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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Oh my, I must have remembered this and thought Ike agreed with her. It was my impression that he at least sort of agreed with her, but my memory is probably failing me. That StefanxSoren thing IS true though, i fucking swear.
  2. I fucking love it. Hope you feel the same. Durant sure is a machine, and I agree it's unfair to disqualify them due to their unusual play style, it just makes me uneasy.(As a fan of two teams who could come across them, Houston and LA, I don't know if I want them or am scared to death of them) To answer the Duncan question, 3 hours ago when you posted this I would've said something like 'Oh sure, he can still be good defensively and score them enough points to keep the opposition from spreading their D out and stopping the Spurs 3's and penetration'. But after Bynum had 30 rebounds against the Spurs, I think he can only be effective against the smaller teams.(OKC, LAC, Dallas, Denver, and maybe Houston depending on how Camby plays him) I try to never put to much stock into one game, but I've had a feeling the Lakers could do this so the Spurs all year(This was their first meeting) and we saw what the Grizz did in the playoffs last year. Basically, the Spurs are in big trouble if they meet the Lakers or Grizz, but I think they would beat everyone else in a 7 game series. Firstly, who are your Lion's interested in getting this off season? I've head DB is there need, but don't know that team too well. Watt might be a team guy, and since he was a rookie I doubt he was too entitled, but Antonio and Mario are pretty prideful. Shaun Cody is our nose tackle, he's competent. In Wade's 3-4, it doesn't feature the nose tackle very much anyways, so it's not a huge need but we could upgrade there. Offensive line or WR is where our first rounder is going. I'm really hoping we could snag Kendall Hunter from Baylor but I don't know if he'll fall to us. Also, you may think WR is weird because we have Andre, but getting a fast guy is perhaps our biggest need and I've been saying it for a while. Our 2nd and 3rd guys flat out SUCK, they failed to produce when Andre went down and we payed. The tight ends did pick up some of the slack though, and Kubiak features them heavily. Bill Simmons is so awesome, he's probably my favorite sports writer in the world. Yeah, I agree with pretty much all your points. Just wanna say, getting a superstar has been really hard. We missed on Melo and Dwight already, but maybe we could still land Dwight if Orlando gets fed up with him. I think that's definitely a valid fear, and they were both UConn guys too. Major difference I've seen, Drummond at least looks like he belongs on the court with his athleticism and shot blocking ability, (Never watched Thabeet much in college, but saw him for Rockets in garbage time) while Thabeet looks so totally lost on both sides of the floor, no area where he showed ANY potential. Yeah, this draft has a lot of guys who I would peg as a player who might pan out and be the second best player on a really good team(Or if you took two of these guys you'd have a really good 1-2 punch) but none of them stand out as a franchise guy. Kidd-Ghilchrist probably could end up in an Iggoudala(Shit, is that spelled right?) type role. And Perry Jones III is full of potential, but who knows with him?
  3. I just want to say I really like talking about OKC. I don't think anybody has ever won a title with a build like OKC, so little balance since almost all their scoring is from the perimeter. That being said, when they get hot, they are unstoppable. But there will be off nights for Durant and Westbrook in the playoffs, we'll see how it plays out. Bottom line, the WC is wide open this year and 4 teams could come out of it.(Lakers, Spurs, Thunder, Grizz) Yeah, I was more than happy to play the Pats because I knew we have their number. I also hate them due to my time living in Indianapolis. Great, great story indeed. This is a good idea in theory, but it doesn't allow you to put your most skilled players on the field at the same time. And ego's get in the way. I don't want to condemn the Saints for bountygate, here's a link to a great article by Bill Simmons on it if you have time. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7779341/when-do-draw-line-nfl-violence Yeah, there's a few teams this year who don't have a true star, but the Rockets resemble those mid 2000's teams the most. Big strong floor leader who hits deep deep 3's,(Lowry/Billups) a 2-guard who is a deadeye running off screens,(RIP/Kevin Martin) of course we have no Sheed, but Parsons is a long lanky defender like Tayshaun. And Camby/Bear don't compare AT ALL to Ben Wallace. I do think though that Pat Patterson is kinda likea short and not nearly as good McDyess. Of course all those players are poor man versions of the Detroit guys. Anybody else besides Davis you are hoping for? I know a lot of people don't like Drummond but I think he'd be great next to Greg Monroe.(Who never gets the credit he deserves) That way you guys would have a great shot blocker(In theory what Drummond is) and a very skilled guy on the block.
