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Posts posted by Lightcosmo

  1. 13 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    I don't really get the point of rushing a seliph promotion. Oifaye and Ares can do everything that seliph can do earlygame and lategame he would be promoted anyway. It just seems unnecessary.

    Pretty much to clear/wreck the chapter as quickly as possible, I think? Since when promoted, Seliph is a combat monster. And since he's the lord, he needs to seize, which being promoted makes tons easier.


    16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Most definitely true! Relatively speaking, with a well-bred and inherited 2nd Gen, Seliph faces more competition than I think Sigurd ever seriously did. There is what, Lex as the only true rival to Sigurd from the beginning to the end of Gen 1? And not even him really, since it takes 1.75 Chapters to get the Brave Axe.

    Even without amazing variable kiddos, Oifaye, Shannan, Ares, and Finn provide four already trained and good rivals to Seliph, two with brokenly good weapons. And Leif when trained can outdo Seliph on raw stats alone while moving just as far (the only issue is status staffs in the final two chapters, Leif might be able to squeeze by them if you left Silvia dead/unwed though and then threw him a Barrier Ring on top of the Barrier Sword). 


    Uhh.. at least Seth has more competition than Sigurd? Smaller maps, weaker enemies, everyone can naturally double, all things against Seth.

    Shanan is competition for Seliph?  I know Balmung is good, but is that enough?

  2. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    I mean following video guides as often as I've had to. They kinda do hold your hand because they tell you every thing you need to do. What units to use, what skills and seals to equip, what to do on each turn, etc.

    Okay, I understand now, sorry about that, was just making sure. Well how do you learn if no one teaches you? Once you learn enough, you can easily create your own strategies and such, it just takes some time for some people is all, nothing wrong with that. Not quite the same thing, but it took me forever to learn how to wavedash properly in Smash, I just didn't understand it at all, until I went to a tournament and someone was gracious enough to teach me how. I wasn't like totally new to the game, either. I'm proud that I got that help, because i'm a much better player with it than without it, for sure. You should be happy with what you've accomplished, I believe.

  3. On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 4:44 PM, Matroska said:

    I remember seeing a patch for one of the GBA games that changed UI things, maybe even added the enemy attack range overlay from later games, to make it more convenient to play if you've got used to the modern games. 

    Am I just imagining things, or does such a thing exist?

    Using FE Builder, this is very simple to accomplish.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Hey, I never said I didn't appreciate the attempts to help me. I do, it's just that those ideas have not worked for me.

    A guide I tried just now didn't work either because for some reason, my Fjorm dies to the red dragon towards the end despite having more Res than the Fjorm in the video. There's just nothing I can do. Sorry, but it's best that I give up on this BS map.

    Well that's a great start. I can't say I understand a guide since I've never used one, but I can relate, I really can. You don't have to apologize to anyone, sometimes it's best to take a step back. If it isn't fun for you, then I don't know if it's worth it.

  5. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Oh yeah, there's nothing wrong with needing help sometimes. But I seem to need it ALL the time. That's my issue. I don't want my hand held every single fucking time.

    Well I can't say how you feel about it, but I would rather get help than rage quit/get really upset because I can't do it. What do you mean by hand holding? Not that I don't know the definition, but what do you mean by it?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Without the right inheritance, then yes, Seliph is going to be worse than Sigurd at the start, and he'll just be like most lords. As for Speed, to be fair, Seliph has only a 35% Spd growth, Sigurd's was a near identical 30, it's totally possible for the son to be less than the father here. Thanks for the nonexistent growths Deidre. Sigurd's Spd was his lowest non-Magic/Res growth, but it was average by Gen 1 standards, whereas with a well bred 2nd Gen, Seliph will be comparatively slow. 

    And I didn't say Seliph would be the strongest, Shannan, Ayra's kids, Forseti boy, and Ares to name just a handful can outdo Seliph at raw combat. I only said that Seliph is "good enough" when trained. Good enough for what is necessary to survive and kill most enemies, which as is usually the case in FE, is less than the highest possible stats for the moment.

    And again, I'll stress that the favoritism that gets Seliph a Chapter 6 promotion is based on a belief in getting maps done quicker; not LTC or Ranked necessarily, I'm more a middle-of-the-road FE player and I liked getting Seliph promoted as fast I did. If you don't mind going slower, then Seliph can delay on promotion until like Chapter 10, when he and his extant Res stat become valuable.


