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Everything posted by Flashpoint_1230

  1. I'd probably be considered biased, too, but I pick Rolf. In FE9, even without BEXP, he's capped Str., Skl., and Spd. every time. His only low point is his relative lack of HP (Usually ends up somewhere between 32 and 40 at 20/20, which is considerably lower than anyone else, I think), but his high avoid makes up for that. And I have him as a Sniper by the time Shinon comes back. Also, I just really dislike Shinon's character in FE9, so...I even use Rolf in FE10, although there are more characters that have to share the exp. pool. I suppose that Shinon would make for a more efficient PT, but I've never had issues with leveling people up. Plus, Shinon has weird supports in FE9, I think. At least, they're not people I'd ever use. That being said, Astrid definitely wins out in FE9 (Capping 4 stats+horse/canto/high move/direct combat ability when promoted is very good) Basically... FE9 Rolf: Training - 6.5/10, Final Stats - 8.5/10 ---> 7.5/10 FE9 Shinon: Training - 4/10, Final Stats - 8/10 -----> 6/10 FE10 Rolf: Training - 6/10, Final Stats - 10/10 -----> 8/10 FE10 Shinon: Training - 9/10, Final Stats - 9/10 --> 9/10 Final Scores - Rolf: 7.8/10 --- Shinon: 7.5/10
  2. Best: Selena (Such a pretty name, even though I didn't particularly like FE8. Oh, and I like Selena Gomez, so ha! :D) Worst: Dorcas (Ugh. His name sounds like 'dorkface.' Erk's name can sometimes be funny when Serra's around. Dorcas...No. His character isn't even good. His name begs the quote: "I had a hamster named Dorcas once. Until I found out that it was a girl") Nominate: Best/Worst Artwork
  3. FE7: Kent FE8: Seth. If he doesn't count, then Franz FE9: Astrid (Capping 4 stats FTW) FE10: Oscar, although I don't actively try to use any Cavs/Paladins in FE10 FE11: Frey. If we're talking canon, then Abel. (Cain as a Swordmaster=greatness, though...)
  4. I've never played Seisen no Keifu, so... Best: FE10 Ike (Ike+Ragnell=laughable battle. And he doesn't have a weakness vs. hammers like a certain crimson-clad knight) Worst: Bantu (FE11 Rickard gets a dishonorable mention. I mean, at least FE9 Sothe has the possibility of getting BEXP) Nomination: Best/Worst Artwork
  5. Best: FE10 Rolf (He wins because he didn't end up completely skill screwed and unable to hit WYVERNS!!! like a certain green-haired archer from FE7) Worst: FE11 Tomas (No use at all, whatsoever. I know that PEMN, but Gordin and FE9 Rolf kicked major butt for me. Tomas is completely useless) Nomination: Best/Worst Artwork
  6. Coffee and caffeine in general don't work for me. They don't affect me at all. It's very sad. People tell me that I should be getting at least 9 hours of sleep. Ahh, no. Not even on the weekends do I get 9 hours of sleep. The average is more like 5-7 hours on schooldays (sometimes...), and 8 hours on the weekends, if I'm lucky. I know this sleep deprivation will catch up with me soon... Ahh...The joys of sleep-deprived, overscheduled high school life... Oh, and I always get tired at around 2 o' clock in the afternoon. Guess what class that is? Economics (And I'm usually tired in French, too). Apparently, Levity and I have the same problem.
  7. I usually leave Cormag as a Wyvern Knight. The speed cap is more useful, IMO, and it's not like he's getting hit with much in the first place anyway. The girls usually go as Falcos. I don't find Pierce to be of any use. Really, though, it's SS. Anyone can be made into a good character with the Tower/Ruins and statboosters.
  8. Oscar: Bows for the triangle attack, although I've never used it, and I've never had Oscar use his secondary weapon. Kieran: Swords, for an accuracy boost if needed. Astrid: Axes, although I rarely let her use her secondary weapon. Makalov: I don't use him, but I'd probably give him Axes for a power boost. Ehh... The Paladins' secondary weapons are really a lost point for me, as I never use them.
  9. Yeah, he is. I usually throw a Robe on Linde and toss her into the arena in Ch. 11 to level her up. Works fine up until about H3 or so. Past there, it's a little harder to get fair arena battles.
  10. I usually end up using both of them. Merric has slightly higher defense and skill growth, IIRC, but Linde procs a lot more luck (and usually a bit more magic). That ties them IMO.
  11. Yeah, and it's not like Micaiah is a mind-reading, future-telling savant or anything, either. She can't activate her abilities at will, and her mind-reading doesn't go very deep. Plus, she only ever used it on Naesala. Her personality is... Well... I don't know. She kind of reminded me of Mist, I guess. Her combat skills are actually okay. It's just that the enemies actually possess a Res stat this time around. Really, her hugest problem is whether she can proc enough speed. Her Sothe support adds enough to her survivability, although her HP is a little low. Honestly, I think that she's useable, which all that I ask for in an FE lord. And, as most people have said, her main use is as a healer/knight-killer. I haven't read any of the other pages of posts yets, so I'm just typing my initial thoughts. I'll go back and read them later tonight.
