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Everything posted by Lord_Grima

  1. Avatar: Robin was my favorite avatar, but even he got a bit too involved into the story. I would be fine without an avatar, probably would be easier. But if there is an avatar, I would like the to be irreverent to the story (besides when the main party meets the avatar). The beginning of Awakening and FE7 did this well, the Avatar was just there as support and the Tactician, no plot relevance beyond that. And I would also like them to be less "one-personality fits all!". I felt that Robin matched my personality, so I did not need a new personality. Corrin, on the other hand, felt more like another bland character instead of me. Give a few personality options, or give them options on how to respond, just so the Avatar can me more "me-ish". Or just someone that is realistic. S - Ranks: I am fine with S-ranks, as long as they don't pull a Fates and say "Everyone can support with Everyone!!". That makes little sense, some people just don't get along or should get along... Children, my preference would be no. Awakening made sense for children to be in-game, the Time-travel gave a legit reason for them to be there. Fates pushed a lot of boundaries, added kids because they could, then slapped a half-written reason for them to exist. I do really like Echoes: SoV's supports, the support pairs make sense, they are just small conversations that seem reasonable. No S-supports are fine, because the end credits hint or tell who each character ends up with(Boey and Mae made too much sense not to put them together).
  2. Just got my 5* Black Knight! My team has been Ike, B!Ike, B!Lyn, and Delthea. So far I've played the first two games each day on the highest Lunatic difficulty (for the x3 bonus) and can make it to the final battle with 3-4 people still alive (health amount varies). They do what damage they can or beat the final boss, if they all die, my Horse Emblem team (Xander, Camus, Cecilia, Reinhardt) will come in a sweep up the rest. Then for long grinding, I set on auto-battle in the Hard difficulties. Similar results to me playing, but sometimes the AI does really stupid things. It put Delthea in range of an Axe Cavalier. -_-
  3. Leo and Robin are the characters that I really like and want to play. Then Lissa, Celica, and Lyn all look fun and can't wait to try them. And if Owain is playable, then he would take my number 1 slot instantly.
  4. Owain!!!! If he is playable, he, Leo, and Robin are going to be my main characters. I really hope he is, or will be playable. He looks really good in 3d :)
  5. I really enjoyed the voice acting in Echoes, it helped make each character unique and different. My favorite VA? Berkut. Mae, Lukas, and the "Gray vs Tobin scenes" are also top performances. Though Silque's song "The Heritors of Arcadia", just wow!
  6. My first 5 star was +Spd/-Hp Eirika. I did not have any good red units, so once I got her I was happy. She has been on a lot of my main teams because she is a great buffer for blade-tome users (Nino mainly).
  7. High: Ninian - I've spent so many orbs trying to get her, but she still hasn't appeared. Lucina - Awakening was awesome, and so was Lucina. Celica - I want a better Red Mage, and she is currently the best. And I really like her design here and in Echoes: SoV. Amelia - With Black Knight coming soon, I want to get Armor Emblem started, and Amelia is a great addition to that. Medium: Leo - Favorite character in Fates. Alm - It's Alm, not much else to say. Azura - Olivia is great for dancing, but a blue dancer would be a nice addition to my teams. Brave Roy - Not needed, but would be nice to have and have all the CYL units. Ephraim - Good Buffer for Blade tome Mages. Reindarht - I need a better nature... Low: Lucius - Even though he is not as good in FE7, I still want him because of how good he was in FE7. Need more to merge. Takumi - Close Counter fodder. Genny - I need Wrathful Staff. Ultra High: Bartre - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Owain: He would be the perfect character to fight down giant armies. "My Sword Hand!! I can't control it!!" Basilio: If we need another Axe user, I would want him above every other axe user(Hector excluded). I loved his one-liners in Awakening, but he is often overlooked so doubt he will get in anytime soon. Berkut: There is no better mounted lance character than the Prince of Darkness.
  9. I was really surprised to see Lyn during that Direct. I was not expecting her, but I will be happy that she is in. FE7 is my favorite game, so having some representation in Warriors is nice. On the other side, It also means another sword user. And it is another thing for people to complain about.
  10. YES! Watch her become the best Axe Unit in Heroes. Put Hector to Shame! But on other notes, I think that the Main Lords will get in. I don't know about much about supporting characters, but those would be the next "most-likely" to get Heroes Versions.Then Characters like Elise, Sakura, and Lissa that only have one variation would be my preference to get a second in Heroes. Xander, Camilla, Robin, and Lucina don't need more variations.
  11. Alt costume could also mean alt animations/ attack designs. They could do the exact same thing, but instead of lightning bolts, pillars of fire is used. And in the trailer, they could have used different combos, which would result in different attacks. If you watch this trailer for her, you can see that she uses identical attacks to M!Robin.
  12. I'm going to be skeptic and say this is probably fake. I would really enjoy having Celica and Lyn in the game (mostly because it opens the possibility to other FE7 or Echoes: SoV characters). But this does make Shadow Dragon highly out numbered. Fates already has 10 character slots (which is a bit much in my opinion). http://www.siliconera.com/2017/05/30/fire-emblem-warriors-will-mostly-feature-heroes-shadow-dragon-awakening-fates/ The developers have said that FE: Warriors will "Mostly feature characters from SD, Awakening, and Fates", so that could mean one or two characters from other games will be added. The developers also said that it would be a get together of all the main characters in one game, partially because they don't want too many sword users. And with the "Leak" of Celica and Lyn, whom both wield swords, that goes against a lot that the developers have said.
