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Status Updates posted by Randoman

  1. Since you mentioned being interested in reading others' original stories in the "Ask the Person Who Posted Above Something About Themselves" thread, would you happen to be interested in reading mine? I'm already sharing the first 3 episode scripts with Sooks. The basic premise is it starts off with the main character discovering mysterious, magical, unconventional weapons in the modern day city where he lives, along with bad guys that are in search of these weapons. He and his allies eventually finds themselves in a race to search for these weapons and obtain them before the villains do.

    1. DragonFlames


      Of course! That sounds interesting. I'd be happy to read it! ^^

    2. Randoman


      Awesome!! I've sent you an invite to the PM of my story.

  2. To answer your question about my creative questions, I guess I'm just a creative guy in general. My mind tends to look at things in general and think, "how can I improve this, or make it different, original, and unexpected?" I do this a lot, whether it's video games, TV shows, or even everyday objects. I will admit though, a lot of the questions I ask in the "ask a question, get an answer" thread are based on a fictional TV series idea I had. Specifically, the questions about completely original/unique weapons, the "beartrap as a weapon" question, and the "genetically modified humans" question were all straight out of that fictional series I thought up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sooks


      Ah, thank you! I’ll be waiting for the pilot to air!

    3. Randoman


      Thank you, though I doubt it'll ever reach that point. I did write up scripts for 18 of the episodes, and I'll be willing to share the first 3 episodes' scripts if you're up for it (I'm willing to share more episodes as you progress through the scripts. I trust you won't plagiarize it or anything like that). Keep in mind: it's a work in progress, I wrote the scripts around 2 years ago (and haven't worked on the scripts since then, even though I'm aware of some glaring flaws in the episodes/scripts), and the only feedback it's gotten was from 2 people who only fully read the first episode's script.

    4. Sooks


      I would totally be up for that but that would be more so me just being bored instead of me being able to provide any meaningful feedback, really, so it’s up to you.

  3. Since you mentioned watching the Aladdin TV series as a kid, who were your favourite villains from the show? Mine were Mechanicles and Mozenrath. The former for how crazy, funny, and amusing he is and the latter for being really cool and suave.

    1. DragonFlames


      Hello, hello!
      It's been a long, long time since I watched it, so my memory has a lot of holes in it, but I do remember enjoying Mechanicles a lot, too.

  4. I want to confirm, that's Weiss in your avatar, right? If not, who is she and what series is she from?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randoman


      You don't have to apologize. That's actually pretty neat. I'm interested in seeing the other OC art that you've drawn, if you're okay with showing me.

    3. Yexin


      sadly, this is the only OC i've actually ended up drawing, since she's the one i feel the most attached to

      furthermore, this one you see in my avatar is an old design, she looks a bit different now (she doesn't have that huge tuft covering half of her face, but she now has 2 longer tufts at both sides of her head)

    4. Randoman


      Ah, fair enough.

      I actually prefer the "hair covering half the face" look for female characters, but that's just me.

  5. Thanks for the birthday greeting in The Last Teehee Wins thread!! It means a lot, especially after my subpar birthday this year.

    1. Benice


      Oh, no problem! Hopefully next year's is much better for you!

  6. Hey Jedi, could you could give your friend Michael my Super Mario Maker 2 profile code? (8BK-09T-LMG) I'm pretty sure he's trying to reach out/message me on his Switch, but hasn't had any success in doing so aside from being able to friend me on his Switch console. I've also tried to reach out to him, but I can't find his account in Super Mario Maker 2 or send him any kind of message on my Switch.

    1. Jedi


      I'll send the message when I can.

    2. Jedi


      Done way later because I just got MM2 myself sry

    3. Randoman


      Thanks!! My name in Super Mario Maker 2 is Ma Ee O, so if you or Michael see someone with that name online, know that "it's-a-me"!!

  7. Hey Jedi,  could you send me yours and Michael's Super Mario Maker 2 IDs when you get the chance? You can get my ID by entering this level code in the search: YK2-YFC-RFF.

    1. Jedi


      Whenever I get it sure.

  8. Since you live in BC, I want to ask: how many Asian people live in British Columbia, in regards to population percentage? Since I never realized that British Columbia is one of the most accessible flight destinations for Asians until a few months ago, I was curious as to how many Asians immigrate there.