  12. On my first attempt, the BK died in two turns b/c Ike was lucky enough to Aether twice in a row. Other attempts haven't gone so well... On my last PT, Ike activated Aether and got the BK down to 9 HP, but then the healers came up and healed him. That was annoying, I forgot to give Mist the Sonic Sword, and her Strength wasn't high enough to kill the enemy healers. Ugh... But no, I have never gotten unlucky with the Ch. 27 battle. Ike has never missed, and the BK has never activated Luna when Ike was unhealed. I just have an issue with the enemy healers!!!
  13. Well, I hadn't really planned on raising Mist at all, so I didn't even think about it until very late in the game. I basically stave abused with Mist, and I didn't use any BEXP, so her level ups were completely natural. So she only had 13 Str. @ 20/20. Her skill was pretty pathetic, too (somewhere around 12, I think). She kept gaining luck, magic, speed, and res, so I wasn't complaining. Her luck stat was ridiculous, somewhere above 30. I didn't care too much about the swordmasters. The only thing that was important to me was for Mia to cap strength. Pretty much everyone capped str., skl., and spd., which were the important ones to me. Anything else was like a freebie bonus. Oh, and I found out that I have an old copy of RD.
  14. Let's see here... Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota. That's... 21.
  15. Well, it's probably a little late, but... I was able to get 12 people to 20/20. I got... Ike - Maxed HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Defense (S Rank Swords, A Support with Soren, B Support with Elincia) Astrid - Maxed Strength, Skill, Speed, Defense (S Rank Bows, D Rank Axes, no supports) Mist - Maxed Magic, Speed, Resistance (S Rank Staves, C Rank Swords, A support with Boyd, C support with Rolf, C support with Jill) Zihark - Maxed Strength, Skill, Speed (S Rank Swords, B Support with Ilyana) Mia - Maxed Strength, Skill, Speed (S Ranks Swords, A Support with Ilyana) Ilyana - Maxed Magic, Skill, Speed, Resistance (S Rank Thunder, B Rank Staves, A Support with Mia, B Support with Zihark) Soren - Maxed Magic, Skill, Speed, Resistance (S Rank Wind, A Rank Staves, A support with Ike) Boyd - Maxed HP, Strength, Skill, Speed (S Rank Axes, A Support with Mist, C Support with Titania) Rolf - Maxed Strength, Skill, Speed (S Rank Bows, C Support with Mist, C Support with Shinon) Oscar - Maxed Strength, Speed (S Rank Lances, E Rank Bows, C Support with Tanith, C Support with Kieran) Jill - Maxed Strength, Skill, Speed, Defense (S Rank Lances, C Rank Axes, C Support with Mist) Nephenee - Maxed Strength, Skill, Speed (A Rank Lances, no supports) Pretty good transfer run, if you ask me. Well, except for the fact that I didn't really care about supports, and I didn't get Jill's axe rank very high.
  16. I'm not quite as jaded and lazy as I sound in this post, don't worry. But I will say that school is very meh-ish. My first day was August 17th, but anyway... First Day of Junior Year 6:30 AM - Woke up and got into my school...uniform... (Kill me now) Made lunch, brushed my teeth, washed my face etc. and left the house at 7:45 (My school doesn't start until 9:00, 10 on Fridays) 8:37 AM - Got to school and was almost ran over by the 500 million freshmen who apparently aren't jaded enough to dislike schoolwork yet. Oh, and found this huge garish poster that proclaimed that our school made it into Newsweek's Best High Schools list. Oh joy... 8:42 AM - Walked into school and was immediately scrutinized by the uniform police who stand at the front door. 1st Period (Dual Credit Sociology) - Since the professor comes to teach from a university, she didn't get the schedule and wasn't there. Instead, we got a substitute teacher with a horrible accent who tried to get us to talk. Not even gonna happen. 2nd Period (AP Language and Composition) - Walked in, sat down, and had to do a literary comparison exercise. Got my syllabus and found out that we're going to be doing a lot of reading and writing. Yikes... Oh, and the class was too crowded. And we got homework... 3rd Period (Honors Economics) - Sat down, got my syllabus, and started thinking about where to do my community service hours for school (the humane society?) Lunch - My school has a block schedule, and five different lunches, but since it was the first day, we crammed all of out classes in and ate at one lunch. Talked to my friends and enjoyed the fact that we're all upperclassmen, and commiserated over the amount of work we're gonna get. 4th Period (Honors French III) - Oh dear... None of us like the teacher. He's probably the only French III teacher who can't pronounce 'sac de couchage.' Horrified glances were exchanged quite often during the class, and we really hope that he doesn't try to teach an AP French class next year. His French accent was nonexistent. We really wished that we had our old teacher back. 5th Period (Honors Chemistry I) - Walked in, found out that the room was about 64 degrees, and started shivering. Got my syllabus and hoped to get to do some experiments throughout the year. 6th Period (AP U.S. Government) - Talked to some old friends and looked at the government books. They were huge and thick. Yikes... Promptly got scared. 