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Status Updates posted by Nightmare

  1. That's what JoJo is like. It gets straight to the point without being convoluted (some parts are exempt from this though).

    So, how are you expecting part 3 to play out? And what do the teasers make you think?

  2. Hey it's your birthday. Happy birthday.

  3. ...him a deadly foe to someone like JoJo, whose main method of fighting is through psychology. He was also only defeated because of his lack of knowledge, otherwise he had JoJo, so I really respect that too. I also really love the theme that plays right after he cries. It sort of makes him seem really wise.

    By the way, your message cut off too.

  4. He did get that panel and two other good ones (the one where he's trying to get on JoJo's nerves by going RIIIIGHT~?! after guessing that he was just buying time to think up a plan). ACDC was the least memorable one to me too, when I read the manga, but the anime sort of made me realise how great he is. He's the greatest out of his brothers at psychological warfare, which made h...

  5. Oh yeah and, Cars didn't really die. The original line that gg butchered is actually "After a while, he stopped thinking and desired death".

  6. >ACDC was nonexistent


    Though I agree with the rest of what you said, with the slight change of having Cars as my favourite (as you might have seen in my MAL). All of them are also super gorgeous muscle dudes, with Cars probably being the most gorgeous.

  7. So I hope you love the Pillar Men almost as much as I do.

  8. Hey

    Hey hey

    Hey fucker

    Stardust Crusaders is confirmed.


  9. Jolly good birthday, chap! Cheerio!

  10. Happy birthday!

  11. Happy birthday! I'm at Kummen now. That is your birthday present.

  12. Happy birthday!

  13. Happy birthday!

  14. Eyeshield 21. Almost the entire cast is super amazing, including the guy in my sig.

  15. Luuuul, I took the Deep City route.

  16. Merry thankation. 8)

  17. Oh, happy birthday!

  18. There's no shame to it. The times are cruel to us all.

  19. Oh hey, first comment. Thanks, comrade.

  20. Happy birthday!

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