    Oh, I understand that, I just thought it was strange he was always so slow, like I had him at 18 speed at level 30? that's pretty bad, really. Seliph is just not as dominant as Sigurd because you have other units that can participate more, I think. Or that's just me, maybe?

  7. 47 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Unless it's because you want the orbs and hate that you may not be able to get them when you need to, why does it bother you that you can't clear difficult content? A lot of my friends may not be as "good" at the game as I am, whether it's because of not choosing skill inheritance as optimally or just not wanting to bother with anything that cannot be autobattled comfortably, but that doesn't make them "bad" players or them unable to enjoy the game.

    This is a great way to phrase this, seriously.


    16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    You're not ashamed to use guides? Good for you, that's nice to hear. I'm ashamed that I can't get any better after years of playing.


    Everybody needs help, nothing wrong with asking people for assistance, that's why they're here. You should be proud of where you've gotten yourself, I mean, you have a tons of dedication and devotion, clearly, don't let one thing ruin that part of you. But if you need a break from the game, there's nothing wrong with that, either.

  8. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    I'm not making any excuses. I can't help it if I don't have a certain skill or weapon available. How are those just excuses? And I've been trying all the best tools I have, why would I not be? I do plan my resources.

    These maps should just be easier. Not so easy that they're boring, of course, but they shouldn't be too hard for players like me to clear.

    You know, I've been here as well, blaming a strategy game for my failures because I was pretty frustrated with failing constantly, that I figured I couldn't be wrong, since what I've done has worked before, why wouldn't it now? So your not alone with feeling a bit angry/letdown. But, from what I've learned, things like "different tools, specific setups" are different for you and for others. What you think is great, might not be the same for somebody else. They aren't trying to put you down or anything, just telling you to open your mind to more possibilities I think. I'm sure your good at this game, much better than me i'd wager, as I haven't beaten Eliwood on Lunatic yet, but seeing all these clears from others/really nice tricks/tips, I realise that my way might be the issue here. As far as the maps being easier, I kinda agree but then what would be the point of the "hardest challenge"?  I'm not trying to sound rude, since I completely understand how you feel, just saying to not shut their ideas down so quickly, they want to help you. What i'm trying to say pretty much is don't give up! I'm sure you can do it!

    1 hour ago, Vicious Sal said:

    As other have said, think outside the box and stop just relying on stats alone. This is a map you can’t outmuscle. 

    I think this is the issue that I kinda have at the moment, so I know how this feels too!

  9. 22 hours ago, Darros said:

    I just literally made a "gaaaaaahhhh" sound out loud as this posted prematurely when I clicked out. Bear with me as I update the post!

    Now it's ready and I don't have to be awkward anymore. Huzzah!


    Guess what I didn't do on Monday again! Still, we're running with semi-consistency here which I'll take over nothing, tbh. A lot of screens this post, let's hope SF doesn't break.

      Hide contents


    After leveling up Pokemon, we find ourselves in Viridian again. There's nothing to do here still though, so we'll progress the story this time.


    See! Important story progression! Also something something alt-right joke. There are actual people to talk to here though, which of course means more bad dialogue.


    This one feels kind of half baked, so I'm not going to call it a CRAP, but it's still far from quality dialogue.


    Martha Farkle's return, however, brings the counter to 9.


    I'm assuming this is a postgame area.




    Ten! It's 10 CRAPs now!


    I find a nice gift near this awful text, at least. And with this area exhausted, we'll head eastward to the forest, which moved, apparently.


    We're greeted by Daisy, who introduces herself despite us knowing her and speaking to her five years ago in the prologue. Pallet Town ain't that small.


    Continuity doesn't exist, however.


    You mean I didn't have to buy them? Damn.


    Wait what?


    This is not a thing I did, or was mentioned. I was given the Pokedex, yes, but it wasn't the same spiel of helping Oak with his research as in the original games. Anyway, she leaves without further input from me and I talk to the NPCs. First up is Agatha.



    I have no idea why this hack gives every random NPC a name, but people who we very obviously know don't have names. Every single person playing this game knows that that's Agatha.



