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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Yeah he was. I think props should be banned for a year. To me, Blake was the 2nd best that year. Better than Ibaka and Javale but worse than DeRozan.(At least in the first round) Would Lebron be the favorite to you? If we could just get him, Green, and White. oh my fuckin god we don't even need a 4th Yeah, but in my mind you've gotta be really good to get another invite.(Or get robbed like Derozan/Iggoudala)
  2. I'll be treating it like an ordinary Thursday. I'm not going to bitch about not having a girl, and I'm not going to sit around wishing I did. Just another day.
  3. Sort of. It's in Houston which is cool I guess. My dad was thinking about going to the rising stars challenge but it turns out those tickets are really expensive.(Just not quite as expensive as slam dunk or actual ASG) But I wanna talk some dunk contest. These guys have gotta be the top candidates... 1. Lebron. There's nobody we'd rather see. The only downside to him doing it is that fan voting would assure he wins. 2. Gerald Green. 3. James White. 4. Russell Westbrook. 5. John Wall. 6. Blake Griffin. Only put him below Wall and Westbrook because he's won before. Either him or Westbrook rounding out the 4th spot would be awesome. But I'd rather have Westbrook. 7. Josh Smith. Also has lower value since we've seen him win before. 8. Terrance Ross/Demar DeRozan. The Raptors! 9. Jeff Green. Has done some crazy things this year. Don't know if his game dunks will translate to dunk contest though. 10. Harrison Barnes/Andre Drummond/Anthony Davis. Barnes might have best in game dunks all year. Drummond and Davis are freaks we'd love to see. We don't want tons and tons of rookies this year. Though we could have a dunk off of rookies between these 3 and Ross. EDIT: Paul George can be 11th, I thought last year he "Over propped."(Everyone in that contest did, really) Hope Gerald Green and James White bring it back to the basics now that they're in the league and eligible again. Did I forget anyone?(Deandre Jordan, Javale, Tyson Chandler, all no's in my opinion)
  4. You know just because Rothlisberger is a good QB doesn't mean he's the best. Stafford and Flacco definitely have two of the strongest arms. I remember Jason Campbell was also on this list, Cutler's got a cannon, and Kaepernick could throw threw brick walls but idk how his distance is.(Kaep definitely throws hardest though) I was sad the 49ers couldn't pull it out. Thought they had it. The Ravens got everything they needed to happen happen. That's how super bowl's are won, you've got to be so lucky.(And the 49ers would've been very lucky to come back from that hole with the whole blackout thing killing the momentum[Also saying that as a Giants fan. Just remembering the San Fran game last year is crazy, Kyle Williams...])
  5. Googling FE shit. I first used it for the database. Then I looked to the forums for advice. then I used to forums to argue about dumb FE shit. Now I don't know why I stick around.
  6. I'd disagree. The Patriots beat the Jets 45!-3! earlier that season. That Jets team was nowhere near as good as that Patriots team. It was a rivalry game but doesn't that further hurt Brady's rep as a killer? /Lance'd!!
  7. What's the over/under on bicep kisses for Kaep? I don't know, here's his last 4 years... 2009: Got slaughtered by the Ravens at home. 2010: 14-2, dominant regular season. Lost to Jets at home. 2011: Got a "Double bye" with Tebow in town, got outplayed but managed to eek out a win against the Ravens and then lost to the Giants. 2012: Beat a Texans team that couldn't possibly match up worse with the Patriots, then got shut out in the 2nd half vs. a Ravens team most people though wasn't so good coming into the playoffs. So the Patriots are 3-4 in that time span. Looked it up and found out the Patriots were 14 pt favorites against the Broncos and 10.5 against Houston. So unless Brady's a double digit home favorite he's 1-4 in the last four years. Matt Ryan is also 1-4 in the last 4 years when he's not a 10 pt home favorite.(And I know we can't say those wins don't matter, they do. But, I think just about any team in the 2011 divisional round could've beat that Denver team and the same goes for Houston) /deepanalysis I take back what I said. I want Eli. Rodgers is probably #3 for me though.
  8. What music does SF like? I'm a fan of pretty much everything aside from country and pop. Neither of them go hard. I think it'd be cool to share everyone's favorite bands.
  9. The title of this topic is from Alabama.
  10. This guy was funny, 4 years ago at least. I read the whole topic and busted out laughing seeing this. My contribution to 4 years ago. It's 11:24 and I need a good deed for today! -------- You can put a trojan on my hard drive anytime If I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head? F*** me if I'm wrong, but have we met before? Nice shoes, wanna f***? Do you like apples? *insert dumbass reply here* How about I take you home and f*** the s*** out of you. How do you like them apples? -------------------- lolololololol Is it bad that those make me laugh everytime?