    1. Infinite Dreams

      Infinite Dreams

      I'm not sure about the rest of British Columbia, but the Vancouver area (where I live) definitely has a large percentage of Asian people.  If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere in the neighbourhood of 40-50% of the population of Vancouver.  :):  

    2. Randoman


      40%-50% in Vancouver? Wow, I didn't think it'd be that high. How many of them are Filipinos?

  9. I was wondering, were you able to get your cell phone battery issues sorted out? You asked me about it a while back, and I wanted to check if you were able to find a solution for it.

    1. Just call me AL

      Just call me AL

      Not yet. But considering some of the other minor but annoying issues my phone has, such as the main menu frequently being unresponsive, I'm considering an upgrade.

  10. Hey. I was browsing through the Choose Your Legends 2 thread and saw this one guy (the heavily Ephraim-biased one) discourage you from voting for Marth, because of the whole split votes issue in terms of Shadow Dragon and New Mystery votes being split for Marth. I don't think you should let that discourage you from voting for Marth, if that's what you really want to do. I mean, with Radiant Dawn Ike and Masked Marth being banned from Choose Your Legends 2, it's clear that Intelligent Systems is accounting for split votes and voting for the same character who appears in different games. So if Marth is still who you want to vote for, you should go ahead with it and know that Intelligent Systems has accounted for split votes. Don't let that Ephraim fan convince you otherwise. =)

  11. Don't worry. I plan on using all of my votes for Choose Your Legends 2 for Marth. I really hope he makes it in the top 2 males.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Randoman


      Hardin's still missing?! I can't believe I didn't notice that, especially with me liking him a lot during my very first playthrough of FE3 Book 1 (which was also my very first time playing an FE game) since I found him cool looking. Xane, I feel like with him technically being a manakete, they could implement him (but it would have to be as a dragon). They did something similar with Ninian being a manakete, right?

      Perhaps I'll use that banner, but at the same time, I feel like if I were to use it, it would make my posts in page 55-56 of the Choose Your Legends thread to look more biased. You don't think my posts on those pages are too biased/unreasonable/heated, do you?

    3. HK Motendra

      HK Motendra

      Thing is about Ninian, she actually does transform in-game. Whether you can actually DO that in game is another story, but the fact remains that she has a manakete dragon form. Xane on the other hand, discarded his dragonstone and because of that, can no longer do so, yet somehow is able to dopplegang. If he had a form to go off of, perhaps, but he doesn't

      If anything, I think you worry too much. So long as you present your statements without a level of putting the other side down, you're fine. Thought that can be hard to do sometimes when making comparisons between characters. At the moment you seem to be okay though; particularly with your last sentence on there being 3 winners on each side, instead of 2.

    4. Randoman


      Hmm... good point about Xane. Well, the only other thing I can think of is give him some sort of story related reason for him to have a dragonstone (like being transported to the Heroes realm with a dragon stone mysteriously on him). Barring that, they could make him an infantry sword user with high resistance or magic resisting skills, since in FE1 and FE3 Xane was able to use swords without transforming and FE3, 11, and 12 made him have high resistance while untransformed.

      I'm glad you think those posts are okay. I've been really paranoid about my posts ever since Integrity gave me a warn for literally saying "If you don't like Shadow Dragon, fine. But you don't need to go posting in its VC release thread only to rain on its parade" to NinjaMonkey. And thanks for arguing against Zeratul for me, in regards to siding with me on Smash's influence on the poll. I don't think I'm going to respond to his posts any further, since he made it clear in his last post that he's not being level-headed or respectful about the discussion at all.

  12. What have you done to the real Arcanite!?

    1. Arcanite


      You're gonna receive a phon call tomorrow 

      You'll find out what happened to your friend

      Just getting festive for FEH voting gauntlet shenanigans! 

  13. You're correct on Sakura. 

    1. Rex Glacies

      Rex Glacies

      Oh, nice, I got it right. I, uh, had to re-read your interview, and I assumed it might be Sakura, but I felt off about her being from Fates when I assumed you didn't care for the newer games.

  14. Awesome sig. =D Where'd you get it from?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Randoman


      I suppose so. I mean, neither the Tellius or DS era had particularly rabid fans even when they were the most recent games during their time (Jugdral did, despite never being the most recent one online, in a sense, though Jugdral is another story for another time). Keep in mind, I don't think I have too big a problem with the whole "waifu emblem" element, since even in series like Harvest Moon that have similar elements, I didn't find it weird or gross (so long as people keep it to a "safe for work" level). And although gameplay-wise, I would get married in games like those, I personally wouldn't obsess over those female characters too much, even if I did really like them looks and personality-wise.

