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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Sorry, meant silencer skill. Aka the GBA game's version of Lethality. lol Though...you have a good point about that. I hadn't noticed. ._. On topic though: Sol -> Luna. Back-to-back. In one battle. Go Ephraim! XD
  2. My bad. I'm terrible with numbers. ^^; I didn't think modes had anything to do with canon. In fact I think all these arguments about canon are ridiculous. ahem, on topic...I'm interested to see how far this can go before the player quits, lol.
  3. It'd be cooler if it were more like the Silence skill from GBA series. That animation was cool.
  4. Gah, 3 dollars? I only have 5:50 left. DX So it's ether the Bride DLC or Iote's Shield...
  5. Ignis + Crit I love seeing those insanely high numbers. Specifically ones that go over 200 :D
  6. ...Has anyone else noticed two Chrom's on the results page? O_o
  7. This seems pretty in-character with his personality, actually. Chrom just doesn't seem like the kind to initiate a retreat on his own will. (In fact, Basilio and avatar have to DRAG him away from Gangrel in chapter 11, otherwise he probably would have fought to the death there.) As for everything else, I wish you good luck. I have never had any faith in the AI of my own characters, rather it be in Monster Rancher, Fire Emblem or Advance Wars.
  8. Ahahaha, Chrom, you are such a terrible liar. XD
  9. Ah. You know, the other day I figured it might be something like that. Thanks.
  10. This is probably off topic-ish, but I've seen a lot of mention of LTC runthroughs. At first I thought it was a shortened term for lunatic, but certain topics have made me think otherwise. What is it?
  11. I've gotten so many perfect level ups, I can't even tell you who they were. XD Most of them were probably Prince Marth and Donny/Donny's children, though.
  12. I would rather have swordmasters over sorcerers and generals, in all honesty. Inability to get hit > high defense. and the general/sorcerer outfits.
  13. How does it happen with levin swords? ._.; Levin Swords never get cut ins, from what I've seen. I've had two cut ins happen once, but it never occurred to me that it might be a glitch. I'm so clueless sometimes. ^^;
  14. LOL. To a man she knew was completely consumed by the Demon King, nonetheless. Anyway, eirikavsephriam stuff aside, I guess I'll also tier my favorite characters: ...Then again, I have too many to count, throughout the whole series. Though I suppose I can list my top five from Awakening: 1: Lon'qu. [Him + almost any female character = chew toy'd] 2: Lucina 3: Chrom 4: Laurent 5: Gaius no I am TOTALLY not biased towards the males. >> <<
  15. I have to agree. Though Shadow Dragon's Starlight was just as awesome. (I'm a geek for space things though.) Buuut you can't have such flashy animations when there's countless camera angles, I suppose.
  16. True facts. It simply just does not feel right to have 'They died and were erased from the books of history' at the end of the game, instead of their 'happily (or not so happily) ever after' epilogue text.
  17. It's not finished until I get tired of playing it. Simple as that. ;)
  18. Go ahead and close it, Integrity. I don't mind. I think one big topic for this is better than spamming the forum. (I just wanted to be the one to make a happy birthday topic for once XD Even if it was a character I didn't like.)
  19. I wished him a happy birthday and still hate him. :D okay, maybe 'dislike' is more the word since he DID get knocked off his high horse and fell into the pit. Well he DID give me an Eliwood's Blade after all...
  20. lol. A log isn't a very good 'I'm sorry' present, is it?
  21. Not that I like you all that much, but nonetheless... I got an Eliwood's blade. Thanks, dude. :D
  22. I want to say it wasn't even a year. Because if it had been very long they would have been like OMG YOU'RE AWAKE WELCOME BACK! I'd say maybe six months at least. And while it might not seem like much, searching for somebody in fear of never finding them again makes the days seem to drag by, and seem twice as long as they actually were.
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