  4. Not exactly reliable. MAJOR SPOILER KIDS! Yeah, can't find shit on it right now, 100% sure it's true. Talk to Rfof or someone else who knows their FE10 shit.(I claim to be on this, but in reality i'm probably just a dumbass)
  5. Indeed it is, don't have the source for it but I'm certain of it. Indeed he does, but only Soren can create said country with him. Due to his branded-ness. EDIT: Didn't see this at first. I could have sworn it happened. It might not of been with Aimee, but one of those conversations with Soren or Shinnon about her. It was a remark saying something along the lines of 'I don't want to make any commitment now because I'm young and a military leader, rather keep my options open and commit down the line' Also, you made comments(As did others who you backed) which implied that you think I'm just saying this because I don't want Ike to be gay. I am just going with the argument that makes more sense to me.
  6. Yeah, not a lot of offense tonight outside of Melo. Thunder's inability to score in the post gives me a lack of faith in them. Well, good luck on their run. Yeah, Ravens should of made it but that's why they kick it.i hate kicking in football so fucking much Apparently we were in cap space hell, loaded contracts on their front end and we need to re sign Arian Foster. that dude is fucking amazing, can't describe him any other way, seeing him live is truly breathtaking when he makes one of those crazy cuts. As for Mario, he can be great, but you hit it it perfectly, not worth 120 million. We moved him to OLB because of Wade Phillips 3-4 scheme(Antonio Smith and JJ Watt played the defensive end positions, and they're both very good there) and he wasn't horrible, verdict was still out at the point he was injured. Yeah, fuck the Saints. My favorite teams(In order) are the Giants, Texans and Colts. Didn't think the Saints were the best team in that superbowl the Colts lost.How fucking bitter can i be tonight? Yeah, nobody tries to do dumb shit, all our guys know their limits but still can pick up their games.(Basically we're the anti-Knicks) Lowry is really fun to watch, he will bowl over opposing centers and hit 3's from 30 feet. When people call him a tough Philly kid, they aren't kidding around. We've got Sam Dalembert and Marcus Camby now, and those two are doing a good job of protecting the paint. So you're a Pistons fan rooting for the Thunder while you pray for a unibrow to go to the motor city? Is this fucking SF? Or some ESPN forum?
  7. My 2 cents on Ike's sexuality: First thing I wanted to address was Ike/Soren, Soren is clingy to Ike obviously which you can take 1 of 2 ways. Soren and Ike's relationship involves a romance. Or, more likely that Soren was abandoned or hated by everyone in life and needs somebody like Ike to be around and he's just friends with him, I have dealt with other dudes like this.(Soren and Stefan can make a country together if they are A support at end of RD, does that mean they are romantically interested? It could, but isn't likely) I highly doubt Soren provides any evidence to this claim. Second thing, he runs off with Ranulf possibly, I really never ever caught anything between these two except they were just naturally really good friends. This could feed speculation that they had sexual relations, doesn't actually seem too far fetched, but it's still far fetched. I doubt Ranulf was gay, but we're all just speculating here.(His denial of Lyre looks a lot like Ike's denial of Aimee. Lack of interest in certain annoying women =/= interest in men) Most of the rest of speculation is fueled by lack of relationship with Elincia and others, and stern denial of Aimee. Ike's about 18 in FE9 and 21 in FE10, he also happens to be a general in the most important war ever, is it so weird he doesn't care about sexual relations? Or because he doesn't act as many of us would(Get fame, get women) we should go, "OMGZ IKE IZ GAY!!!11? We don't know anything for certain about Ike's sexuality but it appeared to me that he was most likely heterosexual. I think he said in a conversation with Aimee that down the line he wanted a wife and family, could be wrong on this though.
