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Everything posted by Flashpoint_1230

  1. Ooh... I must be really bad, then. I was only able to get 8 people to 20/20 on NM. I don't want to try EM because I don't want to go through the entire game again just to have it freeze the Wii up. Oh well. I got a ton of people to max out Str, Skl, Spd, and HP, so it worked out great.
  2. I'm with Sophius here in the anti-sex zone. And I'm 16. Yes, it actually does exist. In fact, if you dislike the idea of sex, then you may even be anti-sexual. Asexuality is when you feel no sexual urges. You don't care for it. Anti-sexuality is when you dislike the whole concept. I dislike physical contact of any kind, and I didn't even learn what sex was until earlier this year (and I still can't visualize it. I don't care to) I'm probably one of the least educated on the face of the earth in that department, but I do know that my dad used to look at those things on the computer and I caught him quite a few times. Scared me away. Whenever someone mentions anything that sounds sexual in nature, I pretend like I know what they're talking about so that they'll shut up. Since I'm incapable of masking my disgust, that doesn't really work. Oh well. At least people have stopped bothering me about when I'm gonna get a girlfriends. (All of my friends are girls, so technically, I'm fine). I don't talk to guys. They're too scary. Then again, everyone tells me that I'm way more mature and reserved than any guy my age. What else is there to do?
  3. Oh, that's scary... So he's not stalker-ish, just lonely? Yikes... Reason number 1 why I dislike social situations. Even at school, I only talk to six people. Anyone else, and it's not happening. And yet somehow I won homecoming prince. My school is weird that way... Has he told you a reason for coming over all the time? Otherwise, I'd be tempted to call the police or something.
  4. I heard the class is okay, but the AP exam is WTF-level in difficulty. Though, it's a good thing that our teacher exempts us from having a written final if we take the AP exam, and just do a fun project instead, so that's good. 8 APs, in one year? I don't even want to know how they fit that many in. ._. Aww...You're lucky. My school requires classes to have a written final, even if it's an AP course. So guess what we were doing AFTER the APUSH test in May? I've already read The Aeneid, and done analytical essays on it, so hopefully that'll help a little. One of my friends just graduated, and she took a Latin placement test in college. She did so well that she only needed two or three classes to get a minor in classical languages. I hope that I do that well... Oh, and don't ask me how people fit eight AP classes in. They must not sleep. Or eat. Or live. I'm probably going to limit myself to two or three AP classes next year. AP Latin, AP Calculus, and maybe AP French. Maybe something else. And I'm counting my Sociology/Philosophy class as a college class this year because it is. And the workload is horrendous. How'd you know that I was Asian? Lucky guess? I'm adopted, though, so my mom is not Asian. And she doesn't care about my grades because she doesn't need to. She only yells at me if I'm up at 2 AM doing homework, which she thinks is a big deal. (I procrastinated too much last year, so we're talking 7 hours of sleep max, with cross-country running and track on top of it. And I don't eat food, as in I'd forget to pack lunch and not eat all day until dinner) This year, I'm trying for 7 hours of sleep as the norm. (Still with cross country thrown on top. ) Well, as long as I can keep my grades up, everything's fine... My school gives this huge speech every year about how junior year is the one that is most scrutinized by colleges. Great... I got a 1900 on my PSAT last year, and I had a great GPA. Let's hope that I can keep it up!
  5. We'll have a party miss you. Have fun on your vacation!
  6. You sound like me. I procrastinate, too. Unfortunately, my school doesn't allow outside electronics to be brought in, so I'm not working on assignments the day that they're due, but last year, I had plenty of assignments that I finished the day before they were due. My school is getting a big head because it was the only one in the state that made the top 30 in Newsweek's Best High Schools list. Stupid rankings... I'm trying not to procrastinate this year. And I can't write an essay to save my life, either. I think that the only reason that I got a 4 on the AP US History test is because I'm great at multiple choice. Which makes me wonder why exactly I'm taking the AP Language and Comp. course. (I have a photographic memory, so memorizing facts and dates comes easily to me. Timed writing... Not so much. I can analyze, just not with time constraints.) Everyone calls me an overachiever, but my mom says that I'm an underachiever, based on the fact that I procrastinate and only do the minimum amount of work necessary for an 'A.' I'll be taking AP Latin next year, so I hope that it's not horribly difficult. A couple of seniors at my school are doing 8 AP classes. Scary... @Kintenbo: Maybe CC means college credit? IDK... @Levity: Yeah, a 3.5 GPA is great! You should be proud. Most people who get obscenely high GPAs don't have anything better to do (like me). I hate being social, so what can I say?
