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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I haven't played the game in months, and I only recently beat chapter 4 in my recent playthrough, so I'm afraid the events of the later parts of the game aren't coming to mind as easily. But yeah, a lot of this game's issues could be solved with a simple explanation such as that.
  2. I was just quoting it as an example. It's not the only chapter that can be considered an excuse plot. And as I said, if they had mentioned it, that would have been fine. A lot of the later chapters seem like they were just filler, especially once you get to the climax and the game is like "Oh you want to hurry up and save the world, huh? Too bad! Here's a map full of enemies you have to battle first!"
  3. Coming to this forum always makes me feel like a complete and total noob. People are complaining about hard and lunatic being too easy and I'm like "I had trouble on the chapter with Gangrel on normal mode..." (And I've been playing the series since FE8 lol)
  4. Besides the two lords and avatar: Laurent -- I usually try to use Meriel but when I unlock her son he somehow manages to gain my favor every time. I think I have an issue in being biased towards male characters. Lon'qu: I think I didn't use him ONCE, and that was when my male MU was a swordmaster. Lissa: Honestly, I have never been able to get Maribelle to fair well. Both she and Lissa get terrible stat increases but Lissa usually winds up on top somehow. Sumia or Cordelia: Depends on who gets the best stat growths early-game. I've had playthroughs where Sumia sucked but Cordelia rocked, and vice-versa. Stahl or Sully: Same as the pegasus knights. Morgan: Of course I'm going to use my unit's son/daughter. Why wouldn't I? Everyone else tends to fluctuate. I do try to mix things up each time I play.
  5. I agree with the fact that the problems mentioned previously are entirely because of the bad writing. I think this game suffers from middle school logic, and it can easily be summed up by tropes such as "Idiot Plot" (Where everyone is holding the Idiot Ball.) Another issue is that it attempts to be a funny game (the amount of crazy/stupid/ridiculous characters makes this obvious) but also tries to be dramatic and pull your heartstrings at the same time. The issue is that it is entirely difficult to pull this off. (In fact the only series I've ever seen that managed to pull off a plot where you're laughing one minute and in suspense the next was Ace Attorney.) And if I may go off on a rabbit trail, here: People talk about Chrom being flat and boring, but when I consider all of the characters, they really all suffer from the same fate. They have gimmicks and are completely devoted to said gimmicks to the point that it gets frustrating. Kellam is the worst example of this, being constantly unnoticed despite wearing huge unmissable armor. The only thing we know about his background is that he was a farmer and his townsfolk gave him the armor he's wearing. His gimmick is explained by the avatar as squinting the eyes and turning one's head. I might forgive this a little if this actually applied to the battlefield (which his script implies it does, but it doesn't.) but largely I think this can be explained by all the Shepherds just holding the idiot ball when it comes to him. Which leads me back to my point. I think this game was entirely meant for a younger audience (and by that, I mean teenagers) and trying to dissect all of the issues that the bad writing throws into the game is somewhat of a waste of time. (And yet, here I am doing it anyway. 8D ) The game is mostly made out of chapters that are mini excuse plots (Chapter 4 being one of the biggest examples. So Flavia has no power to grant the alliance? Why don't we go ask Basilio, then? Is he so unwilling to help us that we have to earn Flavia's favor? If so, why isn't it mentioned? A handwave or lampshade hanging would be nice here.) Don't get me wrong. I love the game. The gameplay alone is enough to overwrite my desire for logic most of the time. But I don't think you can completely pin the blame entirely on Chrom's character, especially when every character in the game is holding the Idiot Ball at some point or another, simply for plot reasons.
  6. Okay so I started up a file on hard mode and am having problems with understanding the internal level. I read the Calculations page but sadly my math disability is messing with my desire to figure out the best way to get Armsthrift and Galeforce on my avatar in the least amount of level ups possible. Will I hit the level 30 cap regardless of how I do it, or is there a way to effectively change classes without guzzling experience from the start?
  7. This. XD Although CherchexLon'qu honestly is better because he manages to overcome his issues thanks to her story, I really prefer him and Lissa. (Then again, I think I generally just love making him a chew toy. "LET'S HOLD HANDS, LON'QU!" "NO." ) Basically any female characterxLon'qu is lulz waiting to happen. I can only name a few that aren't lulzy.
  8. Gosh. That whole chapter. They really played the music up really well. The preparations screen has sad music, the chapter itself has sad music. And I really hate how this whole chapter is one large guilt trip on the player, and we have no choice but to kill men that really don't want to fight us, but HAVE to. Had Chrom not been in such a grieving, irrational state, perhaps we could have reached some other conclusion. Then again, I'm probably asking too much.
  9. Can anyone link me to Lv.99's profile so I can message him/her? I want that lightningrod pikachu in their friend safari, but they've changed their display name and I can't find them. x_x
  10. 203:18 as of right now, lol. Basically spent all this time raising/evolving/catching pokemon to complete my Kalos dex, with about 16 hours of that being dedicated to trying to get a shiny Eevee.
  11. I want to assume that they just made the assassin butler reference some other person from some other game/show/whatever, and that nobody exactly sent him as he's just there to be a reference. That being said... I agree with this.
  12. Just as a note: The first post has an HTML error: Thanks~
  13. Okay, as I have been busy playing Phoenix Wright's new game with things lately I haven't been able to keep up with this topic. If you have added me and I haven't added you, please PM me. Also...I cannot find Bre-Z's profile in order to contact them. Did they change their name? otl
  14. That warning would have been more helpful at the top of the post, lol. lol I was gonna bug you to add me since you have grumpig. XD The less pokemon I have to evolve, the better.
  15. It is also in the cartridge version. The thing is that it only breaks when you save on north or south boulevard or one of the alleys leading from it. And it does not always seem to occur. Either way, there's a patch now so there's no need to worry. :)
  16. ...I really could have sworn I did. O_o *does so now*
  17. Falter, if you'll add me I can tell you your type. :) I think I have added everyone who added me now. If not, let me know.
  18. Found a shiny clauncher at a chain of 35. Too bad I was aiming for a staryu. -_- (I found out I'm better responding to the "DING" sound than to the !! popping up, lol.) Then I had a chain of 45 break when nothing appeared. I see your point, but for people like me who almost never see a shiny (I've encountered pokerus more often than shinies, and it's supposed to be rarer. -_-) It's a godsend. I really hate it when all my friends have numerous shinies across all their games and I'm like "I caught a shiny fearow in FR. :D "
  19. When that happens I wait until the next day. People respawn then.
  20. It's not that easy for me. I spent the past couple of hours chain fishing and got nothing. I had a chain of 27, and it broke because I reeled in too late. (Which you only seem to have half a second to respond. My reflexes aren't that bad, but they're not great either.)
  21. Adding you. The more evolved pokemon I can catch, the less pokemon I'll have to evolve. :D
  22. More fabulous than even Team Plasma's hideous get-up.
  23. I'm pretty sure I have added everyone who added me. x_x If not, let me know. I've lost track of who I have or haven't added. DX
  24. Having 1 heart in Pokemon Amie gives you an experience boost as well.
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