    And there's another CRAP from the apparently spiteful old woman, bringing us to 11. The other two NPCs just give basic tutorials a la "Poisoned? Use an antidote!"


    Finally, something plot related. Also, I want a Dragonair.


    But first, a cutscene.


    Poliwhirl runs ahead and is attacked by Green's Charmander, but we're quickly distracted by a large friend:


    But first,



    Anyway, we watch the battle and Hillary gives us thoughts:


    It's a baby. Pokemon illiteracy is astoundingly high!


    This is ridiculous, he's catching a wild Pokemon, we have no room to interject.


    That's right, no going.


    So instead we pull the Asshole Move! I kind of hate Hillary.


    Honestly, Green's reaction is entirely understandable, but this means I get some long awaited real combat.


    Two Pokemon, can't be too hard.


    Starts off just as I predicted.


    And we quickly replace the shitty Pound with a much better move.


    And in due time against this fucker!


    Thank god the Charmander decided to only use Growl, otherwise I very well have may been a goner already.


    Green fucks off. If you lose the match he says the same thing but you get your Pokemon fully healed. I won though, so instead I get to take a trip.


    Thank god for emulator speedup! Makes going back and forth easy!




    The way that Viridian Forest is set up is that if you don't have the Cut HM, as I don't, it's really annoying to get around and you have to run through grass. It's kind of artificial and I'm not a huge fan of the design.


    But there are trainers, which is very refreshing.


    Not overly difficult ones, I may add. His first Pokemon was a Caterpie.


    The game lives to deceive though, by throwing me this instead of Butterfree.


    I'm not sure if it's placebo, but the side effects of moves seem to activate more in this hack. I can't complain though.


    What I can complain about is having to run in and out to heal, but this isn't a thing unique to this hack.


    On our way back in I whiff a Poke Ball at a Weedle that I encounter and give it an appropriate name:


    The lack of underscore truly is a crime.


    I love Aperture Science!


    This battle is surprisingly a joke with Ice Beam and, this little move:



    Ice Beam is a treat though. It also froze the Beedrill, but it didn't even last for a single turn.


    What kind of unfortunate nickname is this?


    Unfortunately, he's right. This is after a potion use, and the Paras is only using scratch on me. Poison Point not kicking in would have absolutely destroyed me.

    Now, I can see the Kangaskhan, but it's more fun to run around and see and collect everything. There are actually some pleasant normal conversations that I find talking to NPCs!



    And also uh, this.


    Just walking through grass teaches me all that I'll ever need, though.


    With Compoundeyes, I'll essentially never miss.


    I also find a nice TM early, but don't use it yet.


    Not allowed to leave early yet though, so I'll make a quick trip..


    And get to work.


    Pretty sure it doesn't speak English, dude.


    Called it!


    This isn't really an easy fight, but thankfully it's a wild Pokemon. This comes in handy.


    So does our new weapon.


    But not this weapon!


    Confusion really doesn't do much damage though, I'm hoping to get something better on Butterfree sooner rather than later. It keeps spamming Leer and Tail Whip, so I have to take COUNTERMEASURES


    Metapod Squad Rise Up


    This is from one fucking Bite, this battle isn't a joke (on the 25% chance it selects that move)


    Thankfully, this is also a thing.




    Somehow, kicking the shit out of this Kangaskhan makes it trust us! Friendship!


    Yeah Hillary is an asshole, who ignores Green entirely.




    Green is shocked, as if this isn't a normal ass thing that happens in the Pokemon world.


    Ah, good ol' ludonarrative dissonance (I had to look this term up).




    Hillary? Crazy? Yes.


    Hillary? Not knowing anything? Yes.


    So Green is a naturopath, good to know. What's next, crystals which make you stronger?

    Well good thing I fucked around in the forest before progressing the story, I know exactly where to go.


    It's a selective gift.


    It's also a restricted gift.



    I mean, at least using a berry to instantly cure poison is internally consistent with the game.


    He's right, you know.


    This is actually stupid and the fact that it's said to make Hillary look good is ridiculous, because Green was fighting a wild Pokemon to try and catch it, not battle against a trainer.


    Green, thankfully, is having none of it.


