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Everything posted by Lord_Grima

  1. CYL Lucius CYL Berkut Just two of my favorite characters. Just decided to make them as OP as I could.
  2. I'd like to see something of a mix between FE7 and FEH. When you highlight an enemy, if gives a small box on the edge/corner of the screen that gives a few base stats, but then you can click a button to expand it. Preferably something like FE Echoes: SoV style with the translucent overlay on the side. Instead of opening a menu(FE7) it just opens an overlay. Translucent background so you can still see the map, but the text and stats are visible. This could be a neat way of merging the two styles.
  3. Well, more leaks == new update on the Compilation (and I just updated it as well...). FE16 - Fire Emblem: New Moon "Leak" Compilation V - 2.2 Story Info: Characters: Classes: Mechanics:
  4. Ok, after watching Mangs' video, reading comments there and at the reddit post, and going back through all the leaks; I've updated the compilation to give a little more detail or clarify some parts(and add some small details I missed). I've underlined most of my edits. As I've said before, please tell me if I missed anything, or if you want more clarification on something. Enjoy :) FE16 - Fire Emblem: New Moon "Leak" Compilation V - 1.2 Story Info: Characters: Classes: Mechanics:
  5. I'll try making a compilation of all the info. If I missed anything, please let me know. FE16 - Fire Emblem: New Moon Story Info: Characters: Classes: Mechanics:
  6. Henry would be awesome in this type of banner, Halloween does seem like his favorite holiday. He does have a collar, so it is not confirmed Leo. A Coffin? Odd. There are a lot of feathers, crows/ravens. I really do not want more Fates characters, I really want more Awakening or FE7 characters. The left person. Umm... no idea. A jester or clown?
  7. Robin and Leo are definitely my favorites, Robin a little more. The Mages are fun and don't have to deal with the weapon triangle. Lucina, Lissa, and Cordelia are second favorites. Haven't gotten Lyn, Celica, or Anna yet. Definitely want to try them when I get them. I want to use Tiki more, but I just don't like her moveset. I haven't needed to use any of the other Fates units, and I'm happy with that. Camilla, just no.
  8. Hmm.... Interesting... Characters: Huon - (Jagen) Sounds like a mix of Gunter and Mycen (maybe Jagen as well, I just don't know Jagen well). An old Jagen-esque unit is common. Gwendolen - Nothing much to say about her. Godfrey - Sounds evil, could be cool. Probably because there is a King Godfrey in Dragon Quest 9. Mirela & Miruna - The Cain & Abel archetypes are now mages? Fates had them as Ninjas, so why not? Felix - Not much to say. 2D sprites on a 3d map - This makes sense. Keep similar aspects from the 3ds games, but improve them. Stat screens will most likely work like the GBA games, or FEHeroes (giving a small bit at the top of the screen, then you can inspect to see the full screen)). Avatar's name is skipped in VA - This is how most major games with VA do it. I'll use Dragon Quest 8 as my prime example. They keep the name in the subtitles, but don't say it or just use a pronoun/nickname/title instead. Kotaro Yamada - interesting choice. Don't know much about him, but Narcian and Lyn have decent arts, so he might do well. Otherwise no opinion. Overall, A lot of this seems like safe guesses. An old Jagen-esque unit, the "Christmas knights" but mages, similar battle map to the 3ds games, and full VA(minus avatar name). The only thing surprising is the Artist. Still skeptic until full Nintendo/IS statement.
  9. Robin is definitely my top/ favorite unit. Lissa, Leo, and Lucina are a close second. Frederick and Cordelia are in my third favorites. These six are the first ones I master sealed. Just got Marth, Caeda, and Tiki, so trying them out now. Leo is the only unit from Fates that I want to play as. Haven't gotten Lyn or Celica yet, but I really want to.
