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Posts posted by Lightcosmo

  1. On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 4:14 PM, TAS20XX said:

    This is the first time I'm using the hex editor so I need some help with this step (I'm trying to change Sigurd's portrait). I'm not sure where I'm supposed to paste all the data I copy from the bin folder. Thanks in advance.

    In HxD, goto that address A67B5 and paste what you copied from the BIN file. using Paste Write, not Paste Insert.

  2. 1 hour ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    Try 0% as they already picked the DLC fighters before the game released.

    Anyway, Super Mario Maker 2 and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies.

    There isn't anything wrong with having hopes for a character to be added, no need to be so rude/negative, really.

    On topic, mentioning smash, I've been playing some PM lately. Gosh it feels much more fluent than Smash Ultimate. I really like the creativity in PM, it makes it feel like the people that made it actually put some thought into the movesets, etc.

  3. On one hand, I agree with this, on the other, I think it's fine the way it is. I mean, it really depends on how badly you get stat screwed, and during my Blue Lions run, I got horribly stat screwed and could barely compete, so I think considering that the game could not be so nice, it's fine the way it is. Ingrid with 9 strength as a level 22 Pegasus Knight is horrible.

  4. 8 hours ago, Armagon said:

    It does make the game easy to play but for now, that's kinda a good thing. Regardless of which route you take, Part One is the same with only slight variations on the events. It isn't until Part Two where the story is drastically different depending on the route. As such, New Game+ makes getting through the same Part One to get to the unique Part Twos easier and quicker.

    Oh, I knew that since I've played Black Eagles both routes and Golden Deer so far. I just dont want to make the game too easy, was all.

  5. 9 hours ago, Armagon said:

    In Ch.8 of my Three Houses NG+ playthrough. Two things.

    1. I've recruited quite a bit from the other Houses. I have Lysethia (recruited before Ch.6 and she Dark Spiked the Death Knight to, well, death), Annette, Ingrid, Ashe, Leoine and Marianne. Still trying to get Felix and Sylvian (please, i have the required stats leveled up and a C-Support with both of you, please join my House already).

    Is New Game + worth it, or does it just make the game to easy? I opted not to play it, but I was curious.

    About recruiting Sylvain, does he join earlier if Byleth is female?

  6. Playing through three houses golden deer this time, and at first I thought recruiting was absurdly hard, without new game +, this time I got roughly around 70% or so, so far of the cast. I've played both black eagle routes and crimson flower was much better, to me.

  7. 15 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

    I know you can get it in a chest in a paralogue, but I missed it, so I didn't have it.
    Yeah, the low growth rates can screw you over if you're unlucky. That's what happened to Byleth in my first run. The second seems to be going a little better, at least.

    I don't mind it because getting stat screwed really, I enjoy playing games on higher difficulties, but with low growths you compete with enemies that are assumed to get a lot of stats when you can hardly get any. I want it to be difficult because of good enemy setups, not because i'm so restricted in what my team is capable of.


    14 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Pretty much this. Relics are pretty much just there for when you want that extra damage for Demonic Beasts. Though i will say Edelgard's Relic has a busted Combat Art in that it's basically Galeforce except it doesn't have to kill the enemy to activate. Though it does cost 4 durability in a 20 use weapon. But still, i used it like three times to deal as much damage as i could to the final boss before it broke (durability aside, there's no limit to how many times you can use it during a turn). 

    Oh it will. Her unique class and it's promotion are basically just the spiritual successor to Hector Great Lord. If her defense is lacking right now for you, i wouldn't worry about it. She'll get it back. I believe the way promotion works in this game is like SoV where promotion gains simply bring the character up to par with whatever class they're becoming.

    Don't forget the weapons 60 accuracy. When Edelgard has 6 dex like she did for me, your in for a rough ride.

    I think the jump between part one and two, your characters gain levels as well, and get stats for those levels.

