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Rend Keaven

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Everything posted by Rend Keaven

  1. I usually don't like the "edgy, anti social" ninja stereotype, but doesn't change the fact that he is a good unit and character. I love his personal skill and it even saved my speed/resistance screwed avatar's life from Camilla in chapter 13 and I'd love to see someone use this skill to it's full advantage in PVP. I still prefer Kaze but Saizo is still good. He is the best designed out of the ninja trio. Also as a suggestion, to save the trouble of posting numerous topics for a character every week, change the title of this topic to Opinions on that Fire Emblem Fates Character #13-"the subject character". It may save time and can create a sub community within the topic.
  2. 1# Inigo/Laslow: My favourite of the Awakening Trio and my Conquest husband. I think he is a better ladies man troupe than Sain in FE7. At least Laslow had a fair reason for his optimism during his apocalyptic upbringing and how he can sometimes learn from his rejections. I even like his daughter as well despite the controversy behind her 2# Shigure: I know he plays a strong role in Heir of Fates which I've yet to play. I kind of wish his supports with his siblings were more complex instead of them trying to get to know each other. Instead why not yet the subject be about why his sibling can't sing on a level like he can and have Shigure help hem improve. 3# Selkie: Not very interesting in my book, her childish behaviour put's me off, if they were try to make her act like how fox cubs would act if they were humans that's fine but make her have a serious side like Velouria. At least her voice sounds cool when she transforms. 4# Flora: She's alright, I wish she wasn't a Corrin sexual and I respect her loyalty to her tribe. 5# Scarlet: Why is she a Corrin sexual?! Her character makes me what to know more about her and she was treated like garbage in Revelations. Battle wise she's fun but she won't be leading the end game. 6# Selena: (A.K.A Medieval Asuka Langley from Evangelion) She's the one who shows the most character development out of the trio. "That was miiiiinnnee!" is now "I guess I owe you one!" I not a huge fan of Tsunderes but she a decent subject of that troupe. 7# Nyx: One of the few characters I don't like. I find her back story sickening as she had killed people for mindless reasons. At least with peri you can argue it was due to childhood trauma. Also her lack of skill is appauling. 8# Takumi: He's OK and I like him in Conquest as you slowly watch his rage descend him in madness. Dare I say, in Conquest, he was very close to becoming a great villain like Lyon in FE8. His Fujin Yumi is way too broken, give it a stat debuff when you use it consecutively or something. 9# Corrin: *sigh* Corrin is the dumbest lord in the entire series. Roy was stupid but at least he was only in his mid teens so he was at the age were he was learning to be a leader step by step. Corrin is such a push over, we had protagonists, such as Hector, Ike and Sigurd who were willing to show no mercy on the enemy. I'm not saying a character needs to kill people to be entertaining but when the main character is from a game were the main theme is war and political struggle and he/she acts like "Stop! Please! Killing is wrong! Why won't no one listen to me?" I can't take them seriously, it's like having the main character in a movie be a boxer who spends all of the story telling people to stop fighting. I feel embarrassed that I used my real name for this character, because this is a character who I cringe from his stupidity. Gameplay wise he is very good, just wished Revelations didn't tried to shower him him experience at the first few chapters. 10#Sophie: The cutest of the children IMO, she may be a cavalier Sumia but I like how diverse he skill set ups can be despite not being too broken compared to Midori. She can still kick ass no matter the set up, even with odd mothers like Nyx and Elise. Sorry I missed your birthday darling, Chapter 24 in Revelations made me want to take a break after that mess of a map. 11#Shura: My third least favourite of the Corrin sexuals behind Reina and Yukimura. He's a good character and his support with Corrin are cool but his depressing My Room quotes made me wish I just killed him for the boots.
  3. I would say Kaze, when I looked at his portraits he made me think "Oh, he's going to be the Kent in the Ninja duo, yeah he's going to be boring". But his personality and supports are well made. I also think that he represents the whole "choose a side" theme better than any other character. Not only is he my favourite of the ninja trio, but he is my favourite character in Fates and maybe in the entire series. For the children, probably Velouria. Beast units are the few classes I dislike because of how their terrible base stats are depending on the game and how gimmicky they are. Also, when I heard she is the biggest daddy's girl out of all the personality-lacking children I was ready to hate her. However not only is she one of the best children in terms of combat but the whole over-attached daughter thing works because Wolves naturally form strong bonds with their kin so it allows the Lupen personas to be shown in anthropogenic form very well. Out of the royal siblings, Hinoka. I hated her Tommy Pickles voice and even benched her in Birthright. By the time I got to Revelations on the other hand she made me wish I never benched her. She has the best ethical will out of all the siblings: Takumi has mental issues, Sakura's a pacifist, Ryoma's loyal to a fault and less I say about the Nohr siblings (minus Leo) the better. So yeah Hinoka's my favourite sibling, also her map when you fight her for the last time in Conquest is amazing.