  11. If we're really gonna continue on about this foolish "America's team" debate... http://www.forbes.com/nfl-valuations/list/
  12. Well hey, Joe's on top of the world now. I'm a Joe Flacco fan now too! We're all Joe Flacco fans because everyone hates New England! On the topic of rivalries, I think Manning/Brady is the best out of this generation. When they play and give us a good game. We all forget that the rest of the league can even do anything. It sucks in your soul. To be fair, the Falcons don't run the ball well because they don't want to run the ball well. They changed their philosophy. They went from having run blocking lineman to pass blocking lineman. And they traded away the future for Julio Jones. I love all the weapons on the 49ers. I just wish Mario Manningham was healthy. Aqib Talib? I don't know. I don't think Tom Brady can be trusted in big games anymore. Which to me brings up a funny point. If you had to pick a quarterback to lead your playoff run who would you even want? Brees? Eli? Flacco? Rodgers? Kaepernick? One of the rookie triplets? I think I'd go with Drew Brees since most of the years he's been one and done or even when he's been eliminated he's never disappeared.(Remember Seattle in 2010?) But then again, he wasn't even in the playoffs this year. I think the 49ers will win because the Ravens haven't played an offense this balance the whole postseason. But the 49ers haven't played a defense of this caliber since they got shutdown in the emerald city. I guess your right. Patriots don't have enough firepower to beat the heavyweights anymore. Yeah. Brian Dawkins tweeted that you'd be foolish to think Brady wasn't trying to injure Reed.(Of course Dawkins being a safety would side with Reed, but still) I didn't realize he made the Ridley play at first. But shit, this guy is crazy. Has that ever happened? He's now injured the best QB, WR, TE, and RB on different Patriot teams. EDIT: What happened to the Steelers being "Every man's team?"
  13. I thought it was funny that both of the home teams had a halftime lead and then failed to score AT ALL in the second half. The two superior defenses prevailed. Plus, the Harboughs made great adjustments on not just the defensive side of the ball but on offense too. I thought Vernon Davis was the MVP for the 49ers, but LaMichael James and Frank Gore were great as well. Kaep was solid. Not at all surprised the Falcons blew that lead. Matt Ryan can't be considered as a great quarterback when he can't get his team ANY points in the 2nd half. Call me crazy but I'd take Romo over Ryan. Whenever a team I like is playing Romo I never feel safe. Whenever a team I like is playing Ryan I never feel like the Falcons are far enough ahead or I think that they'll never catch up. Normally those two things are true. I feel bad for Aqib Talib. Anquan Boldin torched the Patriots' secondary after he was knocked out. Flacco and Boldin were the two best guys out there in the second half. Torrey Smith was fun to watch too. How did we get two games that were really entertaining? These playoffs have been great. And you really feel like the Ravens and 49ers both deserve to be there. Kaepernick's made it this far, now he has to face Ed Reed. I'm glad we were all wrong! Congratulations on your Ravens. The past 10 years have been full of heartbreak.(Of course before that you had a super bowl) What? I never thought anyone would say this. The guy's clutch though. Outplayed Brady in Foxburrough TWICE now. Plus he outplayed Peyton in Denver. He's the big time QB of the AFC.
  14. No, it's just hilarious. I think 49ers-Patriots. Hope 49ers-Ravens.
  15. They used to be a boring run it down the field win slowly and boring without outstanding plays make the other team beat themselves boring team. Now they're like a wannabe Pack/Saints. Trying for "Matty Ice" to be like guys to good for nicknames.(Mannings/Brady/Brees/Rodgers) People hate teams who are constantly talked about as better than our teams. Even if we lost 34-0 to the Falcons. If the Giants had made the playoffs I KNOW they would've won in the Georgia dome.
  16. Please god let it happen!! I actually think he's pretty good most of the time, but he did a pretty awful job in that game. Kaep's wideout's are way better and I don't see Atlanta running on the 49ers. Adrian Peterson and Marshawn Lynch are the only guys who can. What Helios said. Lots of us absolutely love to hate the Falcons. We also love calling them soft and stupid and Mike Smith looks clueless. Also, who's got a better running attack than San Fran right now? They're missing a couple running backs and they're still awesome. Frank Gore is a badass, LaMichael James can run for 50+ yards anytime, and we all know about Kaepernick now. It's so fun to watch all 3 of those guys run. I've always been a huge Gore fan. I love how late in the game he's obviously tired as shit and he just comes back for more contact and runs over defenses with a defiance like he's going "You think cause I'm tired you can fuck with me now?? Get the fuck outta here!" /endofgorelovepoems
  17. I'm hoping for a Harbaugh super bowl. But I'm not so confident the Ravens will stomp on the Patriots. Joe Flacco just had two weeks of not fucking up anything. He looked amazing. Which means he's gonna suck now if we use THIS guy's logic Right? Arian Foster is great, I love the guy, but he's not Adrian Peterson in the fact he can't beat you on his own. Matt Schaub was playing like he was blaine Gabbert in the playoffs. I think the Texans should get Vince Young. I just love the way Russell Wilson plays. 99% of people in the Houston area would say JJ Watt is the best/their favorite Wisconsin alum in the NFL. I'm alone and second question-less. I think the Falcons are in danger of getting complacent while the 49ers have been here, plus they should be more confident than the Falcons. Beat a more proven team that wasn't coached by Pete Carroll(If you wanna call that coaching) and had RINGZZ!!11 Lol. Yeah.