  7. Hmm... 2009-2010 school year (Sophomore Year) Honors English, Algebra II, Biology, Latin II, French II, Physics, and AP U.S. History (got a 4 on the AP test). Final GPA: 4.7 2010-2011 school year (Junior Year) Honors Economics, French III, Latin III, Chemistry, Pre-Calculus AP U.S. Government, AP Language and Composition, Sociology and Philosophy (Dual Credit college classes) Current GPA: Unknown I wonder if the workload will kill me. (Too many Honors/AP classes=WAY too much homework) A lot of people at my school overload on AP/Honors classes. And my high school offers Honors in any class that does not offer an AP option. Oh, and I skipped freshman year. It's gonna mess with my transcripts, I bet.
  8. I generally only have one healer, and I keep one or two combat sages as backup stave wielders if necessary. I rarely use my healers, though, so they're extremely underleveled. (Priscilla ended up at 8/ at the end of FE7 EHM because I barely used her) I asked for some advice on my FE7 team on another forum once, and everyone was like because my healers weren't leveled. Well, my healers in FE8 and FE11 ended up at max level because I arena abused, but otherwise I don't really use them.
  9. Best: Forest (Since it's not limited to just one FE game, like the FE4 road) Worst: Desert (Present in every single FE game. Ugh...) Nomination: Best/Worst Skill
  10. Aww... I'm on the cross country team this year at my high school. Unfortunately, I feel way worse than I did last year. Last year, I could run a 5k in 20 minutes. That's not happening anymore since it feels like I pulled some muscles. Ugh, and I never pulled anything last year. Oh well. Keep going, TC! Oh, and my high school seems to be getting a big head, since it's the only one in the state that cracked the top 30 in Newsweek's Best High School list. Stupid rankings... :(
  11. Ah... I don't have too much experience with Wi-Fi teams, as I only battled online for a short while. I'm probably not too much of a help here.
  12. Oh, Gordin actually has mediocre growths. You should probably only use him if he turned out great, like he did for me. Otherwise, most people use Caeda, Abel, or Catria as their snipers. Merric should get trained as a Mage until promotion. Switching him to Curate dulls his growths (as it does for any magic user). Linde should also be trained as a Mage, as she has a great magic growth stat. Simply throw a Robe on her to raise her HP, and she should have no problems in the arena in her recruitment chapter, even in H2 (That's what I did). Having one Dracoknight is a great idea for the scouting, like you were planning. I don't use staffs too much, so I can't comment on that, but I do know that Dracoknights are generally superior to Falcos, or so the general opinion goes.
  13. @ UberLugh. @ TC: Uhh... Please tell me that you're joking... Please? Bieber should get a fever and die. That way he can die from Bieber fever. Wow, that was really bad. Remind me never to try to make jokes ever again. Seriously, though. Has his voice changed yet? When it does, his career (if you can call it that) is down the toilet.
  14. Hmm... I wouldn't suggest trying to use Castor on a Wi-Fi team. Cord makes a better hunter/horseman because he can actually hit the 30 speed cap. Does the online shop sell statboosters? Maybe that could help...Here are some of my character's stats from my H2 PT. (It's unfinished. I started it a while ago, but haven't gotten to finish it since school started. AP classes give out a ton of homework ) Some of the characters aren't at max level yet, and I cut out the ones that shouldn't be used in a Wi-Fi team (Ogma got a little unlucky). Oh, but I left Caesar's stats up to show how good he can be as a Sorcerer. Gordin turned out great, too. These are all natural level-ups, too, BTW (no RNG/clock abuse). In short, Merric needs to have stats in the 20s to survive on Wi-Fi, as well as a healthy amount of HP. Linde can be used, too. I like training Est instead of Caeda for a Wi-Fi team Dracoknight. She maxed out five stats for me, which was great. She's still weak to Excalibur, though. Frey's a great Paladin (maxed out four stats+HP), but he's only available on NM.