  4. If I had to pick one for each route. Birthright Husbando/Waifu: Azama/Scarlet (Only because of the whole killing off a child if I married a 1st gen female but regretted it when some of the children ended up being garbage and forgettable) Conquest: Laslow/Ophelia(Only because I have a thing for women with amazing vocabulary) All routes: Kaze/Sophie
  5. 1. Were there any "walls" you came across on the path you took to get the career you have now? 2. Have you played any Fire Emblem Hacks? 3. Have you meet any celebrities in person? 4. Less favourite game play mechanic in the series (Fog of War, Ambush Spawns etc)? 5. Any funny moments you've had as a doctor?
  6. I haven't read many of the supports where you find out about her backstory, all I know is that she had a terrible relationship with her own mother. From what I've seen in fiction, good parents are most likely to been raise by terrible parents because they don't want their children to go through what they did. If that's the case, why act so creepily-motherly towards Corrin? Is it because she know they're not blood relative that she can get away with it? I really like Camilla as a unit, but as a character she had potentially however I'm just not into the creepy-over obsessive type. At least with Tharja it can easily be played out as the creepy girl with the High School crush on the Avatar, but the fact that Camilla and Corrin were raised as siblings is just wrong to me.
  7. Which is a better skill for Camilla to pass on to Shiro? Savage Blow or Trample?
  8. 1. Any parenting advice you are willing to share? 2. Worse magic user in Fire Emblem? 3. If you could own 3 magic tomes from the series, which would they be? 4. Favourite movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? 5. What inspired you to become a doctor?
  9. In the chapter where you create replicas via dragon veins, do the replicas have better growth rates? I had 4 instances where the replicas got perfect level ups.
  10. Had to pick a choice for best chapter in the series since I would have to play all games to give a full answer. FE7: Pale Flower of Darkness (perferable Jermes version), it may have terrain effects with the snow, but they offer you so many ways to go around this and I love how variable this map can be. Not only does the map have two version depending on levels in your team but you get pre promotes who are actually very good. FE8: Last Hope, A very fun defense map, it's like Conquest chapter 10 but less tough and cruel. The reinforcements are strong but are well balanced, it ironical feels like defending a castle from a zombie invasion as you kill so many unit at the chokepoints. Only thing I don't like is that the NPC units are too weak, it's actually really sad to watch. Birthright: Chapter 13, to me this was when the developers put effort into making this game challenging at the earliest. A easy yet dangerous boss if you're not careful and the mini bosses are fun. Conquest: Tie between chapter 10, 18 and 24. Cool designs and gimmicks
  11. For my playthrough I made her reach A+ in supports with Oboru so she will be a Spear Master with insane skill or Barasa if I decide to give her rend heaven. It should be helpful since she will still keep her rank in lances upon class change.
  12. Is there any benefit in marrying Takumi with Elise? I plan on marrying Takumi with Orochi and Elise with Jakob, are those choices OK or should I switch them around?
  13. Granted, but they will face liquidation during the next season. I wish the pirate class will return in FE15
  14. I really want to give you a solid answer, however I never played the Tellius games and my PC isn't good enough to play them on a GC emulator so I can't compare both games. I will say that the gameplay in both versions are their saving graces. Conquest is my second favourite FE game behind FE7. The story is not very good, with silly plot devices and a protagonist who is a very good unit but has a cringe-worthy personality (he/she does have their redeeming moments though). The characters for the playable units in Fates are done alot better than in Awakening (One of the units in Conquest is a Tsundere beast unit and somehow it works so well), even the "Awakening Trio" has good character development which I won't go into too much detail, however the same can't be said for the child units. while some are very good (Leo's, Arthur's and maybe Odin's child) ,there as those who are either carbon copies of previous characters or total brats.
  15. Stats. To me, there is a difference between judging someone as a unit and a character. For units I don't care if he/she is cruel, heartless, embarrassing, stupid, childish etc, as long and they do work in the battlefield and help me progress through the game, they can redeem themselves.