      Well, since I doubt mods are reading this, and since I've seen people get away warnless with talking about certain SF members making unreasonable posts, it's doofina/Ema Skye.

      I hope you don't mind how worked up I always get over unreasonable fans. I do know it's something i need to tone down.

    3. HK Motendra

      HK Motendra

      The obsession, by itself, isn't the problem I believe. Rather, its when said people get very defensive over said characters. For example, anytime someone wants to either criticize, or voice a dislike/disapproval toward, say, Lucina, there's most likely always going to be someone coming in as a white knight to defend her name, even if well warranted. It happened in Smash, and now its happened again in regards to FE Warriors. I didnt think she'd be in the game for literally having the same weapon (which is what creates everyone's movesets in Warriors games), and fighting style as Chrom. She was put in anyway, despite this, even if the devs were originally against it.

      Oh them? I must have missed these cause otherwise, I had no actual opinion on them and they were just kinda... around. At least, when the Smash boards were still active.

      Well, you seem much more tame about it in comparison to others I've seen, so I'd say you're fine haha. The very fact that you're aware of it makes it all the better tbh.

    4. Randoman


      I was quite against Lucina in Fire Emblem Warriors as well, and now that you reminded me of "the weapon is what creates the moveset" rule in the Warriors series, now I'm even against it more. And I get you. I mean, there's definitely some criticism people give certain character's that unfair/incorrect, but there's some views you can't argue against, especially when it's mainly opinion/experience based (like someone thinking FE4 females looks to masculine or when someone constantly gets bad level ups from Hector).

      doofina/Ema Skye are the same person. Ema Skye is just his newest name change while doofina is the username he's used the longest. 


  15. I hope this doesn't sound too weird or random, but I really have to commend you for being much more chill, patient, and calm in your posts. I mean, I've already noticed your efforts in being more calm in the past few years, but I thought I'd formally post about it and say I appreciate it. I mean, you're still quite the good guy even back then, but you're an even better guy, now.

  16. Since you seem well versed in FE1, I was hoping you could answer this for me: in what way does the Miracle Rapier in FE1 boost Marth's growths? Does it double stat gains when he levels up (Eg: an HP +1, Str +1, Spd +1 level up becomes an HP +2, Str +2, Spd +2 level up) or does it boost up the percentages of Marth's stat growths? (eg: 50% Str growth becomes 100% Str growth)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randoman


      Ah. Would you happen to know how much the Miracle Rapier increases Marth's growths by?

    3. L9999


      Huh, turns out it is a luck based angel ring. 


      Personally I didn't use Mercurius for growths because Marth got to level 20 but there you go.

    4. Randoman


      Thanks! I've tried looking up the specifics for FE1's Miracle Rapier growth boosts myself, but all the sources I found either listed nothing about boosted growths, or just said "boosts growth rates" with nothing more specific afterwards.

      So when it says procs becoming +2, do you know if it means all stats (eg: HP +2, Str +2, Spd +2), or each stat has a chance of being +2? (eg: HP +1, Str +2, Spd +1)

  17. Vinny is second best Disney Princess, with Kuzco being first of course

  18. Long time no see. How've you been?

    1. Carter


      I'm well, the school year is almost ending, and it's been a pretty good year. I got Echoes on Friday, and that's been a lot of fun so far! How are you?

    2. Randoman


      I've been average, I guess. Things could definitely stand to improve, but it's not like I'm particularly swamped with work or anything like that. So who are your favourite Echoes characters? I haven't played Echoes, but I did play and defeat Fire Emblem Gaiden.

  19. So I was curious, of the pictures that I showed you in this post (the ones in the spoiler), which ones are your favourites?

    1. Just call me AL

      Just call me AL

      #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, and #7, I would say.

  20. Since you talk about the Seiken Densetsu/Mana series quite a bit, I was wondering, have you played Secret of Evermore? If so, what did you think of it? I recently played through it, and while I found it good and enjoyable, I couldn't help but feel some puzzles were unfair/tedious and the alchemy system and each individual weapon having its own exp. stat made things quite clunky and a bit frustrating to deal with.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randoman


      Ah, I just thought I'd ask since I barely ever hear people talk about Secret of Evermore and with your wide knowledge of lots of different games, I was interested in hearing your opinion of it.