  15. Hi! It's totally fine to like those characters. What's not fine is sending droves of fans to every topic that would even try to objectively debate (which admittedly doesn't happen too often on GFAQs). It gets annoying and it makes the topic turn into fighting.
  16. I'm so sorry, TC. Your situation sounds difficult to be in... :(
  17. Ha ha... Well, most of the debates revolve around "The DB sucks!" There's also daily Eddie/Zihark/Mia fan debates (read: not debates) and "I wanna marry Lucia" topics. Also, the board is heavily divided on the DB's role in the game. (ie. Aran is great/Aran is horrible, Zihark wins b/c of his Earth affinity, etc.) Ugh... The expression PEMN actually exists over at the GFAQ board, but some people don't take it seriously. More time is wasted arguing over whether LTCs are relevant or not. Personally, I could care less. Oh, and the board is heavily patrolled by Sanaki/Ilyana/Zihark/Mia/Edward/Meg fans. Actually, I got into a long argument with a person over the DB. He was being a jerk and his inital defense for the needless fighting was: "The point of debating is to argue until the other person either gives up or is proven wrong." Uhh...No.
  18. @ Proto: Yeah, Linus is scary. Lloyd wins.

    @SilentM: Well, there's only one more day in the year after my b-day. Anyone here have a b-day on Dec. 31st?

  19. That's a good idea. Some of the other boards (like the Advance Wars board) have off-topic split boards. I wonder why they didn't do that for FE. Now, the GFAQ FE:RD board has 14,000 topics and 295,000 posts, most of which are not legitimate topics.
  20. Best: Reyson - FE10 (Reyson+Laguz Gem+Boots+Celerity=9 Move, 4 unit refresher with Canto. Rafiel's close behind, though.) Worst: Rickard - FE:SD... (Why does he exist? Julian is actually a fairly competent fighter, and Marth can open chests with the Fire Emblem...Useless) Nomination: Best/Worst Skill (Are you allowed to add nominations to something that's already been nominated?)
  21. Yeah... Unfortunately, GFAQ's FE boards are active, but they're mainly filled up with character debates and "FE=Twilight" topics... And other topics that simply do not make any sense.
  22. I was hoping for a Holiday release for New Mystery. Shadow Dragon took about six months to be localized in English, so that same time span would put FE3DS at a Holiday release. I think that Nintendo Power had something about a release date, but I forget when it was. Anyway, sales haven't dropped off so fast for FE3DS as they did for SD, but FE3 was a fan favorite in Japan. Oh, and according to VGChartz, New Mystery hasn't dropped out of the Japan top 10 in its first four weeks. It's at #7 right now.
  23. FFtF? I don't know what that is... Everyone here already seems to know what they're talking about or has questions about things that I don't do (speed runs, LTCs, clock abuse, drafting?). What can I say? I just enjoy the games.
  24. ^ My bad, I meant FE 2-6. I'd really rather not revisit the first one. Hopefully New Mystery will make it over to the U.S. for the holiday season. That gives Nintendo six months to localize...(From the JP release date...July 15th, I think)
  25. Argh. Well, at least I could rescue someone if put on a wyvern. If I were an FE unit, I'd probably be a myrmidon or a mage. I don't have the greatest physical strength, but I'm quick and lithe. I'm one of those people that if I'm not talking, then it's like I'm not in the room. And if I am talking, then I'm soft spoken. Innate Stillness? My sister suggested Mage because I have a photographic memory and I'm linguistic and smart, good for spells like Fimbulvetr or those dark tomes. Or I could just be a healer. Support roles are good.
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