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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Tanith: My beloved Oscar, will you come to the Begnion Royal Guard? Oscar: Lady Tanith, I'd love to, but I cannot leave my brothers. Tanith: I will petition the Empress Sanaki to pay the Greil Mercenaries a handsome sum. Surely, she will repay them for their bravery. Oscar: Tanith, I.....Very well. I will speak to Ike about it. Tanith: Will you stay with me, then? Oscar: Yes, Tanith. With my horse and your.....flying horse, we'll be unstoppable! Oscar is now with Tanith during the events of Radiant Dawn and he helps prevent the plot against Sanaki. What if Ross from FE8 was replaced with Ross from the show "Friends"?
  2. That's a shame, then. I, however, am not one of those Christians. If people are twisting around God's Word as a means of oppression, then those people are at fault. But, it doesn't reflect on every Christian. I wish people would pay more attention to "love your neighbor as yourself," "treat others how you want to be treated," and "judge lest ye be judged."
  3. Deuteronomy and Exodus in no way tell believers "go out and rape someone," which is what you were claiming. You also have to remember that the Israelite culture was quite different from our own. Yes, it doesn't make sense that a woman who was raped should be forced to marry the one who raped her. But this seemed to be a way of protecting sexual and marital purity. Exodus 21:7-11 seems to be very protective of a woman's rights, in contrast to other cultures of that day who had barely any rights for women. You're right, the Old Testament is a part of the Bible. But God does make specific commands for people at specific times. New Testament believers (and by extension, us as well because we live under Christ's New Covenant) were supposed to respect the human authority ruling over them (1 Peter 2:13-14, Romans 13:1-7). Slavery was allowed back then, it isn't allowed now. So, Christians shouldn't be enslaving people, because that would go against the law of the United States of America. And even when slavery was allowed, there was a command to slave owners to treat their slaves justly and fairly (Ephesians 6:9). Believers are also not to carry out their own judgements on others. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." (Matthew 7:1) There is no command in the New Testament to kill people who are doing certain things. The verses that you think support murder do not. They show how punishment was carried out in the times of ancient Israel. Murder was also punishable by death, you failed to mention that. So, murder was not supported in the OT. The Isaiah verses are prophecies, which show the brutality of the Medes against the Babylonians, who weren't exactly peace loving people. Isaiah 14:21 answers itself, God was trying to prevent tyrants from rising up. You have no idea how brutal people were back in ancient times. God could have been simply doing unto them what they had been doing unto others. But God is not telling us to be brutal and merciless. No, we are to reserve judgement for him. If you are merciful, mercy will be shown to you (Matthew 5:7).
  4. Sephiran: First, she made me take an acid bath. Then, I remained in the tower with Ashunera. What happened next.....Maybe the children of man can expect another Fire Emblem game to tell that tale. Kurthnaga, are you going to maintain your father's policy of Goldoa not moving?
  5. I certainly don't advocate rape or genocide. In the Old Testament the punishment for rape was often death. Nor is there a single passage in Scripture where Jesus advocates rape or genocide. The New Testament church wasn't established through violence. If anything, it was the believers of that time who were threatened. If you're going to claim that the Bible tells modern day believers to rape and kill people, at least back it up with some verses.
  6. While the back of the game box claims that you trade in speed for power by becoming a Great Knight over a Paladin, the truth is that the two classes have the same Speed cap.
  7. All right, I don't know if anyone else would be interested in this kind of a topic for Sacred Stones, but here goes! I'll start off with this fact: Hayden is known as the Sage King, but his class is actually Ranger.
  8. Alec: What?! I don't mind not being paired up, but come on! Lex, Noish, let's take him down! Ludveck, what happened to you after Part 2? Did Elincia execute you or what?
  9. So, apparently, anorexic cows exist in Tellius. Brom and Titania, despite being able to uses lances from the start in FE9, can no longer uses lances at the start in FE10 (though Brom can use them after promotion to Marshall).