  16. For FE7: I would say Lowen and Wallace. I actually prefer Lowen more than Sain, I know the latter is statistically superior but I always get RNG screwed with Sain. So Lowen is usually my secondary paladin and he has an awesome color scheme when he promotes. Also how can you not love Wallace? His no BS attitude makes me imagine a powerful general going all Dynasty Warriors on the battlefield. FE14: Peri. She use to be one of my worse units, but I used her because I wanted Leo to have a partner and planned on benching her once I recruited Forrest, however, she ended up being better than both of them. I checked online and noticed most people suggested using Silas over her and was surprised, my Peri capped strength and speed as a level 13 Paladin and she's on of those unit that I had to much fun using. Also she has my favourite critical portrait, gotta love those Mascara tears. FE13: Noire. Personally, I think she is a psychotic character done right in a FE game. Love her attire and her supports with Brady are adorable.
  17. I got bored today and remembered how annoyedI was at how Kaze and Saizo do not have a special boss conversation in Chapter 25 Conquest especially how much I tried to raise Kaze for this moment. It was a missed opportunity to include the same level of feels in Mother 3's endgame. I noticed my local friends have been getting into writing their own fictional series,so I thought I might practice writing for the hell of it. Here is my draft for the final conversation between the Ninja twins and a few more conversation for funsies. Writing literature isn't my forte so feel free to post any constructive criticism. You can post boss convos of your own if you want. [spoiler=Kaze VS Saizo]S: I will never understand your intentions in betraying your homeland.Before one of us dies here, I wish to know what caused you to follow the same path as Avatar like the traitor you are? K: There is no betrayal brother, only loyalty. S: Care to elaborate? K: On the night when Sumeragi was killed in Cheve, I noticed signs of his assassination being orchestrated yet failed to report it. My actions caused the kidnapping of Avatar which made me unable to forgive myself and lose the true meaning of loyalty for years. S: ... K: It was until the day when I was prepared to die in King Garon's Halls, where I met the abducted price/princess and when he/she spared my life, the burden I carried for what seemed like a life time was evaporated and I found a new purpose in life by serving the price/princess that I once failed to protect. S: Well spoken, you have done alot to come this far, from stopping a rebellion to defeating the notorious Mokushu. Not that I'm proud of you. However this doesn't change the fact that I have to kill you, for Ryoma and Hoshido's sake. K: I was prepared for this since our last encounter, I won't hold anything back until I fall. S: Very well, PREPARE TO DIE, KAZE!! *Sazio defeated* S: Well done...brother, you have always fought with honour. Promise that...you won't lose..your sense of...peace... K: I will, farewell...Saizo... [spoiler=Keaton VS Kaden]KD: Wow! A wolfskin! Never expected to find one of these in this group! KT: What the?! (Isn't that one of the kitsune folk that pops used to talk about? They look friendlier than he described them, guess I should probably say something...) Who are you? KD: I'm Kaden! Chief of the Kitsune Tribe! And who might you be? KT: I'm Keaton, proud leader of a fellow pack of Wolfskins! Who is having trouble finding his way back... KD: Oh, so you're lost? KT: I'm NOT lost! I just can't remember where my home is right now! KD: Hehehe, you seem like a funny guy! But you know I have to kill you for invading my territory, right? Makes me wish we could of met under different circumstances... KT: Yeah, I understand...to be honest, I would do the same if anyone invaded my people. You should see our village, there are so many bones of our past invaders, that we're having trouble finding land to bury their bones in the ground. KD: Woah! You really know how to defend your home! Tell you want, if I defeat you I promise that me and my friends won't invade any Wolfkin homes and you can return me the favor in the after life! KT: Not if I kill you first! [spoiler=Caeldori VS Selena]S: GAH! AM I SEEING THINGS?! What crazy Hoshidan magic is this?! C: What? Magic? Are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost, do you need treatment? S: Yes, Mother...wait! I mean...er...shut up!! You just remind me of someone I use to know that's all! C: Well I was only trying to help. Despite us being on opposite sides, I don't like fighting an opponent who clearly isn't working in top form. S: AARRGG!!!! THAT'S IT! I'm tired of your "little miss perfect" attitude! You won't be so perfect once I knock you down! C: *sigh* Some people just never learn... S: AARGG! You even sigh just like her!
  18. I find the lack of tsunderes in Westminster disturbing.
  19. 1. Favourite FE architype? 2. Best experiment done in Mythbusters? 3. If you were to audition for a role in a Film or Theatre show, what would you chose as your monologue? 4. Favourite musical instrument? 5. Best support conversations?
  20. Not sure if it's a repost but found some Sponge Emblem.
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