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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Classic Mode, No Vulneraries, Radiant Dawn, Lords only, ready-set-GO!
  2. The only classic beat-em-up game I've played is Final Fight 3 and I've been eyeballing similar games that I may want to try for a little while now. Streets of Rage always looked pretty good, so with a new game on the way maybe it's a good time to give one a shot. That is if I can find the money for it.
  3. @Armagon Thank for the tips. I'll keep that in mind moving forward. Also what would you recommend doing to make easy money if buying up all the shops gets expensive(that is if that ever becomes an issue at all)?
  4. I cannot get over these sprites, they are just so much fun to look at. I'm also loving the full body shots, it looks like you put a lot of effort into them.
  5. I guess I should mention that I finally got my hands on XC2 just recently. I know as a self-proclaimed Xenoblade fan it's pretty much a crime that I jumped in so late, but I'm not made of money so let's don't dwell on that. I haven't gotten very far in the game just yet, but I will say that I do think it's a good game. However, the shift in art style and narrative tone compared to the other games has been jarring to me so far, the amount of stuff copy pasted from other games feels like lazy pandering(character names, monsters, etc.), and the gatcha pull system for summoning new blades can go die in a fire. Maybe I've just gotten off on the wrong foot with XC2 and need to lighten up a bit on my criticisms, which in all honesty is mostly made of small nitpicks or personal preferences rather than big issues at this point. I am still having fun despite my issues and am looking forward to playing through the rest of the game.
  6. Probably Eliwood, Erika, or Ike.
  7. They should have put a name tag on his shirt that says: "Hello! My Name Is: THE BAD GUY" Azwel is kinda giving me Algol vibes with the blue and red hands that summon weapons.
  8. OH MY GOODNESS! I did not expect Cervantes to be in this game! Wait... yes I did. My bad. Jokes aside, it seems like Namco isn't really trying to keep their information air tight at this point which seems odd for such a large triple A publisher.
  9. Tira as a pre-order bonus definitely makes sense as an incentive to get those sales figure going early since she is quite popular with a good chunk of the Soul Calibur fans, but revealing her before they even show us the final characters in the base roster makes me worried that this game might have DLC up the wazoo moving forward. I get that fighting games don't really sell as well as other games and they need to make their budget back some how, but man these devs really need to give us a breather.
  10. "I wonder what concrete feels like while it's drying?"
  11. I went a different route with it, not perfect, but it was an idea.
  12. I'm not too familiar with XCOM, but I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. Maybe it's because it's close to the Vibranium. Why does Sean Bean always die?
  13. *I pose back with Jojo's music playing in the background.* *Creates Frankenstein's Monster and teaches him kung fu to fight the next poster.*
  14. "Does anyone know a Priest's phone number?"
  15. It's been a while since I posted a song on this forum so how about I share another song from my favorite band...
  16. I am eating dry roasted peanuts. My day has been going just fine, albeit uneventful so far, thanks for asking.
  17. I think it's rather strange that Richter isn't recognized as a big name in the Castlevaina franchise dispite the fact he not only had his own game(Rondo of Blood), but also appears in Symphony of the Night which many gamer circles consider one of the best video games of all time. Richter(in my opinion) was clearly the most obvious choice for Simon's echo fighter based solely on the fact that his inclusion would have been the best excuse to include Symphony of the Night fan service like Alucard's Assist Trophy and music for the Dracula's Castle stage. Well, what do I know about what characters from which series are well known faces? I've only played 3 games in the series so I'm probably qualified to talk about this kind of fandom stuff.
  18. I admittedly am from a smaller town so the movies aren't as expensive as more populated areas so I can get out to see new films more often, plus if I'm with family or friends we split the bill. But even with a few money saving work arounds here and there I agree that life's pleasures tend to cut into our capital quite a bit.
  19. So bingo game aside here are my favorite things from the direct. The inclusion of Simon, Richter, and all the other Castlevania stuff makes me really happy(probably the best thing in the direct for me personally). Echo fighters are still a great idea and I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of them in this game. The selection of stages is amazing and the music is INSANE! All the new modes like Squad Strike and Smashdown are things I've always wanted in smash(okay maybe this was the best part, I can't really decide). The new assist trophies, while still disappointing in the sense that they won't be playable characters, represent characters and games that make me very happy. Sakurai's Troll with King Dedede posing as King K Rool was perfect. In conclusion, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate truly is a game that wants to give the fans everything we've ever wanted and I'm really looking forward to the next big reveal. Fingers crossed that this is the game that finally kills Melee once and for all.
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