  8. 8 hours ago, Armagon said:

    As you progress, more and more stuff unlocks. Though i'm still surprised by the lack of Killer Bows. Where the fuck are they, i'm nearly at the end and haven't seen a single one.

    You have to smith them, I think? And I've already beaten one path, and from I can tell, there are not a lot of weapons to choose from.


    18 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

    I also wish weapon and class ranks would increase a teeny tiny bit faster than they do now. During my playthrough, I got exactly zero class mastery skills.

    The Knowledge gem makes this go by much quicker, if you got it.

    Oh, and something I don't like about this game, the really low growth standard. It's annoying to get all that exp only to get hp and res or something of the like most of the time.

  9. Playing Three Houses like most the others here, and I gotta say, there aren't a lot of weapons for you to choose from/use in this game, which is a tad disappointing. I don't count upgraded versions of the same weapon a unique idea, either. I'm impressed with the story, though. I initially had low expectations because of the pseudo Avatar system. I also like the characters more than I initially seen of them, as well which is nice.

  10. 2 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

    Also am playing Final Fantasy 13 for a while - and still not making sense of the story.

    FF XIII is a bit higher on my list of FF games, since I enjoyed the characters and the way they were put into "groups" to develop them was different. I can say that the story isn't the best out there, though. It generally just jumps from one point to the next, making it hard to follow.

  11. 23 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, Incineroar is the least popular of the three while Primarina may be the most popular, at least in Japan. I saw a poll once that had Primarina higher than the other two. The overall winner was Rowlet. It was a poll for Japan's favorite Alola Pokémon.

    I assumed since people wanted it in Pokken, that it was the most popular out of the starter pokemon.

  12. 11 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

    You can only pick between Easy and Normal when starting a new game, but you can switch to Bringer of Chaos or Custom in-game while playing your file.

    Of course... the options menu, duh. Thanks for this, I actually never noticed that. Another thing I noticed playing both 2 and Torna, Mythra is really bad in Torna in comparison to 2, is there a reason for that?

  13. 21 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Bringer of Chaos and Custom difficulty exist though. I mean, Bringer of Chaos is more geared to New Game+  but with Custom difficulty, you can set the difficulty so that it's just right for you.

    I'm not at all a fan of the New Game+ Function in this game, since you keep everything from the previous playthrough, it's kinda hard for it to be a challenge. Also, you can't select any difficulty except Easy or Normal.

  14. So, after restarting Xenoblade 2, I restarted it yet again since I didn't like how things were progressing. I've made it to Uraya yet again, and it doesn't feel like there's a lot you can do here, which is sad since it's my favorite area to explore. Using the expansion pass kills the difficulty, since you can use Corvin almost right away, and he's pretty amazing. So I decided against using him this time.

  15. 7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

    Not really, though you shouldn't get used to it: as maps get harder and harder, there will inevitably come a point where Surtr can't take the incoming punishment anymore. And it will not be a good reflection of how Surtr does in Arena combat, where player units are far more likely to be suited for bring down units like Surtr.

    But for now, or at least in Player versus Computer-created unit battles, relying on Surtr is fine. You could come back to a completed challenge later with a different team if it really bothers you. There's plenty of people who do themed runs of certain challenges when possible, or just using not their OP team.

    Yeah, I was talking against the computer. Like the multi challenge maps, for example. It doesnt bother me, I just find it funny, is all.

  16. 19 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Xenoblade 2 (and Torna) at least have some platforming. Big agree on Xenoblade 1 though, jumping in that game was atrocious. You couldn't even jump over fences that were smaller than you. Of course, Xenoblade X has the best jumping. And no fall damage as well.

    Xenoblade 1 still has the best ice physics though.

    Yeah because combat has a bigger focus. Between being able to target diffferent body parts, having loads of different weapons to use and the Telethia, the Endbringer fight having a flying phase and a ground phase, Tyrant fights end up being more interesting.

    Maybe, but not enough to where it makes a noticeable difference like in X.

    Just because it was focused on doesn't mean it was going to be done well. It's just nice to have a lot of options, really.

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