    But Hillary wants to make friends! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


    Why the ellipses before he runs off? This writing, I swear.





    We can't have nice things, here.




    Oh shit, it's ninjas.


    God damnit did someone piss in the water?





    And just like that, he's gone. They're all gone in the world too if you run around. This game reeks of "Ow, the edge!" and I'm disappointed because I thought it was starting to take itself seriously. I guess it's a sign - NPCs who don't give ridiculous dialogue are fated to die.

    Party Status Post Battle
    Nickname  / Pokemon   / LVL / MHP / ATK / DEF / SAK / SDF / SPD / Move                                 / Ability
    VENONAT   / Butterfree/  14 / 043 / 022 / 026 / 031 / 033 / 026 / Tackle,Sleep Powder,Harden,Confusion / Compoundeyes
    AQUAMAN   / Poliwhirl /  15 / 049 / 027 / 026 / 023 / 023 / 029 / Ice Beam,Bulk Up,Hypnosis,Water Gun  / Water Absorb
    ALBINO    / Nidoran♂  /  12 / 034 / 016 / 015 / 016 / 017 / 020 / Leer,Peck,Focus Energy,Double Kick   / Poison Point
    BISCUIT   / Butterfree/  10 / 032 / 015 / 016 / 027 / 026 / 023 / Tackle,String Shot,Harden,Confusion  / Tinted Lens
    YEAH…WEED / Weedle    /  07 / 024 / 012 / 009 / 008 / 008 / 010 / Poison Sting,String Shot             / Shield Dust

    Probably not going to use this Weedle, but it's in my party so I might as well report on it.

    A Picture of Things to Come:


    This is a fucking callout post.


    This is an issue I had as well with this hack: the text is so cringe-worthy or just plain out of place completely, although some parts have their moments it's to inconsistent to take seriously. as far as the gameplay is concerned, your advancing way quicker than I was, I struggled a lot a bit after the mid way point, it was mostly my fault for not leveling up, though. Great job on getting this far, look forward to seeing more!

  10. 2 hours ago, Camus The Dark Knight said:

    Interesting, so the second one was how it was (though looking at what I said, I didn't word it the best). Good to know the 4A 70 is the trigger for it.

    Sorry if that sounded confusing, I wasn't sure how to put it into words. There's a lot you can do with this, but I haven't really messed around with it, so i'm not 100% sure here.

  11. 16 hours ago, Camus The Dark Knight said:

    I don't think the received talk bonuses would be that difficult to find unless they are structured very differently from every other stat in the game. I imagine they would be after the event and look something like 00 03 00 00 00 00 03 00 (+3 STR, +3 DEF), or XX 03 XX 03 (With "XX" being a byte indicating which stat). However as I said, I have never looked in to it so I could be completely wrong.

    EDIT: Now I am irked I can't find where the byte for the 10+ range lock is. I got rid of it in my own patch.


    EDIT Again: Found it, to unlock the movement lock on 10+ weapons change the 04 at offset 7B763 to 90.

    4A 70 1C 01 03 its structured like this for stat events, 4A 70 being the trigger stat gains, 1C being Seliph's ID, 01 being the stat in question stat's go in order, obviously, and 03 being how much gained.

  12. 2 hours ago, Camus The Dark Knight said:

    There is, though their value won't be displayed in the shop (not sure why, I am sure there is a way to fix it, but it's beyond me). Here is a list of offsets, including a few others I didn't see around (headered ROM).

    04B4E7 - Change 00 to 16 and it should let you buy/sell holy items (again it doesn't display values, but it should work fine)

    04857F - Seliph's leadership (for getting around the 2 star bug)

    04B6FA - Arena gold values from victories if you want to change them.

    04D4FF - EXP you get from rescuing civilians/kids.

    04FBC4 - Staff gold to EXP ratio (Staff EXP is based on staff gold value, but this modifies the ratio of it

    I wish I remembered where the long range lock is located, though there is a patch on the first page of Lamia's FE4 Stuff thread that has a patch for it, but the patch is bigger than one byte so I think it might do more than unlock it, idk.

    Yeah, I remember playing FE4 inflation, where you can sell holy weapons properly, etc. I know how to do complicated things like changing the bonuses received when doing the talk events' but I can't figure that out. Either way, this info's pretty great, so thanks for that!

