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Everything posted by Flashpoint_1230

  1. Yeah. I don't really need Part 2 to be any easier, though. Really, the only reason that I don't raise Marcia is because I don't like having to worry about bow users, especially in Part 4. And Shinon just annoys me, that's it. It doesn't help when he doesn't gain stats. And yes, my Valtome hate was random. I was just listing the three characters that really get on my nerves.
  2. I thought that I'd get a response for that. What I mean to say is that my PoR team is usually based on who I want to transfer for RD. I think that all Peg knights (with the exception of Elincia) are a little harder to use in RD, although Tanith can be BEXPd. So therefore, I don't usually raise Marcia. I know that she'd end up great, though. Also, I know that you receive a ton of money in PoR, but still, I'm extremely conservative with my funds. It must be an instinctual thing. I rarely forge anything. Sometimes I'll make a forge (of an iron lance, mind you) for Nephenee or Oscar, but that's about it. I always raise Rolf, though, because Shinon absolutely refuses to gain any strength in my copy of RD. So he's useless and wouldn't benefit from a transfer bonus. Rolf always ends up better in every stat except skill. This is definitely unfair, but IMO, Makalov, Shinon, and Valtome can go fall off a cliff.
  3. Umm... Why exactly would you switch him to Pirate in the first place? As far as I know, there's absolutely zero advantage in favor of switching a merc to a pirate. Oh, Ogma... He can tend to get a little speed or strength screwed (I forget which one), but he's generally pretty reliable; at least, as a merc he is.
  4. If we're going by normal candy, then... 1) Twix 2) Reese's Cups (Or something Reese's) 3) Butterfinger 4) Skittles 5) Starburst I don't trick-or-treat, and if I want candy, I'll buy it myself. I wish people gave out bars of dark chocolate. Real dark chocolate. Like <70% dark chocolate. Anyway, I handed out candy this year in my neighborhood. I don't know why my mom thought that having 87 pieces of candy in a neighborhood with at least 200 kids was a good idea. I ran out after about 20 minutes. It was kind of funny.
  5. Well, I've actually played NM, and H1-3 and H5. The only mode I haven't tried yet is H4. I don't really like using Sedgar or Wolf under any difficulty setting. And IDK why, but I always raise Linde and Merric (I'm a sucker for good magic users). @Anouleth Well, that might be true in AW1, AW2, and AW:DS, but in AW:DoR, the computer also plays defensively while building up its force. Since I was used to an all-out aggressive AI from the other games, I had to adjust my strategy a bit in order to be successful. Basically, aggressive strategies don't work as well in DoR. Not that I ever used them anyway.
  6. Like Byte, I actually got my start in the Advance Wars series, although my style was never aggressive, so I never had that sort of issue. I do tend to play more defensively in FE, though. Anyway, on to my list... FE7: Sain (IDK why. Kent always turns out better for me) Serra (Sorry Serra, but I value high move over possibly better stats) Dorcas (Hector works well enough) FE8: I pretty much BA and AA in FE8, plus there's unlimited statboosters, so why even bother? FE9: Titania (Never ever ever... So sorry...) Shinon (No way) Gatrie (Too much trouble to be worth anything) Brom (See above) Marcia (See above, although I do raise Rolf, who comes in at about the same time) Makalov (I really dislike your personality) Anyone recruited past Ch. 15 FE10: Shinon (You really tick me off. A lot) Titania (Ehhh...) Laura (Maybe on EM she'd be worth it) Brom (Tauroneo and Gatrie work fine if I even want an armored unit at all) Makalov (I really dislike your personality) Most any Falcoknight, although I do raise Elincia FE11: Wolf (Not worth it) Sedgar (No) Any prepromote (Even if they might be decent, I usually have someone who outranks them by the time they come along) I do raise Est about 50% of the time, though. In general, I tend to ignore armored knight units and healers. In FE7, Priscilla was at 9/ at Ch. 23. Needless to say, she didn't promote.
  7. Best: Alondite (FE10). Honorable mentions to Rienfleche, Gradivus, and Durandal (Song of Roland!) Worst: Laundry Pole (FE12). You're kidding, right? Dishonorable mentions to Double Bow and Lughnasadh. Nomination: Best/Worst Artwork
  8. Flashpoint_1230


    Theory? Is that required? I'm taking Sociology right now and will take Philosophy next semester (I'm in high school), and I know that those are intro-level college courses, but please tell me that Theory isn't required until at least Sophomore year... Of course, I may have enough credits to enter college as a Sophomore. Oh my goodness. I'm scared.
  9. Okay... Since my growths obviously need to be reformulated, I'll just list my classes for now. 1) Wind Sage (Accurate, but weaker. Yep, that's me. My ISTJ personality isn't just for show, don't ya' know!) 2) Sniper (If I can avoid direct confrontation, I will. Plus, bows are just cool) 3) Swordmaster (My reflexes and running skills are far better than my fighting skills) I'd love to be a Bow Paladin, but I'd probably fall off my horse. I love Dragonlords, too, but I don't have the constitution for that...
  10. Flashpoint_1230


    Oh my goodness... What is that?!?! It sounds like a good way to give someone an aneurysm. I mean, I consider myself to be intelligent, and yet I'd never want to read that. EVER.
  11. Best: Jill (FE9) - Haar exists in FE10, so Jill doesn't score as high in FE10 Worst: Oliver (FE10) - Kick his butt, Micaiah!!! Nomination: Best/Worst Artwork I love all of this Oliver hate. I absolutely despise his character (and Makalov's).
  12. Yikes... My growths total up to 390, 5 higher than Chuy, 65 higher than Tripple J, and way higher than the 255-270 that Kinata and Furetchen have. I'll tone it down. I'll post my other stats... Later (Gotta think of them first!) It's funny, b/c I tend to underestimate myself, except in the case of FE growth rates, apparently! :D
  13. Flashpoint_1230


