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Everything posted by Lord_Grima

  1. I think Male Robin's voice is too deep. I sounds so odd compared to his main voice from Awakening. I think his Heroes voice is deeper than his deepest voice in Awakening. Just sounds so weird...
  2. Azura told Corrin that if he lost his dragonstone, then he would lose his humanity and would Dragon-Rage again. After hearing that after chp 5 I wanted a chapter where Corrin's dragonstone was stolen and Corrin went into Dragon-Rage mode and Azura and Co(whatever army you had) had to fight back a retrieve it. (not sure if corrin would be an ally, enemy or controllable like normal). But I thought this would be a cool concept for a chapter near the end of a story path.
  3. After chapter 3 i found it strange that Corrin did not question what happened against Hans. If i saw my arm do that, I would probably freak out...
  4. I thought the concept of Corrin was good. Having the player be the main character and being part dragon, I was fine with that and excited for something new. After playing the games, my opinion has changed. I don't like Corrin's idealist character, doesn't work that well. Especially the way it was done. In birthright Corrin starts out idealist, but suddenly wants to murder everyone in Nohr after Lilith Died (Hans and Iago mainly), that was odd.... There were a lot of other odd situations. Overall, I liked gameplay of Corrin, but as a character, he/she was not the best. Robin > Corrin
  5. If you need a Blue Magic User and don't care about the range, then if you can get Corrin(F) she makes a good Blue Unit. Good Defenses and good debuffs.
  6. I like the Grim and Shadow Yato the best. I prefer the more western style sword, over the curved edge of the Blazing Yato. The Darker Purple is a nice color to go with it. Omega Yato is a bit much for me.
  7. I want to see a non-sorcerer Villain. While Dark Magic is nice, I don't want to see the almost stereotypical Sorcerer as the main or secondary antagonist(Iago, Validar, Zola, and others) I liked having It was something different and unique. Which also means I don't want a Dragon as the Final boss. (Grima, Anankos, Ganon's Dragon form, and several other dragons).
  8. Someone on Reddit already compiled all character art online: http://imgur.com/a/xGB9F Here is the link to the Reddit, they also have other things like map sprites: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/5rxslp/fire_emblem_heroes_asset_collection_all_art/
  9. Blue: Corrin(F) - She is a magic attacker which helps for team variety. She has pretty good Def and Res, and with her Dark Breath attack and Seal Res she is a good debuffer. Green: Raven - Brave Axe with all around good stats, he has been my MVP since my 2nd pull. Red: Selena or Olivia - I don't have many good red characters, but Selena and Olivia are my mains so far. Olivia is weak in Def and Res, but her dancing ability is very helpful. Selena is more defensive than Olivia and with an armor slayer and Triangle Attack she can deal with Green units quite well. I would like to replace them with a better character though... Grey: Wyrs - Good healer with decent Def and Res. Can often survive an attack from an enemy. Can heal 10 Hp to everyone else as his special skill.
  10. I just used o because I did not know how to make that letter, so thanks.
  11. Might be nice, I know that some magic characters have a ability on their 4*/5* tome that gives them weapon advantage over grey units, so that helps. I know Cecilia has it, but there are others. Robin and Raigh have it as well. The spell is ----Raven. the ---- is the fancy color names. gronnraven RauĂ°rraven blarraven
  12. Group of 5, 20 orbs spent, or one pull session.
  13. For every pull session without a 5*, you chance of getting a 5* (from normal pool, and focus pool) increases by .25% So, the more non-5* sessions you do, the better chance of 5*'s in the next pull. Then once you do get a 5* it resets to 3% each.
  14. I just summoned a three * Robin and got the special cutscene. I saw the cutscene first, and thought it was a 5 *. I was a little disappointed when it saw 3 *'s.
  15. Yes! I want Grima and Anankos! Other villains would be amazing!
  16. Go into a high lvl'd map in the Training Tower, and make sure that the character you want SP for does the killing,
  17. You can also use shards and crystals to instantly level up a character.
  18. Name: Corrin (F) HP: 18 Atk: 16 Spd: 5 Def: 8 Res: 6 Weapon Skill: Dark Breath+ Assist Skill: Special Skill: Draconic Aura
  19. Name: Cecilia HP: 16 Atk: 15 Spd: 6 Def: 3 Res: 7 Weapon Skill: Gronnraven Assist Skill: Rally Resistance Special Skill:
  20. Name: Fir HP: 19 Atk: 13 Spd: 9 Def: 3 Res: 6 Weapon Skill: Killing Edge+ Assist Skill: Special Skill: Glacies Name: Hinata HP: 21 Atk: 14 Spd: 4 Def: 9 Res: 2 Weapon Skill: Ruby Sword+ Assist Skill: Special Skill: Pavise Name: Laslow HP: 19 Atk: 15 Spd: 7 Def: 5 Res: 4 Weapon Skill: Silver Sword+ Assist Skill: Special Skill: Noontime Name: Selena HP: 17 Atk: 13 Spd: 10 Def: 7 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Armorslayer+ Assist Skill: Reposition Special Skill: Name: Donnel HP: 16 Atk:14 Spd: 3 Def: 5 Res: 4 Weapon Skill: Brave Lance+ Assist Skill: Reciprocal Aid Special Skill: Name: Gwendolyn HP: 21 Atk: 16 Spd: 4 Def:11 Res:5 Weapon Skill: Killer Lance+ Assist Skill: Special Skill: Escutcheon Name: Barst HP: 19 Atk:17 Spd: 7 Def:5 Res:2 Weapon Skill: Brave Axe+ Assist Skill: Reposition Special Skill: Name: Arthur HP: 18 Atk: 15 Spd: 7 Def: 7 Res: 3 Weapon Skill: Emerald Axe+ Assist Skill: Swap Special Skill: Name: Gordin HP: 18 Atk:11 Spd:5 Def:8 Res:3 Weapon Skill: Brave Bow+ Assist Skill: Shove Special Skill: Name: Draug HP: 24 Atk: 14 Spd: 5 Def: 12 Res:2 Weapon Skill: ??? Assist Skill: ??? Special Skill: ???
  21. Name: Tiki HP: 16 Atk: 14 Spd: 5 Def: 10 Res: 6 Weapon Skill: Lightning Breath+ Assist Skill: Special Skill: Bonfire Name: Subaki HP: 17 Atk: 14 Spd: 9 Def: 9 Res:5 Weapon Skill: Sapphire Lance+ Assist Skill: Swap Special Skill:
  22. Name: Raven HP: 18 Atk: 14 Spd: 4 Def: 6 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Brave Axe+ Assist Skill: Special Skill: Sol
  23. I can help submit data, I have a lot of lvl 1 characters that I'm not planning to use. And a side note, if you have a lvl 20 or higher character (4 stars or less), you can see what the base stats of the next higher rarity would have. Go into Unlock Potential and select a lvl 20 or higher character and click next, this will show current lvl'd stats compared to "Initial values for a X * character.
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