  13. 37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Elite/Paragon Ring isn't necessary. My inheritance for him consisted of the Speed Ring, the Leg Ring, maybe the Barrier Ring, Sigurd's Silver Sword, and the Wind Sword. He was easily able to promote by Chapter 8's beginning. So I can see him soloing Chapter 6 to promotion. With the Paragon and Pursuit Rings and just the Light Brand and Slim Sword for weapons, I was able to get Leif to promotion after completing the Arena at Chapter 8's start.

    Seliph does rely on favoritism and inheritance for him to shine right away. But the justification is promotion gives Seliph a horse, which increases his movement, which is important for him above all other units, because the faster Seliph can travel, the faster maps can be completed due to FE4 being all seizes. Sure movement is useless if there are enemies in the way that can kill you, but Seliph is fortunately a good enough fighter with the proper weaponry to handle a lot of that.

    If you don't mind playing slowly, then Seliph promoting so soon is not something you really need or will find desirable.

    With favoritism involved, sure I suppose so, but realistically? Probably not going to happen. The Leg Ring is a "choose your favorite unit!" item, if you ask me, along with the Elite Ring. I've never had Seliph the greatest fighter, in fact in my first few runs, he ended up slower than Sigurd.

  14. 3 hours ago, Pururut said:

    Like the title said, is there a way where the anima rank won't mess up the melee animation of a character? I want to make a class with sword + anima (with custom animations that came from other artists or other fe romhacks) if possible.

    There's a patch you need to use, if your talking about the GBA FE games. Melee and magic menu fix patch, I think?

  15. 16 hours ago, Camus The Dark Knight said:

    You can change the range of a weapon in the weapon data, but once it reaches 10 or higher the character will be unable to move. In some post here quite some time ago someone told what you can edit to remove the movement restrictions (I will assume in Lamia's FE4 thread), though as far as I am aware the weapon range is still not displayed.

    Oh, wow, I didn't know that, but I hardly messed with weapon data so that's great to know! I mildly mess with FE4, so I don't know THAT much, but i'd say I have a decent grasp on things. Another thing, I thought there was a way to make Holy weapons 100% sellable, I've seen it in hacks before, so i'm not sure.

  16. On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 6:55 PM, Etheus said:

    Knights/generals by a country mile. I don't find them fun. I don't find them useful. And with the sole exceptions of Gilliam, Gatrie, and Tauroneo, I don't like them as characters.

    I agree with this. Also, was the country part supposed to be a joke about Brom? That just made me chuckle a bit, which I needed, so thanks.

  17. 22 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Didn't say it was banned, I said they attempt to remove things that make the game too rng dependent. Although I guess the distinction is pretty irrelevant and I'm just being pedantic.

    Oh yeah, I know, but even with "poor" accuracy, things like sleep were walking the fine line, really.


    5 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Most of the time, Skill is overkill, so higher hit rates on the player end means that players are more likely to hit.  Since enemies usually had a lower hit rate, then the other half of 2RN (lower hit rates being lower) meant that they were more likely to miss.

    After enough 30% hits and 1% crits in RD, it's like, oh what a surprise another clutch critical by the enemy.

  18. 20 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Oh, I just came up with something else to make the effects of the Skill stat more noticeable.

    What if your Hit was calculated using your Skill x 4 instead of Skill x 2 and weapon hit rates were lowered accordingly?  That way, more of your hit rates would come from your Skill stat than from your equipped weapon, and improvements in your own accuracy would be more noticeable with each point of Skill from a Level Up?

    Like, say Joe the dumb Fighter has 36 Hit with a Hand Axe against a boss on a Throne.  He instead decides to go after another enemy, kills it, and gains a point of Skill (hopefully among other things) from the ensuing Level Up.  He would now have 40 Hit with a Hand Axe against this same boss on a Throne, which looks a little more palatable.

    This would be good and bad, I think. On the positive side, it makes Skill stand out much more, on the bad side, I think it would benefit the enemies more than the player, cause enemy density and all that. If they all attack you with 40%, one is bound to hit you, that's FE, but the player doesn't have that, so a unit bad at skill could never really get points since they couldn't ever hit anything then. Of course this could be just me, but who knows.

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