  10. Owain! All the way. He was a favorite from Awakening, and still a favorite character here. I'm sad he is not playable in base-game, but at least I know he will be playable. Azura and Olivia could be really cool if their movesets are done right. Miverva will be nice to have, because I refuse to use Camilla and an Axe flier will be nice. (As soon as I saw Camilla I was half-yelling "Go away Camilla!!")
  11. More SD and Awakening characters would be nice. Fates does not need any more characters, there are already too many(DLC included). Representation from some of the other games would be awesome! Shadow Dragon: Camus (one of the only SD characters I know besides the ones already in or DLC. Lance Cavalier.) Awakening: Basilio (Another axe Infantry, mixes up his moveset with bows and a more aggressive/ less magic version of Lissa) Walhart (Axe Cavalier, could be similar to Frederick, but maybe some variation) Gangrel (A moveset similar to the trickster class.) Nowi (Proper manakete moveset, Tiki's moveset does not work for me) Aversa (Tome flier, very unique) Echoes: SoV: Lukas (Lance infantry(armor). designed like the Baron Class, uses his shield as well as his lance) Alm (If Celica is in the game, it just makes sense) Leon (Archer Cavelier) Berkut (The Prince of Darkness just has to be in this game. Lance Cav moveset, He goes "Duma Mad" in his Awakening) FE7: Lucius (light magic and staffs) Raven (Sword/Axe Infantry) Ninian (with a proper manakete moveset, same reason as Nowi) Hector (armored Axe unit. High Def and HP) Binding Blade: Roy (sword Infantry/ Cavalier, fire aspect to his sword) Radiant Dawn/ Path of Radiance: Ike (very popular unit, a lot of ways to give him a unique moveset) Soren (One of the few characters I know. Tome Infantry) Titania (one of the few characters I know. Axe Cavalier)
  12. It's a DLC item. When playing the Inner Sanctum or the Astral Temple, you can find Astral Shards: https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/weapons/items/#star When a character holds one, it boosts the growth rates of that character. If you find all twelve and a black pearl you can talk to the old guy in the beginning of the Inner Sanctum and he will combine them into a Star Jacinth, which gives a +30% to all stats (+5% to Res).
  13. I want to upgrade or give a Brave Unit version of some characters that I really like, but got poor representation in Heroes. Lucius: Raven: Might make more FE7 Units later.
  14. I assembled his Sprite. Looking at the weapon sprites from this update, this red tome is new, so I assume it is his. I hope he has good stats, a new strong Red Mage would be nice. EDIT: here is some updates/ leak info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMcRlCI5WxY
  15. He is does have a -Atk base. I do have another Abel (+Res/-Def) that could become the base, but I'll wait and see what other Abels I pull. Upgrade to Moonbow and add Quickened Pulse SS, then with Hone Cav. buffs he can be a pretty strong attacker. (Berkut still better).
  16. A lot of my favorite units are blue, so while pulling for them I got a lot of one specific unit, so I made this.
  17. Returning Classes: Dread Fighter - More like Awakening, I liked having magic on my ninja-like class. Assassin - I really liked this class in Awakening (it was a bit OP, but...). I liked it better than the Master Ninja in Fates because it focused on swords, and then had bows(or daggers in FE:Switch) as a secondary, instead of the opposite. It felt like a real upgrade to my thief compared to trickster. Trickster - Even though it was not as good as the Assassin, I liked the sword and staff combo. Basara - The Lance and Tome combo on an infantry unit is great, but I really want a huge design redo! The Basara looks so weird and out of place. Warrior - Axes and Bows would be awesome to have again. Sage - Much better than Onmyoji. Pirates - No Fujin Yumi? No problem, I can walk the Seven Seas with only my bronze axe! Soldier - This was one of my favorite classes in Echoes: SoV, and I liked it a lot better than the Spear Master. New Classes: Troubadour - A mounted musician(refresher), they use an instrument(like the GBA rings) to either refresh a unit or give high boosts to one unit. Can be upgraded to a Minstrel which grants more abilities (refresh and a small boost). Wields their instruments and probably daggers or a tome. More Mage fliers - Dark Flier/Pegasus and Malig Knight would be nice to come back, but with some upgrades. As others have said, maybe a mage flier route of Mage Flier(tome) --> Dark Flier(tome & lance)/ Malig Knight(tome & axe).