  10. All FE males (except Soren): What?!? Sain: What scoundrel has posted these pictures?! We must take them down now! Shinon: You have got to be kidding me. Bastian: We must ride forthwith and defeat these yaoi fangirls! Alvis: The Emperor of Grandbell shall punish you very severely for this. Falaflame! Eliwood: I never thought my eyes would see such ghastly images..... Tormod, have you ever thought of working out, so you won't be so puny compared to Sothe and Ike?
  11. All FE Females: What?!? Heather: This is why I don't like men. Lilina: You.....You're all bad people! Farina: Well, I....I guess I look pretty good. But, I'm gonna have to ask 20,000 gold for permission to continue your work. Micaiah: I can read minds, you know. I can tell when men are having lustful thoughts. Etcetera, etcetera. Lyn, after all the time you've spent with Hector, do you still think he's a threat to his allies?
  12. Queen Micaiah's servants grabbed the assassin and forced him to the ground. But, before they could kill the man, Micaiah asked the assassin why he wanted to kill her.
  13. Micaiah: It went between Edward and Nolan (and Meg). Aran, do you realize that a character from Metroid has her last name the same as your first name?
  14. Best: Rafiel (he's in only one Fire Emblem, FE10) Worst: Rickard (FE11)
  15. But no one got the reference, therefore no one got cookies. SlayerX, fueled by his jealousy of Queen Micaiah, intended to mess up the future that she created.....through events in the past!
  16. Kieran: Why, the Silver Axe! You think you can tempt me with petty women?! I am Kieran, Second in Command of the Crimean Royal Knights! Look upon me and TREMBLE!!!!! Marcia: Dumbass! (Marcia whacks Kieran with the Silver Axe!) Kieran: Owwwww! Geoffrey, what would you do if you found out that Elincia loved Ike instead of you?
  17. Gotoh: What do you speak of, my young sheep? I see that humanity is beginning to lose its respect for its elders..... Reyson, how do you feel about your homeland also being the name of a Fire Emblem forum?
  18. Rutger: ...... Clarine: Come on, Rutger! Be a man and do something! Rutger: ...... Narshen: Who do you think you are, you little ruffi--GAAAAAHHHH! Roy, your turn. How would you like to have your fellow Smash Bros. under your command?
  19. Apparently Meg is strong enough to lift a cow even though she only starts with 10 Strength.
  20. My Unit: NO! Lord Marth! Marth: I.....Where did I go wrong.....Caeda..... My Unit: Damn it! You people won't get away with this!!!!! (My Unit then goes on a killing spree against the assassins) What if Florina was a Wyvern Rider instead of a Pegasus Knight?
  21. Hector: Bah, of course not! I win battles easily with my great strength! Tactician: Well.....Hector is a bit of a threat to his allies. But, he is a great fighter. No, he's not a nightmare. Brom, if your daughter can lift a cow, can you?
  22. But the Serenes Forest continued to flourish. Eventually, the barren land of GameFAQs grew crops and trees again. As the years passed, the people noticed how Queen Micaiah didn't seem to age at all.....She looked just as young and beautiful as she was before. But she had given birth to a boy with green/silver hair.
  23. EDIT: Ninja'd again! Micaiah, with her powers of foresight, strongly warned the SF Army and the GameFAQers not to fight each other. "GameFAQs shall not move!" exclaimed the leader of GameFAQs. Serenes Forest agreed not to fight as well, so they began to live in peace. Micaiah was praised for her great wisdom. Though she seemed reluctant, the people crowned Micaiah as Queen of the World.
  24. EDIT: Ninja'd, I'll change my post. Even though Fire Emblem survived, people were still distraught. "Crap! It's the end of the world!" read newspaper headlines. Hazmat crews hurried to disarm the remaining nuclear bombs in the minor cities of the world, before they exploded too. The world was angry at America for invading Iraq, which did not have weapons of mass destruction, as opposed to North Korea, which DID have weapons of mass destruction. Now, this error was about to cost people their dear planet Earth.....Who cared about Fire Emblem, if there was no planet to play it on? Disclaimer: This post in no way expresses the political views of Charpig or any other member of Serenes Forest.
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