinformer was great, I recommend reading it. It said that we'll be diving in and out of the war, against some americans, with some americans. Hopefully the same with british, I share your concern for a cliche plot.
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