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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I noticed the map sprites have two swords. Never thought about it beyond that. ._.; Lethality is meh. It was awesome in the GBA games where it had its own specific animation (turning the screen dark, slightly different crit animation) but in this game all you get is a blinding red screen and shadows. Astra is even more disadvantageous though because of the weapon use decline. Though it's funny when Astra activates and you pull off five strikes with a weapon that has two uses left. lol EDIT: @ Above poster: Then how come when my weapon has two uses left, Astra activates, I get four hits in and the sword breaks, hm?
  2. I really don't think it's fair that everyone is holding the Orson trick against her. The other things WERE stupid, but the issue is, Orson's betrayal was very well done. I didn't even see that one coming. (Unless that makes me gullible too?) Chances are that without knowledge of what happened in chapter 5x, most players probably would have never seen it coming either. Sure, they might think it's a little odd, but video games are full of odd things, so... Giving up the bracelet for the child's life was...unintelligent. My reaction to Seth's protests would be to wonder why it's so important, but she was more concerned of saving a child's life. Giving Lyon the sacred stone was just stupid. I clearly remember myself going :"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, EIRIKA?" Then again, there's a big reason why I prefer Ephraim's side of the story to Eirika's. And no, it's not my bias from Ephraim being my favorite character in that game. EDIT: Thanks for the explanation, nocturnal.
  3. I don't know. Flavia has always performed better than Basilio in my game. In fact, he died on the first chapter he was introduced, while Flavia kept scoring Sol's and lived on, lol.
  4. Gah, I need a 20$ prepaid card noooooooooooow. DX
  5. Forgot a few: Donnel = Donny (obviously.) Maribelle: Miss Priss. (The name my mom tends to call female cats that demand a lot of attention.)
  6. Male is better. You don't have to put up with those horrid female outfits. >>
  7. Walhart was hardly ever given any good screentime, until you fought him. Gangrel did a far better job at making me hate his guts, so he's the better villain, IMO. (Yes, a 'good' villain to me is the one that makes me hate him. Plus, Walhart has the 'I don't think I'm a god. I AM A GOD." cliche.
  8. Okay, I know I'm probably just being nitpicky here, but it kind of bothers me how the archers grunt when they let go of the string. I'm not an expert on bows, but wouldn't pulling the string back be more likely to cause grunts due to the effort?
  9. She got doubled by an enemy and died. To a hit percentage of 40%. THE ODDS WERE IN YOUR FAVOR!!! This happened twice. Really, Lissa? Your 50% speed growth really does like to screw you over, doesn't it? I had to use a speedwing AND naga's tear, AND level grind you. -_- And I get a shockstick in return. Whee.
  10. What do you mean by this part? (Despite her DLC version self in Marth's chapter having bright orange clothes...)
  11. We all knew they were all generic filler data anyway, right? lol
  12. Yeah, I noticed that one the other day with Tharja. Figured it was just part of her personality. Having her back turned to the person while saying "What do you care? Leave me alone!" just makes sense, lol I've noticed a couple of times, an enemy paladin attacked Chrom, seemingly hitting him on the head for no damage. It was funny.
  13. Inigo: Indigo Walhart: Walmart any other nickname I give a character is because I don't feel like spelling their full name. lol
  15. What bothered me was in Marth's DLC (the only one I played...) that one toubadour girl was there. Killing her felt so wrong, if only because she actually has dialogue. "I have no gift for harming others..." And I really hate Hubba. Eirika seemed like she was about to listen to reason, but noooooo! Hubba had to open his big fat mouth so that we had to kill her. :|
  16. 1: Download whatever images you find on the web that you want to use. 2: Open the meme image in MSPaint. 3: Click "Paste From" from the Edit menu. 4: Select the screenshot. 5: Move the screenshot from the place where it appears to wherever you want to put it. Hope this helps~
  17. There's games in Awakening? Oh my. *ahem* I was too lazy to do this entirely ha ha. I was thinking of doing a text version.
  18. To be a zombie apocalypse-causing bad guy. Simple as that.
  19. Chapter 16's boss when fought with Chrom: Text: Hmph. Then we have nothing more to discuss. VA: SEE how my mustache MOVES in the WIND!! I was just like "...lolwut?"
  20. They knew your pain. FE fans stick together! And yes, some of the scenes in this game are really heart-wrenching. DX
  21. I think, basically, Intelligent Systems decided that after giving Advance Wars a serious game, they needed to make Fire Emblem have a not-so-serious game. Really, when you get right down to it, they took the lulz of Advance Wars and smacked it into FE. That also explains the lackluster plot. Advance Wars had good plots (or at least, AWDS did) but they weren't as in-depth as the Fire Emblem series.
  22. I'm on normal mode. And my characters are ALWAYS getting hit by 20-30% attacks. In fact, the only time I actually expect my characters to dodge is when it's below 20% :/ I think awkward zombie needs to make a Part 2 of "Against the odds" and change those percentages to 20-30%. "YOU HAD A SEVENTY PERCENT CHANCE OF DODGING! THE ODDS WERE IN YOUR FAVOR!!!" oh and if the attack is going to kill your unit? It will hit 95% of the time. T_T
  23. Somebody needs to add awakening to the video games list.
  24. The only "game" that can even be slightly directed towards FE is their chess game, and you don't say 'game over' for that. You say checkmate. (Which the avatar also says, but that's different.) He's basically telling the enemy "game over" before killing them--which in a video gaming sense WOULD give said enemy a game over screen. Even if he were referring to the game of fighting, just saying 'game over' is suspicious. I'd understand it in more of a in-character term if they were like "This game is over!" ...Maybe Morgan comes from our time. And has actually played video games, but hasn't realized it. *smacked* As a writer, I love lampshading, lol. However, I don't consider 'game over' to be that.
  25. Because Lucina is so boss, even being gimped she ended up being one of my top five best units.
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