    3. Jedi


      I know Elieson really loves it though.

    4. Randoman


      I'll try asking him about it when I see him around. Thanks!

  21. 6 years ago, I never thought I'd ever see another Genny fan in my life besides myself. Well, I guess with the Gaiden remake, it was bound to happen.

  22. So since you keep asking people in the Interview thread if they prioritize law over justice or justice over law, could you give me an example of each? I want to be prepared for when I get that question for my interview. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randoman


      I think I get it. So legal positivism refers to rules and guidelines that are set in stone, and legal naturalism is whatever the person in the situation thinks is right.

      Though strangely, I'd go for legal naturalism in the mild example and legal positivism in the extreme example. I guess overall, whichever one prioritizes protecting innocent people (with minimizing suffering between all involved parties as a secondary objective) is the path I'd go for. I couldn't really bring myself to absolutely stick with either legal positivism or legal naturalism fully, since both would eventually make for some decisions I'd find really cruel and unfair.

    3. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Yeah, there's not many people who go either full legal positivism or full legal naturalism. But it's always interesting to me to see what people pick as their preference and why.

    4. Randoman


      Well, I suppose complete legal positivism would be the lesser of the two evils. I mean, with what some people these days consider to be right (Muhammadism and encouraging killing, as an extreme example), it'd be much easier to deal with the occasional bad loopholes that arise from legal positivism, rather than dealing with so many people doing bad because "that's what they believe is right." Though I still think complete legal positivism is quite bad in its own right. Thanks for the in-depth explanations and examples, by the way!!

  23. Good to see you still doing well. At least, I think and hope you're doing well. So, you mainly up to college work these days?

    1. ZemZem


      I'm doing well, and I hope you are, too! Yeah, been busy with college stuff. You?

    2. Randoman


      I suppose being busy with college but doing fine still constitutes as doing fine, heh. I still can't help but remember how tiring and exhausting college studies were for me.

      Well, I'm mostly doing fine, but I've had this... unexpected inconvenience happen to me November 2016, which I'd rather talk about further in PM rather than post it where everyone can read it.

  24. I saw you mention in the Camilla and Elise thread that it's possible to miss out on child units depending on who Corrin marries. Could you explain to me how to prevent missing out on any child units or give me an online link that explains how to avoid it? Also, is missing out on child units possible in all 3 versions of Fates? Keep in mind, I haven't played Fates or looked at the Fates section too much, but I was always curious about that since in Awakening I knew it was possible to miss out on Cynthia.

    1. Rend Keaven

      Rend Keaven

      This gamefaqs topic  shows some stuff on this gimmick. I haven't read the whole topic but a Youtuber mentioned it in a video of his.

      Basically, there is an even split between male and female units in fates (the royal siblings and the retainers, minus the avatar), making it possible for the all units to marry each other. However, If a male avatar marries one of the first generation females, you miss out on one of the child units because each child corresponds to their father and with Corrin marrying one of the females they miss out. This applies for both versions,including Revelations

      You can prevent this by having male Corrin marry any of the child units and marry a corrinsexual (any unit that can ONLY support with Corrin) such as Scarlet in Birthright and Flora in Conquest. If Corrin is female, you don't have to worry about this since when Female Corrin marries a male unit, she will have two children.

      This is the best I can do to explain it, it's a terrible design flaw. But if you decide which child units you would rather miss out or don't care about recruiting all the child units, this shouldn't be an issue.

    2. Randoman


      Actually, you covered everything I wanted to know about that topic. Thanks!!

  25. Yep, I'm still around. I mostly stick to Forum Games and PMs these days since getting into discussions in other sections tends to mentally wear me out more than usual these days. And don't worry, I remember you and how you were talking to me about clean enough anime that my younger siblings and I could enjoy together.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randoman


      I can't remember most of the suggestions either, besides the Pokemon anime. So what have you been up to these days? 

    3. Iris


      College, college, and more college. :(

      How about you?

    4. Randoman


      Ah... well, I hope you're getting good marks, staying on top of your lessons, going for help from classmates/professors when needed, and working together with classmates when allowed. The last two parts in particular are things I personally did a lot, and I don't think I would've passed certain courses without it.

      For me, I got laid off of my full time job doing air vent/plumbing floor plan drawings on computer ever since November 2016, and I've been mostly applying for jobs, and chilling/cleaning up around the house.

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