  18. Ok, so more and more details are added. A mix of old and new sounds really good. If it really is like Echoes: SoV with two routes, then I'd be happy. If these "leaks" are true, then I am also happy about no children. They made sense in Awakening, but Fates made no sense at all. She said that the Weapon Triangle will be Pre-Fates style. So, separate physical and magical triangles, but what happens to daggers and bows (if daggers return). Will bows be on their own again? As a follow up are there any new weapon types? If IS does make a game that can balance old and new fans, that would be pretty awesome. Still skeptic until Nintendo or IS releases official details.
  19. Right now: Nothing, have 45k feathers and just waiting to use them. If a good GHB unit comes, they will probably get it. Current/ Long-term goal: Make one of each character that I own 4* lvl 40(no SI). Then if I really like them and want to use them, promote to 5*. Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna will eventually become 5*.
  20. Nowi, Fae, Ninian, one Corrin, and one Tiki seem like the most obvious. I really don't want Fates royals to be the voting gauntlet, we've had a lot of them in VG's already. My hope is Manaketes vs. Inheritors(humans with dragon powers) Manaketes: Dragon Inheritors: Nowi Corrin Tiki(Y) Robin? Fae Julia Ninian Alm/Celica? Alm and Celica could be part of this. Celica was possessed by Duma... might be a stretch, but I don't know who else to add.
  21. If it was something similar to Awakening, then I would be fine. One tome weapon rank, but each level has different tomes of each affinity. Base, El-, Arc-, etc. I liked Awakening's magic over Fates, because then I could choose what type of tome I wanted to give to each unit while making sure they had the highest level of it. Different bonuses for each type could be neat, but still sounds complicated.
  22. My DLC hopes: Awakening - Basilio, Nowi, Walhart Fates - Benny, Saizo, Keaton SD - Wrys, Linde, Minerva, Abel I haven't played SD, so I just picked characters I know from Heroes. On a separate note, if IS pushed to add Lyn and Celica, could there be something hidden there? Celica is most likely added because Echoes: SoV recently came out and might want more promotion for that. Lyn could have been added because of her popularity, but what if she was added to hint at a new Echoes title, FE7. This is just a big guess and could easily be wrong, but I'll keep my hopes up for a FE7 remake.
  23. Basilio - He was fun in Awakening, best one-liners :). And he would be the best infantry axe unit. Lucius - One of my favorite characters from FE7, powerful Light magic would be fun. (He needs redemption after Heroes). Lukas/ Berkut - Two of my favorite characters in Echoes, both really good and could be fun in Warriors.
  24. FE: Awakening title/ Intro Cutscene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zbNdQhDfAg Around 1:25 - 1:31, Sumia is clearly shown. Support Growths: Chrom x Sumia has Chrom's quickest support growth. https://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/supports/support-growth/ And: "Finally, in the case of equal support points (and, again, if neither of the special cases apply), the priority goes: Sumia --> Sully --> Maribelle --> Avatar --> Olivia." Just a little food for thought :) ________________________________________ Getting Back on topic, I think a pre-determined couple, or something like Alm and Celica would be a great idea. It can be something unique and you can get a lot of story elements from that, cause in Awakening/ Fates, S-Ranks have no story relevance (besides kids). So, having a story element based of this relationship could be really interesting(similar to Alm and Celica's fight but more drawn out, or causes different changes in the army based on how you answer a question as that character).
  25. Some of those features sound cool, and would be awesome to have, but I'll join team Skeptic/ Fake. The gothic/ vampire style sounds a little far out. Pretty much all FE games have been in the same style/ theme. So, hard to believe a sudden change without an official statement. And we already have the best vampire:
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