  8. Knicks have a lot of guys like this. Streaky, streaky team. Also, I just wanna say that as a Laker fan, I think the Spurs are going to win the title.(Unless we can just out size and out muscle them) Saw they won today too. I think we could have beaten the Ravens with Schaub, but the real culprit was Jacoby Jones. (Guy who muffed the punt at the 5) I'm not really sweating Mario too much, I'm more worried about losing Eric Winston(Our best run blocker, but struggles in pass blocking) and Demeco Ryans(Middle linebacker, great against the run and a huge leader for the team). Mario can be great, but has taken games off and is injury prone. Yes, that credit goes to Daryl Morey. I think we are going to be dangerous in the playoffs with Lowry back. :wub:
  9. JR is so unpredictable, but that's why he's so lovable haha. Oh ok, I've met some people from Grand Rapids. Cleveland is snake bitten much like Houston, except we got the dream for those years, so I understand not becoming attached to teams like that. I hope that goes good for you guys then! Yeah, we're a total joke nowadays. No real future, long rebuilding process in baseball. Thankfully the Rockets and Texans are good now, which are the sports I watch more anyways.
  10. Yeah, that's good. My friend who used to call me Dah-veed in irl is full of shit now. You now assume the role good sir.
  11. D,: how... HOW COULD YOU?!?! no it's cool haha, it happens in real life since my name is so common. David/Dave, or any other name you come up with for me, the more creativity the better!
  12. agree with alex, keep them around for free stuff. But if you're talking about dumping a chick, scream in the middle of school or some public place with people you both know that she did something horrible(Or has STD) and you hate her.(Make it up or make it real, that doesn't matter)
  13. JR was so so bad lol. But he did rebound good and play nice D, which was so weird from him, shoot bad and do everything else good. I was surprised Rose missed those FTs, but I wouldn't say shocked, he does get a break due to injuries though. Hoping tomorrow night is just as good. I'm not big on baseball these days, but hear the Tigers are pretty good now so I hope they do good if you like them. Astros are so bad now and they're the only team I've ever really kept up with. Are you from Detroit or just a random Tiger fan? EDIT: Helios, you've only been here since February?? I could've sworn I'd seen you before then.
  14. I'm sure if you just lowered your standards. Least your not this dude http://www.memecenter.com/fun/245001/jesus-message-to-the-priest
  15. Yeah man! You see the Knicks Bulls game yesterday? Was about to shit myself after Melo's 2nd triple.
  16. Firstly, the new quote boxes are nice. As well as blue skies improvement. I fucking hate freshman girls, which would be cool and normal, if I wasn't a freshman. People bitch about life because it throws bitch shit at em. Life is actually quite fun if you know when to make shit a total joke, but you must know where the lines lay. I'm fucking scatterbrained and never get over 7 hours of sleep anymore, do i love it? Yes. My friend who transferred schools is now a total dumbass, doesn't it suck when people turn into shit they never would? Wish I wouldn't have fallen out of contact with him, but its completely out of my power. Seth Meyers is RT'ing everything about #IfIwasaBritishPornStar WTF?? I love you guys.
  17. The topic was tl;dr Drug, rape. When she awakens tell her you saved her from rapist, you get sex with and without consent. Compare.
  18. /unfunny Obama joke /unfunny Lebron joke while we're at it
  19. I don't think it's necessary to troll on the interwebz, it's necessary to troll everyone, everywhere. I just enjoy being snarky and stuff. It's fun. My question: Why are people so damn passive aggressive? I know they may not like conflict, but don't they realize the longer it goes on, the worse it gets.
  20. You're that one Miciah sprite. But you actually turned out to look sorta kinda not really similar.
  21. Tough tough choice... Shinnon or Naesala. Flipped a coin, Shinnon it is. Mia for the female.
  22. Once I get into the topic I never get you guys confused, very different personalities. But when I see that "Mercenary Raven" posted a new topic, I often think it's you. Maybe because you used to be "Vanguard Raven" and so I associate the soldier prefix and of course Raven with you.
  23. I'm a frontman who blew his brains out. Yeeeeeeep. I actually always make some sort of connection with people's avatar and personality, mixing them up to make a weird image in my head.
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