7th Period (Pre-Calculus) - Got my syllabus (as I did in every one of my other classes) and found out that I forgot how to find the slope-intercept form of an equation when given two ordered pairs. Oops... I don't know if I'm going to like math too much. 8th Period (Honors Latin III) - Whoo! Third year of Latin! Found out that I actually remembered how to conjugate 1-4th declension nouns. Found out that all of us are going to do AP Latin Vergil next year, no choice given. Eeeeek... Convocation (read: School Gathering/Announcements) - Found out that we now have a 'head of school' and an 'assistant head of school' instead of a principal and vice-principal. Also found out that we have a dean of student life. Scary... The head of school gave us the pep talk of the year, and told us not to ruin our high school's prestigious reputation. Found out that the school board wants us all to wear ties and blazers for next year. Uhh...No. After School (4:00-5:30) - Ran 3.1 miles for cross country. Drove home. Got home at 6:30. Ate dinner, did dishes, did my homework, surfed the web (GFAQs. This was before I discovered SF's forums) figured out that I live 180 blocks away from my school and that it takes $5 in gas money each day to get to and from school, took a shower, and went to bed. My high school years have been very meh-ish so far. Oh well. That's not a bad thing, I guess.
  17. Let's see here... I: -Talk way too quietly. (When people say that I'm talking loud enough, it feels like I'm yelling) -Rarely get hungry (My mom will be like: 'What have you eaten today?' Uh... Nothing. But it's only 7 PM) -Cover my mouth when I laugh -Have an MP3 player that has video game music/C-Pop/J-Pop on it -Tilt my head to the side when I think (I never notice it. I guess it's a subconscious habit) -Am suspicious when people I don't know try to be nice to me (Sad, I know...) -Cross my arms or clasp my hands in front of my chest when I feel awkward -Hate typos in books -HATE it when people try to hug me...Although I've had to let up a little bit No OCD, though. Thank goodness. Just habits that could be broken if I took enough time to think about them.
  18. Well... When I was younger, I took this asthma medicine that 'may affect childhood growth.' (It also said that 'long term use is not recommended for children as it may stunt growth.') Yeah...I wonder just how much that affected my growth. I've gotten mistaken for a freshman too many times already, and considering the fact that my appearance hasn't changed in the past three years or so, I don't see an end in sight. Oh well... I'm not uber-short, thank goodness.
  19. Ahh... Oops. I didn't know that. Oh well. It's a learning experience. I don't know if I have a new or old copy of RD, so I don't want to risk the transfer. (I'm doing it on NM)
  20. Hmm... I'll be 17 in a few months, and I'm 5' 6". I'm Asian, so I guess I'm not really short, but it sure feels like it. I haven't grown much since 2006. What exactly is the point of this? Are you gonna tally up our average heights or something?
  21. Note: The formatting on this is probably going to get messed up... I'll fix it later. Well, this is a last minute check-in, just in case anyone was wondering. :) I hope I can make it. I'm on Ch. 26 (at the base), and I seem to be doing okay. Ike Lord Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/11 45 22 08 21 25 17 24 13 Mist Valkyrie Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/01 27 09 21 08 17 17 09 19 Rolf Sniper Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/12 34 25 08 26 27 17 12 11 Boyd Warrior Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/10 51 28 04 21 19 19 15 08 Jill Wyvern Lord Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/12 45 27 09 24 25 11 22 11 Nephenee Halberdier Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/07 36 19 07 23 26 10 13 13 Mia Swordmaster Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/08 38 22 10 23 26 16 12 09 Zihark Swordmaster Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/08 37 22 04 23 27 10 13 05 Oscar Paladin Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/09 46 20 06 15 20 12 16 16 Soren Sage Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/09 31 02 26 28 23 15 05 24 Astrid Paladin Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/17 45 24 09 26 27 19 25 14 Ilyana Sage Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/13 37 08 25 21 20 21 11 27 I still have all of my statboosters left, too, and I have 5500 BEXP points. Hopefully, I'll have about 6000 BEXP points for Endgame to bolster my underleveled characters. My characters seem to be getting RNG blessed, thank goodness.
  22. Ahhh... No. I did not assume that they popped out of nowhere. I knew that it involved some sort of physical contact and that's about it. Ha ha... Now this topic is getting funny... I agree with you, eclipse. @PhoenixWright: Hmm... Maybe I just don't get angry too often, then. When I get annoyed, I tend to be sarcastic, but I'm not the type to bonk a person over the head.
  23. Ahh... And my Mist has a B rank in staves, so she could use them. I'll make sure to do that!
  24. *Checks Convoy* Oh yeah...I have a Ward staff, don't I? I think I used Physic exactly once on my last PT.
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