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Everything posted by Sire

  1. Story is a bit basic, but I'll put what I have experienced thus far in spoilers just in case. However, I will say "don't expect much in terms of storytelling here and just enjoy the crazy ride." It's a simple crossover story explanation, the main purpose here is the gameplay and fanservice.
  2. Decided to go for a second pull after saving up 20 orbs. (Hint: If you plan on using the "more orbs spent = cheaper [or actual price] method, the amount is 20 for 5 characters. The player gets 1 per story map [5 per chapter] besides the starting orbs and perhaps orbs from promotions & events.) Results [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* Gotta say, being my second ever pull in these Gacha games, I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. I suppose this is the thrill of gambling and lottery some speak of! Anyways, I am quite happy about getting Marth (his summon animation was cool) and like the fact I got a 5* Cain. Was also wishing for a Staff user at the end and was pleasantly surprised by Sakura! So far, I am hooked on FE: Heroes, but I do wonder how long the hype train will last. I foresee much of the replayability will be leveling up the different heroes and replaying the game on higher difficulties, but we shall see that the future holds.
  3. I like me words. So, here be words of my first ever pull! Hana *** Hinata *** Gunter *** Felicia **** Sheena **** Eh, not bad all things considered. Don't care much for Hinata, but I'm sure I'll see use for the others.
  4. Another "It's up for USA iOS devices" at 3:40 PM Central Time. Attempting to download now, but I think this is gonna take a while...
  5. @upLync Ah, yes, it would be. It would be 2:00 PM for me (since I'm in Central). I fixed the post. * * * * * EDIT * * * * * @Tolvir I found it one day browsing through the official World of Warcraft fan art section back in the WotLK days. Here is the link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/media/fanart/?view=fanart-1132&keywords=artist.chenbo
  6. At this rate I'll say wait until 12:00 PM Pacific Time (1:00 Mountain // 2:00 Central, // 3:00 Eastern). Otherwise, I'm not sure when it will release (besides "when it is ready"). If it is delayed, it is probably an attempt to reduce server overload or an attempt to upgrade their servers for the launch period. As a random question, did Super Mario Run have any launch problems? I really don't pay attention to mobile games and FE: Heroes will be my first (Gems of War and Hearthstone don't count since they are on PC), so I am rather unfamiliar with mobile game launches.
  7. Very Likely - Avatars: While the story aspects of Avatar Characters can definitely be improved upon, I foresee Avatars becoming the norm in Fire Emblem. I can hope that the stories and character interaction will not suffer due to Avatar inclusion, but given the current track record (Awakening and Fates), it is something I am concerned about. I am not against the idea of having an Avatar Character in the game as it is nice to have a customizable unit act as a stand-in or for roleplay purposes, but the implementation of such a character has been rather poor. Also, if IS does makes Avatars the norm, please make the Avatar Log like Awakenings. Sometimes I want to make a customized Avatar Army and not be restricted with some arbitrary system like in Fates. - Personal Skills and Class Skills: I see these mechanics staying. I like Personal skills as they add some unique gameplay elements for using a certain character and Class Skills are always fun to play around with. - My Castle: I see this as the natural evolution from the mere Battle Preparations with Merlinus in Blazing Sword, and from Base Camps from PoR and RD. I could live without the Deeprealm aspect, but a customizable main camp can be fun to see. One of my personal requests is to showcase the classic NPC vendors, such as the Blacksmith, Shopkeep, Anna the Secret Merchant, and so on instead of having player characters show up and fulfill that role. - Casual Mode: While I am a diehard Classic player (with resets), the introduction of Casual Mode and Phoenix mode makes Fire Emblem much more appealing to potential players put off the "perma-death" aspect. At least the diehards and master tacticians should always have Lunatic difficulty to master. - The "Boost DLC" Trio: Money DLC, Experience DLC, and Weapons DLC will become the norm. Other DLC may focus on fanservice, expanded character interactions, or may tell side stories. While my wallet will be complaining (and part of my moral self too), I'm likely to end up buying all of Fire Emblem DLC whenever I have the chance. Likely - "Classic" Classes: A return to classic classes instead of the more themed classes found in Fates. Please return the classic Spearman! - Fate's Weapon System: While not perfect, I can see IS tweaking the formula some more to encourage usage of higher level weapons such as Silver weapons instead of relying on Iron forges to win the game. - Fates & Daggers: While I personally prefer Radiant Dawn's approach to daggers and knives, I can see Fate's system being reused again so Daggers are "debuff" weapons. - Branching Promotions: I can see branching promotions sticking around for class variety. However, I would like to see less hybrids or at the very least hybrids that make sense. A dedicated unit always seems to outclass a hybrid, there