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Everything posted by Flashpoint_1230

  1. I don't think that FE would work as well with a hex-grid system, either. It would definitely mess up ranged units. Plus, squares are easier to deal with on lower-res screens like that of the DS. And Nintendo could take all of the development staff who'd be in charge of updating the control scheme and put their effort into LOCALIZING FE3DS! Of course, they're all too busy worrying about the 3DS, I bet.
  2. I'm in 11th grade. (Stupid SAT/ACTs...I got a great score on the PSAT, though! If only that counted...)
  3. I got INTJ Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging 100 12 38 67 very expressed introvert slightly expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed thinking personality distinctively expressed judging personality This is quite odd. As everyone else has pointed out, the SF boards seem to have a higher incidence of INTJs than that of the normal population. Interesting. However, when I took the Myers-Briggs typology test a couple months ago, I was an ISTJ, not an INTJ. I seem to be a combination of both types, which is pretty cool. Unfortunately, the only famous people who are INTJ are boring gov. figures like Alan Greenspan/Ben Bernanke (important jobs, but not quite my thing. I'm more empathetic than the ISTJ/INTJ footprint would indicate, but I often don't show it, so I guess that I come off as the classic INTJ/ISTJ (ie. reserved) to people who don't know me. Well...I am pretty reserved, so I guess that it's accurate enough.
  4. This was a great game! It reminds me of a game I'd see on Kongregate. Very enjoyable. :)
  5. Well, now that this has turned into a three-page thread... Freohr Datia, I hope that you're in the Christmas spirit! (Or that you can fake it well enough) To settle it... I don't think it's a bad thing that you may not be in the Christmas spirit. I forgot that today was Christmas Eve... I think it truly is an effect of getting older. Just don't wallow in the fact. We sorta' need an outside "purpose" to help us look at the Christmas season objectively, whatever that may be for you personally. Anyway, have fun and enjoy the white Christmas that we'll be having. EDIT: @eclipse and Esau: It's definitely the Beatles
  6. Best: Joshua (FE8) Worst: Marth (FE11) Nomination: Best/Worst Country Name
  7. Well, it's not uncommon for atheists to celebrate Christmas, although, if you dislike the Christian connotation, there's always Winter Solstice. Over 88% of people celebrate Christmas as a holiday, Muslims and atheists included. But to many people, it's just not a religious holiday. Hence the reason for the expression "X-mas." For those people, Christmas probably is just all about family-time and gifts, right? On a sidenote, I come from an extremely strong Christian family, and I'm a Christian, so I may be biased, but I don't understand atheism at all. I can understand agnosticism, since they don't deny the presence of a holy deity, but I don't understand why atheists would just claim that it doesn't exist. What's the point of life if you're just going to vanish after you're dead? I mean, I've been through many things in my life that could've turned me atheistic, but why would someone choose to believe that God doesn't exist at all? Not meaning to turn this into a debate or anything, though. Oh, hey Freohr Datia...Are you from Indiana? I haven't really been in the Christmas spirit, either, but that might just be an effect of growing older.
  8. Anytime anyone in my school says that Latin is a dead language, the Latin teachers all freak out. It's really hilarious. The students use it to get under their skin, since we're required to take Latin all four years of high school.
  9. This past PT, I played EM just to see how many people I could max out, which doesn't really count, but oh well. It turned out to be... Micaiah (Maxed out HP, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense, Resistance) Edward (Maxed out HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense, Resistance) Leonardo (Maxed out HP, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense, Resistance) Nolan (Maxed out HP, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense, Resistance) Okay... Let's stop this... Ilyana (Maxed out everything) Sothe (Maxed out everything) Tormod (Maxed out everything) Jill (Maxed out everything except Skill) Sothe (Maxed out everything except Magic) Elincia (Maxed out HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck) Haar (Maxed out everything except Magic) Nephenee (Maxed out everything) Geoffrey (Maxed out everything) Kieran (Maxed out everything) Astrid (Maxed out everything) Calill (Maxed out everything) Ike (Maxed out everything except Magic and Resistance) Soren (Maxed everything) Mist (Maxed everything) Boyd (Maxed everything except Magic and Resistance) Mia (Maxed everything except Magic and Resistance) Sanaki (Maxed everything except Strength) That's w/o the statboosters being used. I parceled them out, and a few more people maxed everything. Now if only I could do that on any mode except EM...
  10. Best: Soanvalcke (however his name is spelled) Sounds cool. Honorable mention goes to Stella Worst: Asseray, Yuck...Dishonorable mention to Chap and Wayu. Nomination: Best/Worst Princess
  11. Titania's okay, but Seth kicked major butt in FE8, so... I would vote for Astrid, but it seems like this is a two-person competition now.
  12. Jake-18 Rachel-20 Nell-19 Andy-20 Sami-20 Max-18 Hachi-16 Olaf-20 Grit-20 Colin-18 Sasha-22 Sonja-23 Kanbei-18 Sensei-18 Grimm-18 Eagle-33 Drake-20 Jess-20 Javier-18 Flak-18 Adder-20 Lash-21 Hawke-21 Sturm-18 Jugger-21 Kindle-20. Von Bolt-0 (YAY!!! He's DEAD!)
  13. Ethlin 20 Aless 29 Nanna 20 Fred 20 Allen 13 Lance 20 Treck 16 Noah 21 Percival 25 Seth 151 Franz 25 Forde 11 Kyle 21 Titania 218 Astrid 56 Renning 18 Abel 20 Cain 23 Midia 18 Luke 11
  14. Fire- 80 Elfire- 21 Bolganone- 192 Thoron- 54 Aura- 63 Excalibur- 108 Starlight- 30 Arrow- 54 Shaver- 5 Meteor- 13 Elthunder- 10 Tornado- 5 Loputousu- 124 Fimbulvetr- 15 Forblaze- 20 Divine- 23 Aureola- 46 Flux- 21 Rexcalibur- 118 Arcfire- 13 Cymbeline- 34
  15. Yeah... I posted anonymously on my friend's account, but I have a distinctive writing style for a guy, I guess, because she figured that it was me in about two days even though I never said anything. I don't like the idea, though. It's basically inviting someone to say mean things about you. Facebook is the limit when it comes to social networking for me.
  16. I still have Golden Sun: The Dark Age for the GBA... Although I could never figure out how to play it. What can I say? I'm really stupid inexperienced when it comes to RPGs. Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Ruby are the only RPGs that I've ever played all the way through.
  17. I don't know how well she'd take that. She's probably too dense (like I am!)
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