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Rend Keaven

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Everything posted by Rend Keaven

  1. Granted, but the only clear objectives you can give to a map is "Defeat The Boss". I wish GameCube games will come out on the Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow.
  2. Birthdays: The closest to mine is Kagero by 3 days. Name: Kieran in Tellius games, at least in the Japanese version where he is called by my real name which is Kevin. Appearance: Definitely Gaius. Yes I'm a red head and also have a bit of a skinny yet angle body. Personality: A blend of Felicia, Cordelia and Silas. Felicia because I have Dyspraxia which hinders my practical skills which and make me clumsy at times as well as good tolerance to low temperatures and also try to make as much effort into my work despite this. Cordelia as I'm usually considered the smart one in my small group of close friends yet I stress that I'm not that smart and perfect. My IQ is only around 120 last time I checked. Silas because there are times where I act mature and informal spontaneously and I'm more of a friend person than a family man.
  3. Chapter 25 in Birthright and Conquest are both awful in their own ways (not that far in Revelations so can't say the same for 25 in that route).
  4. 1. Have you every played any Metal Gear Solid games? 2. Which FE character would you compare yourself to? 3. Favourite Youtuber? 4. What sports are you into? 5. Would you rather have a Fire Emblem game with Ambush Reinforcements or True Hit?
  5. I always assumed that's him trying to sabotage your chances of getting to the Gaiden chapter. Uhai: "Ah, trying to get the gaiden chapter eh? Well you have to catch me first!"
  6. Is FE screwed? In terms of game play, no, but in terms of creating well written stories and characters, pretty much. I love Fates as it's my second favourite FE game thanks to it's revolutionary battle system and the options to make your units overpowered being a bit limited compared to past titles, but the writing has stooped very low. Shadow Dragon barely had any character but at least it was being (with a tad overkill) faithful to the original and had a lord where I wasn't cringing at the stupid mistakes and quotes he says. As for the personalities with the characters in Fates, they can be very polarizing. You have units with well written backstories and motives and then you have units, who's character is established by one specific trait (Oh, he's the unlucky one, she's the psychopath, he's the one with a massive ego etc). Heck, the support writers did a better job at writing conversations than the writers of the story. If they can keep the gameplay like Fates and improve on the writing department, the series will be at an even greater peak. If you can do that in your previous games, then there is no excuse not to in this day and age.
  7. Cutest: Rebecca, Sophie, Elise, Cynthia, Maria and Florina Prettiest: Tana, Mikoto, Cordelia, Natasha, Maribelle and Charlotte Priscilla Attractive: Tiki (FE13), Camilla, Isadora, Velouria, Lyn and Shiida
  8. On This Special Day/ Happy Birthday Mitama/ May Your Dreams Come True
  9. Not only did I voted to stay, but I was also a Yes voter in the Scottish referendum. Why I voted Yes you may ask? Because in case shit like this happens.
  10. Bit cliche but I'll have to go with Awakening. Solid game, decent lore, characters and a better story than Fates IMO. But the battle system feels weird and how every chapter is a defeat boss map gets really repetitive. I can see how this game saved the franchise, but I think this game will age sooner than some of the past FE games.
  11. I married Laslow in my Conquest playthrough, Laslow might fall behind in the late game due to his low speed, but his daughter being a hero with Dragon Fang or Draconic Hex will make up for that.
  12. Aw cool, the last two DLCs come out before my Birthday. That's kind of a treat :)
  13. About to start Revelations What would be a good Talent for an Avatar with Boon Resistance and Sickly as my Bane? I'm thinking Ninja but Sorcerer could work...
  14. Probably a repost but got a good chuckle out of this:
  15. [spoiler=Conquest Character] Name: Margaret Decription: An experienced healer who doesn't take rejections lightly Gender: Female Class: Troubadour Growths: HP 60% Str 15% Mag 60% Skl 45% Spd 50% Lck 70% Def 50% Res: 60% Reclass: Pegasus Knight Available: Conquest chapter 14 (level 16) and Revelations chapter 14 (level 8) Recruitment: Appears as NPC, Talk with Avatar or Leo (If Leo is in your party her AI will move towards him) Personal Skill: Object Permanence: If this unit heals an ally within the enemy attack range, she will gain +40 avoid during the enemy phase Age/Appearance: Roughly a few years older than the avatar, similar build to Camilla except thinner and no cleavage. Ginger Hair like Gaius that is long and straight. brown eyes, pale skin, wears an amber necklace, black dress with golden sleeves and buttons. Unit Roster: A lady from a renowned family of physicians, Once an applicant to be Leo's retainer, however, despite meeting many requirements was rejected and made herself difficult to accept no for an answer. She hates people who approach from behind. Best charades player in the army. Born December 9th. Personality: Kind nature, but socially awkward and can be a bit "Adorkable" sometimes. Does not take rejection very well as it leads her to become aggro or depressed, but in some supports she learns that sometimes it's not something to get worked up about and that rejection is not always a bad thing. S Supports: Every male non Corrinsexual, Best ones are Leo, Niles, Benny, Silas and Keaton. Revelations Azama and Saizo A+ Supports: Charlotte, Camilla and Selena. Oboro and Kagero in Revelations Dual Support: They got nothing on us!/ Don't be a hero!/ Please don't mess this up. Dual Strike: Now's my chance!/ Out of the way!/ Look out! Dual Guard: Watch yourself!/ Pick up the pace!/ Are you out of your mind!? Critical/Skill quote: Eeni-Meeni-Miini-DIE!/ Lights out, Loser!/ You had your chance!/ Here is my trump card! Defeats enemy: Another one bites the dust/*giggle*/Who hired these idiots?/ Got to keep going forward! Partner defeats enemy: I thought I was a goner!/ Nice work!/ *gasping* I need a minute! Death quote: "Not...Now..." Death/Retreat quote: So...this...is death? Thank..you..for giving me this...opportunity..." /"Oh dear! I have to fall back, I..er.. broken a nail! Shut up! This is serious!" Confession line: "You're the first person to make me feel as if my existence really mattered, As your wife,I want to make sure that our journey is one that doesn't know when to stop. Let's treasure this moment, forever!"
  16. When I played Birthright, The sadness of the cut scene was over shadowed by the sheer irony as Felicia and her husband (Saizo) were the MVP's of the chapter.
  17. About choosing five Einherjar's for other save files after beating the campaign, can you replay the final chapter and keep getting more or is there limit's to that?
  18. At the door steps of Conquest's endgame and I just want to know if Invasion 3 is really worth beating? Half of my main team are almost level 20 and I'm unsure if it's worth the trouble or not.
  19. Can you post the video where shows this happening to this LP-er? I want to see how bad this bug is as I'm starting Revelations next week.
  20. Makes sense, my Camilla is level 20, max speed and has Bowbreaker which I think will be worth using an eternal seal on and hopefully will help in the last few chapters.
  21. Are eternal seals worth buying near the end game in conquest? I have enough to buy 3 of them for units that have almost reached level 20 and I'm not sure if there are other items that will help me more.
  22. Nyx. she was doing better than Odin at one point in my playthrough. I get that her gimmick is having insane magic and speed but what's the point in that if she doesn't have the skill to land a hit? Her character is interesting though. Benched her before she even got promoted. Siegbert's a good unit but the whole "I must impress father" get's annoying really fast.
  23. Currently stuck on Conquest Chapter 24 due to terrible luck and me doing stupid mistakes. Is it worth bringing in fliers for this chapter as they can move greater distances in the whirlwind?
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