needs to be some redeeming factor for hybrids besides skill sets. Alternatively, give me promotions that offer a cool ability for that class, such as the Summoner from Sacred Stones. - Reclassing: Like Branching Promotions, I see reclassing returning. While it is becoming a bit more limited, it still allows for some customization of units. - "Limit Breaking": Essentially allowing endless leveling and grinding of characters. This also includes endgame grinding as well as normal grinding. - "Radiant Dawn Style" Battle Map and Battle Sequences: An updated form of Radiant Dawn's 3D system, where there are 3D map models and 3D battle models. Alternatively, they can go the "XCOM" route and have seamless transitions from the battle map to action sequences using the same models. - Map Music & Battle Music: While I miss the classic Battle themes which are completely different from map themes, I have a feeling IS may stay with the "Calm Map Theme" and "Action Map Theme." Boss battles will still have their unique tracks. Possible: - Pair-Up: I know some love the Pair-Up system and IS may continue to refine the system, but a part of me really wants the system to be done away with. Sure, I love how enemy units use it against the player in Fates and how it is a little more balanced there, but Pair-Up seems to focus much more on "super-leveling" a small team instead of having a balanced out roster. Even then, some members end up as "backup support," which begs the question why are they fielded in the first place? Personally, I would like if Pair-Up stayed on the 3DS games and would like to see the return of the classic Rescue function or even Shove and Canto. - Simple Objectives: While I vastly prefer the Conquest and Radiant Dawn methods of objectives, I can see simple objectives such as routing the enemy or seizing the throne becoming the norm such as in Birthright and Awakening. The simple answer is due to the more casual fanbase and I doubt IS will split games again for "hardcore vets" and "casual players." - Children and Marriage: Possible because of Dreamrealm BS, but I really hope IS has learned their lesson regarding marriage and children characters with Fates. I would prefer if there were not any children in FE Switch, even if they were properly justified. Give me back normal characters with some more backstories to expand upon the lore. Wishlist - Base Conversations: I loved the Base Conversation system in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn and would love to see that return to FE: Switch. Not only it builds upon the world itself, but it also allows for other moments that don't have to be taken so seriously. - Monsters: I want to see monsters again, much like how they were in Sacred Stones. While fighting human enemies throughout the entire game is okay, it would be nice to have some variety now and then. - The Classic Magic Triangle: Light Magic, Dark Magic, and Anima Magic. Make it happen, IS! - Platonic "S" Supports: Not everything needs to end in marriage. Characters can be best friends, best siblings, father and son, and so on. - An "Endgame" Dungeon or Area: Think Tower of Valni or The Ruins in Sacred Stones. I think it would be cool to fight some sort of endgame challenge that is not necessarily story related. * * * * * That's all off the top of my head. If I sit around and think some more, there may be more ideas, but for now I'll leave it at that.
  8. Here be an Archetype list from the Fire Emblem Wikia: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Archetype It also shows examples from various games besides the original (So the Cain & Abel archetype is represented by Kent & Sain, Kaze & Saizo, etc.) to help give an idea of how the archetype works.
  9. Personal Recap: Micaiah x2 - Personal favorite as I like her design and the concept of a light mage lord. Besides, she is a Tellius representative. Arthur x2 - I love his character. He is over the top, crazy about justice, and his terrible luck is a decent comical gag. Despite his quirks, he also has some really nice support conversations such as with Beruka or Azura. Ephraim x2 - Sacred Stones representation, Lance Lord, personal bias since FE8 was my first FE game... Joshua is cool and all, but Ephraim takes castles by himself and with three other men! Lyn x2 - Blazing Sword representation (although are they calling it Blazing Blade now?...) Lyn was the character that got me into Fire Emblem, and her little story arc is enjoyable for what it is. Leo x2 - One of the rare few individuals in Fates who has a working brain, he is also an amazing unit and has a cool design. I would like Leo to overthrow Donnel as well, although Henry can also do that if there are enough Henry fans. Duessel - My favorite character from Sacred Stones. I tend to have enjoy the archetypes of "old war veteran" or the "knightly mentor." It's nice to have some more older characters around instead of a cast dominated by teens and young adults. Future Votes: Nolan - An axe user and (actual?) leader of the Dawn Brigade, even though his role is quickly overshadowed by Micaiah since she is the main lord. Still, he is a solid unit in Radiant Dawn and remains one of my more favorite characters despite little to no character development. Flora - The better sister compared to Felicia. I know Felicia has her quirks and (to me) sounds somewhat realistic in terms of english voice work, but I like Flora too much in terms of design and personality.