  13. Just an update: The unit you (summoner) supports can also support with another character. So, my Berkut is supported by me and Xander. In combat if Xander is adjacent to Berkut, then Berkut essentially has Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4. Combine that with Hone/Fortify and Spur/Goad this gives a huge boost! And for those curious what supporting does, it gives boosts to a unit. Support with summoner is like a RAW stat boost, and the Unit to Unit support is a spur/ Drive. Unit to Unit Supports: Rank Boost(adjacent) Boost(one space away) C Res +2 Res +1 B Def/Res +2 Def/Res +2 A Spd/Def/Res +2 Spd/Def/Res +1 S Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2 Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2 Summoner Supports: Rank Boost(adjacent) C HP +3, Res +2 B HP +4, Def/Res +2 A HP +4, Spd/Def/Res +2 S HP +5, Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2
  14. I'm supporting Lord Berkut for now, once I get my Horse Emblem team finished, then I might switch to Xander or someone else on the team. Xander, Berkut, Delthea, Nino, Eirika, Nowi, and Hector are some of my favorite/top units to use so far, so I'll change between them depending on what I need. I really like the red border and stars on the unit you are supporting!
  15. I've been using a build for my Berkut that I really enjoy. Brave Lance, Reposition, Moonbow, Death Blow, Lancebreaker, Threaten Defense. Just need to get Quickened Pulse and upgrade Brave Lance to +, and then he will be fully complete! Give him Cav buffs, or pair with Eirika or Delthea for added stats. Threaten Def can be swapped with a Fortify/ Hone Cavalry is you want him on a Horse Emblem Team. Thanks to @Pheonixmaster1 for the skill build! Berkut was one of my favorite characters from Echoes: SoV, so I really wanted to make him work.
  16. In the Live-Action trailer for the Brave Heroes (and the news on the main page of Serenes), it is hinted that the Black Knight would come as a future GHB. If you pause the video at the end, I found this image. This image confirms that the Black Knight will come in a GHB soon. The map is revealed here, but not all the enemy placements. Roy and Lucina are wounded and there are only two units left(and no GHB has only two enemy units), the Black Knight and an archer, so that means that this is in the middle of the battle. So, we can't see the Black Knight's full team.
  17. If not Vaike, a good Axe unit from Awakening is Basilio. He is one of my favorite characters because of his great one-liners. He would be a great addition to the FE:Warriors roster. This will be interesting to see how the roster plays out and if it will be 25 units. I hope future DLC adds more games, I would love to have FE7 characters in the game. Hector, Lucius, Raven, Nino, Jaffar, Validar, and more. And of course, I want Grima to be playable :)
  18. Not sure about this one yet, but which ever version is correct one fact remains. Ike will be a great counter to Horse and Flier Emblem teams. It says in his skill that "damage from the second attack onward is reduced by 80%". To me that sounds like all consecutive attacks are reduced, which means Quad-attacks are highly reduced. Another note is that his A-skill, Steady Breath, gives him +4 def when attacked, and adds one to his special trigger. So, with a high cool-down special like Aether and Urvan(which reduces the cooldown by 1), Ike can quickly recharge Aether. So, that can really add with his longevity. I think he would be great with Vantage.
  19. I kind of want to see a minstrel/ bard type unit. They could be mounted on a horse (for fun and uniqueness). But their main gimmick is their instruments, each instrument does different things, similar to the rings from the GBA games. I also want to see them be upgrade able, give them a promotion.
  20. My top five: Grima - Really powerful dragon, one of my favorite villains. Owain - Favorite character from Awakening. Conrad - The masked knight of Echoes might want to meet the masked knight of Heroes. But Conrad was a cool Character from Echoes. Basilio - He made me laugh a lot in Awakening, he was a fun character. Erk, Matthew, Rath, Nils, Athos, Nergal - Basically more people from FE7, one of my top FE games.
  21. I want more Villains like Lord Berkut. They need to have a legit reason for being bad. Or, maybe the main/ supporting villain is acting as your friend/ ally through most of the story, but then betrays you at near the end (Thinking of Scar from the Lion King). This type of Villain has be well written, they have to be manipulative to get what they want while keeping a good relationship with the main lord (Lord Agravaine from Merlin, or Gollum/ Smeagol from LotR). Then main Lord does not know, but maybe one character slowly finds out. The Villain has to be around for the long run. Awakening had some neat villains, but they only lasted around 7 chapters. Overall, the villain needs a good backstory or reason for being evil instead of "I'm Evil for no reason" or being possessed. And no dragon as the final boss, I really like Dragons, but there are too many of them as final bosses. I want something really unique for the final battle.
  22. I want an idea similar to this. Basically the story is like a "Choose your Adventure" book. You make several large decisions throughout the story, and then different things happen. For Example: Your army is approaching the border of the opposing nation, you have two choices; Attack the border guards straight on, or navigate through the mountainous passage and sneak around. Each choice gives different battles and challenges. This could give a lot of run-variety and replay-ability.
  23. I mainly want all of the GBA games. Blazing Sword, Binding Blade, and Sacred Stones. I would love to see all the FE games (pre-Awakening) remade in the style of Echoes: SoV. I did not play Gaiden before Echoes: SoV, so getting to play an older game with modern graphics(Which were really well done) would be awesome.
  24. To kill him, it has to be every 4th attacker. So... Mae attacks, nullified Boey attacks, nullified Kilff attacks, nullified Alm attacks, damage And so on until he dies. For the first three attackers, make sure they can survive a hit from Jedah, and know that he can counter from any range.
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