  18. was expecting underwater as a substitute for underground or something.
  19. As a Texans fan I don't agree. At all. @Narga that's cold.
  20. Well, Wilson did prove he was waaaay better than "Matty Ice." But the team came out flat. I blame the early start for a west coast team. It's ridiculous the NFL would do that to them. Ya boy! Terrible defense. Absolutely disappeared. Russell Wilson has me thinking he might've been the deserving ROY though. Valiant comeback. They outplayed them. Any points in the 1st half and they come away with the win. Worst game of the playoffs for me. As a Giants fan, at least I could've said, "At least we didn't go to the playoffs and have done THAT" Texans suck. Schaub sucks. Kubiak sucks.
  21. 100% agree. The results still have to be punished no matter what. And I think we both see how silly it is to put people in jail exclusively for doing drugs. Yeah man totally. I understand how you can be confused. I worded tons of things poorly. But basically, in my perfect world, all drugs would be completely legal. However this isn't a perfect world and the USA(Can't speak for other countries) isn't ready for that radical of a change. They need to go to decriminalization before completely legalizing things. And maybe no country as big as the US that has a general culture of individualism will ever be able to make everything completely legal. I think cannabis should be legal, and every other drug should be decriminalized.
  22. I struggled to really follow you. It sounds like you have a problem with people smoking anything. And I'm not really gonna argue with you about that. I understand that, but people smoke. That's that. (Current smoking laws would probably apply to weed, so again, I don't even get what you're ultimately getting at.) Ok, agree with you. Agree he should've gone to jail. Don't even blame his grandparents for not showing up. Sad story like so many others. I've got a cousin who robbed her parents and our grandparents so she could get high. It's not uncommon at all. I'm not trying to say drugs are great and we should all inject heroin. But the current system doesn't work. The guy you mentioned went to jail and overdosed two weeks after he got out. Treatment won't always work, but I think it's a better solution to getting people into being successful in society instead of getting out of jail and instantly relapsing. Then we basically agree. If you do some dumb shit while you're high you don't get a get out of jail free card just cause you were high. No judge should feel bad for you. If anything your punishment should be harsher. Same thing goes for if you steal to get drugs. I just think that you should be sent to rehab instead of jail if you're on drugs and not(Or at least haven't been caught) stealing, assaulting or breaking any other laws. To me it's wrong on so many levels. Drugs aren't like any other crime, it's a choice and it's self inflicted.
  23. So it's unanimous that the Matt's are done after this weekend?(Ryan and Schaub) I think not having Justin Smith or having a one armed Justin Smith is gonna kill the 49ers.
  24. What are really the best point to keeping Marijuana illegal? The gateway theory is the only shit I've ever heard that makes sense. But even that is basically just do drugs to be cool and be little badasses. I think if you made it legal it would be like cigarettes or alcohol. Maybe some kids would still feel cool and it would serve as a gateway or some shit, but the majority of people aren't gonna be moving on to cocaine or heroin. I just doubt that anyone would go, 'smoked some pot today, tomorrow I'll go drop some acid. I mean, how bad can it be? I've done a legal drug that isn't even that bad for me.' People just aren't going to think that way. I agreed with whoever said we need better drug education. That's critical. Education is always vital. Why the hell should that be a law? Should farting be only legal in bathrooms or personal residences because it smells bad? Or maybe we should make eating BBQ only legal in personal residences and at steakhouses. Someone may not like the smell, that would just be tragic if somebody didn't like the way something smells. EDIT: I think all drugs should be decriminalized.(Not legalized) Is it to far off topic to talk about that? And I'd like to hear peoples opinions on keeping weed legal, decriminalizing it, or legalizing. At the least it should be decriminalized. (Are people traditionalists, moderates, or changists?[Hey I'm tired])
  25. It's got to be Genghis Kong. Shouldn't even be close. I will argue for paragraphs and paragraphs with anybody who disagrees. Yes.
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