    Roald Dahl! I've only ever read his children's works (The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, etc.), but he's great. Currently, I'm reading Golden Arches East: McDonad's in East Asia - James. L. Watson
  14. I'd probably be... Wind Mage (Weaker, but accurate. that's me) Level: 1/--/-- (Yes, base level) HP ---> 22, 35% Growth Rate (I'm not built for hits... I don't think. I'm physically frail) Strength ---> 5, 25% GR (Uh... I don't work out and I only weigh 116 lbs. And I'm only 5' 6". I can lift 100 lbs, so I can at least carry a heavy tome around) Magic ---> 2, 70% GR (I have a photographic memory, and am very linguistic. That'd count for something, right?) Skill. ---> 2, 60% GR (I'd pick magic up pretty quickly, I'd say) Speed --->8, 60% GR (I run cross country and track, and my friends tell me that I'm evasive and lithe. Works out great for lasertag. Oh, and I'm quiet, so I could sneak up on someone) Luck ---> 5, 55% GR (Factors into my avoid rate.) Defense ---> 3, 25% GR (I don't take physical hits too well...) Resistance --->5, 60% Growth (I can isolate myself quite well, and I'd be able to build up some Res. v. Magic attacks) So... I'm your basic glass cannon mage. Nice offensive stats, but don't even look at my physical defense. I could do some serious damage, but don't stick me anyplace that I could be in danger of taking more than a couple hits. It wouldn't end well. I'll add the other classes later... I'm thinking Myrmidon and Priest. Or maybe Archer. I'll see.
  15. Flashpoint_1230


    Hmmm... I love to read, but I am ashamed to say that I haven't read a new book in a while. I'd better go to the library soon. Anyway, some (fairly) recently read books that come to mind are: Maximum Ride series - James Patterson Duchessina: A Story of Catherine de' Medici - Carolyn Meyer (Young Royals series...Good!) A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith Anne of Green Gables Series - L.M. Montgomery Elsie Dinsmore Series - Matha Finley Catherine Called Birdy - Karen Cushman Left Behind series - Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye Left Behind: The Kids series - Jerry B. Jenkins and someone else (I forget...) CHERUB series - Robert Muchamore An odd observation that I just made... Outside of Nintendo Power, GamePro, and some manga (It's really hard to find anything good in terms of manga. Most of it is just bleh...), I tend to read a lot of historical fiction that centers around female heroines. But I'm not a girl. Hmm... Any reading suggestions would be nice. I tend to dislike the fantasy genre, although I haven't given it much of a chance. I am skewed more towards realistic types of stories, too.
  16. Best: Volke/Bastian C support (FE9). Honorable mention to Rolf/Rhys A support (FE9) Worst: I have to think about this... Nomination: Best/Worst Artwork *EDIT* Worst: Jill/Lethe C support (FE9) - Stupid question alert, Jill!
  17. I usually play NM. I haven't started a new PT on HM with transfers, so I guess I could try that and see if there's a difference. Honestly, though, whenever I use Eddie, it's like 5 stat max out at 20/20 while Zihark gains one or two stats (no strength!!!) for five levels straight. It's just plain annoying. In terms of supports, I usually pair Nolan+Edward and Zihark+Volug or Jill (Jill ditches for Haar in Part 4, though)I know that Zihark's supports have a movement range difference, but supports kind of slip my mind, so it's not like I consciously try to get the pairs together.
  18. Indeed. Abel doesn't need anyone. It'd be kind of funny to see him whack someone upside the head if he got upset, though. Oh, and LBlade? You officially take the cake for Latin nerd. There is absolutely zero way I would ever do anything like that. Although I didn't quite realize just how many Song of Roland/Latin references there were in FE7 alone. Very nice.
  19. Favoritism List: Edward Rolf Sanaki Ilyana (Optional; favored about 70% of the time) Tormod (Optional; favored about 50% of the time) Micaiah (Optional; favored about 85% of the time) I sometimes cut out Ilyana and Tormod, and don't really pay attention to Micaiah's level-ups, but I will almost always favor Edward. I tried using Zihark, I really did. And you know what? Even with transfers he was still horrible. I also favor Rolf and Sanaki. I'm trying to favor Mist this time around, as I've never really used her at all.
  20. Wait. There are people who think that Lyre is a good fighter? Oh dear... Besides the FE Corrupt-A-Wish (what is that, exactly?), the rage over at the GFAQS forums seems to be debating tier lists, manly characters, whether Ilyana is a stoner, and usually there's a perverted debate of some type going on. I liked it when people actually presented some logical reasons over there. That doesn't seem to happen anymore.
  21. :D @ LBlade. I completely recognize that Latin. I swear I'm not a Latin nerd, don't kill me. Even though I just got forced to do AP Latin next year. I swear I'm not. You hear me? NOT!!! I used Est on my first SD PT b/c I had a Seal and there was an arena right there. Her stats were good, but only marginally better than Catria overall. Probably not really worth the effort if you already have capped characters usually. Oh, and I raised Nino, just cause'. O_o @ her stats when compared to any other magic user. Too bad she comes in late.
  22. I am definitely the second, to the point where I don't even like asking people who are in a serving position (waiters/waitresses at restaurants etc.) to get something for me. If they got my order wrong, I'd probably just go ahead and not say anything. Basically, I dislike feeling like I'm a pain to people. According to other people, that's not a good thing. Oops. But I've always been that way.
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