  10. I can see myself fitting into the Gotoh or the Ogma archtypes. As for my personal class I could be a Paladin, Great Knight, Dark Knight, Hero, Cavalier, or a Mercenary (leaning toward Dark Knight or Great Knight). For the most part, I would likely be a wandering character going to place to place, helping out those in need or working in the shadows to achieve some noble goal. I imagine myself more of a Gotoh character, showing up at the last minute to carry the party. I may have some information helpful to the main cast, and if I play more of a major role, pop up throughout the story giving hints to the protagonist before joining up near the end. If an Ogma character, I'll likely just be a wanderer who happens to be around whenever a fight happens and join up with the main party. I may have a line or two of story importance, but otherwise I'll just be a generic character who can be used based off of class, stats, and supports. As for overall stats, I can see myself getting extra HP, Strength, Magic (if applicable), and Speed, but suffers heavily in Luck and Resistance. For some extras, here are my "insert characters" for Awakening and Fates. I'll likely end up making a new incarnation when Shadows of Valentia and FE: Switch come out with their inevitable "Insert Character" topics, but that discussion is for another time.
  11. Midterm Males Looks solid overall. I find it funny that Ike takes up two spots in the top 10, but it goes to show that people do indeed like Ike (myself included). However, a part of me wants to say Roy (and to a lesser extent Ike) are so high because of Smash Brothers and not necessarily Fire Emblem. Robin is relatively recent and could have some Smash influence, but I doubt it is significant. Love the fact that Hector, Ephraim and Takumi are in the top 10. It would be nice to knock down Donnel and give his spot to Leo, but Henry can work as well. I am also amazed that Joshua, who came from an obscure game called Sacred Stones, managed to make it in the top 20. I guess lady luck was on his side, especially considering he is not a lord character. Midterm Females Not too surprising to see Tharja and Camilla so high on the list, but I wouldn't mind replacing them with Flora and Nephenee (won't happen, but I digress). I would like Lyn to keep the #1 spot, if only to show IS that FE fans do care about the older games and not everyone is focused around the "Awakening Generation" (Awakening, Fates). Otherwise, I'm fairly happy with how the top 10 turned out. It may not have my "top top" favorites, but they are all solid characters (save for Tharja and to a lesser extent Camilla who I don't care much for). It is also nice to see Adult Tiki winning out over Child Tiki (wherever she is) and that the beloved Anna still makes her spot in the top 20. The other characters are also solid choices, but I never understood the love for Lute. Nino I can sorta get, but I don't care much for her. Personal Thoughts Well, almost everyone I voted for made it to top 10 (Micaiah x2, Ephraim x2, Lyn x2) save for Arthur (x2). Curse his luck... I'm probably going to toss some votes for Leo in an attempt to dethrone Donnel from 10, and then spend my last three votes on personal favorites instead of voting twice for characters. These will probably end up being Duessel, Nolan, and Flora. I hope the #1 spots stay as they are (Lyn and PoR Ike). While I like Lucina, Lyn represents the more veteran fanbase to me, and I do not want a fanservice character (Tharja, Camilla) to win #1. For the guys, I just don't want Roy to win. Roy is all right because of Smash, but Fire Emblem wise I rather have another character in the top 10 win (save for Donnel, he can go back to the farm.)
  12. My first experience with Fire Emblem came from Super Smash Brothers: Melee. I remember liking Roy because of his B special explosion and the awesome music that would accompany the Fire Emblem cast on Fountain of Dreams. However, it wasn't until Brawl that I actually got into Fire Emblem. I saw Lyn as an assist trophy, wondered what game she was from, made the connection to Fire Emblem, and went off on an adventure. Went to GameStop to pick up Blazing Sword because of Lyn, but they didn't have it. They did, however, have Sacred Stones, and the rest is history. (Sacred Stones -> Blazing Sword -> Radiant Dawn -> Path of Radiance -> Shadow Dragon -> Awakening -> Fates)
  13. 1. A few more "epic" battles. The levels involving Crimea in Radiant Dawn is an excellent example of this with plenty of NPCs around to make things interesting. Besides, Daein's 3-13 Archer could use some company. 2. If including "shapeshifters" give them more of a spotlight and backstory. Actually, just give more more lore in general. I don't want "Prosperous Kingdom invaded by Militant Kingdom" all the time, give me some more explanation. Does the Prosperous Kingdom engage in some shady dealings, such as the Black Market and slaves? Are the Militant Kingdom driven by a religious crusade or need to fight to secure food for their people? Heck, for once make the invaders the good guys, and maybe even have the Protagonist be part of the invading force! (Fates: Conquest does not count as the Protagonist dislikes the invasion, but "plot.") 3. A non-sword wielding Lord or a Lord who is primarily mounted. While this can include the classic horse like the Cavalier, what if there was a Pegasus Lord or a Wyvern Lord? 4. Non-Romantic "S" Supports. Sacred Stones is the best example of this, having a Father & Son ending, a war veteran finding a child soldier's mother, and even a Princess and her Bodyguard (guardian role, not romantic). 5. For some variety, include some technological progression such as gunpowder. Imagine the classic Fire Emblem kingdoms fighting each other while there is a "foreign representative" that mimics the "East India Trading Company" deals in firearms and may even have a stake in the ongoing war. Perhaps they are intrigued by the concept of magic as technology is the primary focus of the foreign kingdom. 6. Have an "Empire," but the Empire are the good guys and the Protagonist is trying to keep the Empire unified instead of breaking apart. This can be portrayed by the classic "The Emperor is Dead" scenario, and the protagonist may be a loyalist or even next in line to the throne while other kingdoms covet the imperial throne for themselves. Yeah, I know, probably too complex for a Fire Emblem game... 7. No Children, unless properly justified. While Time Travel could work, I don't want that used again because Awakening is still recent. The Deep Realms are a terrible excuse. If children return, I would prefer properly separating the generations (the first can be killed off or retire, with a rare few returning in Gen 2). Alternatively, perhaps there is just an older character who has a kid of combat age, like Garcia and Ross in Sacred Stones. 8. A "Background Avatar." The Avatar may be a bodyguard for the primary lord and has a few interactions, but typically has little to no role in the overall story. There may be a spotlight moment where the Avatar does something awesome, but then the story focus goes back on the main Lord. 9. Active Parents. I know, I know, Parents in a JRPG, but it would be awesome if the main lord was a prince/princess and the King/Queen eventually join the party late in the game as a powerful character instead of being killed off or something. 10. A non-naive lord. Let there be a different character flaw than being naive, such as being arrogant. Maybe the Lord is so full of himself/herself and charges the enemy army with small numbers only to suffer massive losses instead of being a crowning moment of glory. Perhaps revenge against another kingdom is a primary motive, and they may be some sort of moral system depending on how the character reacts to certain situations. Maybe the Lord's good nature is taken advantage of and is exploited, or carrying out questionable moral decisions (usage of "inhumane" weapons, massacring innocents disguised as the enemy, disobeying orders even if death is the consequence, etc.) Just something else besides naivety, please.
  14. Switch. I supported Smash Brothers by buying both the 3DS and Wii U versions because they had enough differences to warrant a purchase, and at the time I enjoyed the idea of having both versions available to play. However, while I purchased both, I never really put enough time into either of them to "justify" my purchase. They were good games, but I didn't feel like I got my money's worth out of them compared to other games. So, I'll stick with getting the Switch version of Fire Emblem Warriors. Besides, it should end up being the superior version and I don't really need the portability of the N3DS (and the fact I don't own one).
  15. I see Genealogy and Thracia being next, but I personally voted for Binding Blade. I think it would be cool if IS combined both Blazing Sword and Binding Blade into one game, with actions in Blazing Sword affecting Binding Blade. For example, changing Eliwood's or Hector's "A-Support" would change the mother of Roy and Lilina. If Barte and Karla did not meet, Fir would not exist, and so on. I think FE 6 & 7 would serve well to having a child system with the first generation mostly appearing in Blazing Sword and the second generation in Binding Blade. I would love to see Sacred Stones remade but I doubt it will happen any time soon. Sacred Stones remains to be one of my most memorable Fire Emblems, not to mention the first Fire Emblem game I ever played. If they do remake FE8, I would like it to be on console with glorious 3D graphics, like a modernized Radiant Dawn. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn I see getting ported over to Virtual Console, with New Mystery being localized but being digital only.
  16. Copied and pasted from the FIRE EMBLEM WARRIORS thread, minus the Music Wishlist. I haven't updated it, but with the reveal of Shadows of Valentia I'll say Alm and Celica have a much higher chance of making in to represent Gaiden. As I have not played Gaiden (and FE 4&5), I left it out of my initial list. * * * * * Before I start my list, I have a crazy idea / speculation. Fire Emblem's class system will serve as a basis for common fodder, with promoted variants being used for officers. Essentially, the basic moveset for all characters are based off class, but major player characters will get special abilities or additional moves based off of their character. So, if hypothetically movesets were baseline on class while spotlight characters get extra moves, we could see other characters acting as officers instead of generics. So, say if we were fighting Chrom, Chrom would have a full moveset since he is a "spotlight character." Lissa, Fredrick, , Sumia, Vaike, and the other Shepherds could appear as officers but with a generic moveset based off of their class. The same can be said of Fate's Royal Siblings: Camilla, Leo, Elise, Hionka, Takumi, and Sakura. Granted, this is unlikely due to all the art and voice that would have to be put into them, but it is an interesting idea nonetheless. The alternative is that all of these "characters" also make up "avatar parts," so Koei can hit two birds with one stone. Although, if there is actually voice acting, I hope there will be an English option... Now, to the List Bandwagon! Character Roster
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