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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. EDIT2: Oh flip, I'm on the wrong file, hahha. Sorry about that. <<;;;
  2. On the Max stats page for Awakening, Gerome with Gaius as his father has a max stat of 51 strength as Wyvern Lord. However, the Gerome in my game capped at 52.
  3. My friend plays Cosmic Break. It makes him rage. :D Ahem. I only have 5.50 left on my account. Might have to wait on getting this set...though the Bride class is tempting. >>
  4. ...Is that implying Emmeryn is a ghost? lol
  5. True, true, but in this case, it was somewhat obvious Emmeryn was serving as the 'father.' After all, the only big sister I've known out of the series--Elice--wasn't actually seen until way later in the game. then again, Eliwood's father shared the same cup. Hm. But yes, that moment was just heart-wrenching. Not as heart-wrenching as the cutscene after that, though.
  6. YAY! Now to tell emi since she's been waiting on the Bride class for a while.
  7. You have no idea how long I sat there when that prompt came up. Either way had an effect I didn't like. I eventually came to my senses and decided that Emmeryn was the 'father' to Chrom in this game--and the 'father' ALWAYS dies in Fire Emblem.
  8. Good point. btw were you trying to see how many times you could say 'dead to the world'? lol I think 'Dead King's Pity Party' should have been the name of that chapter.
  9. I thought it was pretty much confirmed that the other continents were copy/pastes of Ylisse.
  10. He says his heart stopped beating though, and his body won't let him stop. Gangrel also says something similar, and I'd think if Gangrel wasn't a Risen, it wouldn't be Dead King's Lament? Then again, if they were Risen, I do question why Chrom would allow them into his army...
  11. You say that as if Sony hasn't been region-locking things since the 90's. lol
  12. I wish he'd make a screencap of my avatar, he'd save me the trouble of fooling with my failful camera, lol. But if he did that, he'd have to take screencaps of EVERYONE'S avatars. And he does enough work already, providing screencaps for the website, lol. I do agree that her scared image is freaky, now that I take a good look at it. But her other image was just like 8) Yay! Rei and Frederick are here!
  13. How do you even pronounce Mjolnir? I wish you could rename Timeless spells. -_-
  14. Just curious as to how many players took the cheap way out and fought with the generals so they didn't have to worry about Yarne committing suicide. I'm also undecided on which one to pick, yet again. lol
  15. Sometimes DLC map music doesn't load, and it'll play the Challenge music instead. I've never had the music die completely, though.
  16. My friend wants to ride a horse in the Bride outfit. ...I honestly think that would make more sense than running around the battlefield in a long frilly dress. :x
  17. Hahahaha XD Yeah, that voice isn't cute. It's just weird. And sounds like she needs to lay off the helium. I have to say, I don't really like Olivia's english voiceclips. One of her "ha!" attack clips sounds incredibly masculine. I haven't really heard much of her Japanese one, but I can bet it's better than her english one. She's probably the only character with a voice actress I dislike. I also dislike Donny's, but that's more or less because they made him Larry the Cable Guy. -_-
  18. Same. Apparently not? I do remember the first time I saw a game end with Fin though. I think it was FE8. And I was like "What the heck kind of word is THAT?" lol, I had so much to learn back then. XD
  19. Perhaps it used a censor method similar to GameFAQs? (e.g., continuous. You cannot have Thunderbolt and Waterfall falling each-other without anything between them. Regardless of whether they're on new lines or not. <<; It was stupid.)
  20. There's a ton of 'favorite x' topics on here, but I haven't seen this one yet, so... What's your favorite spell animation? For me: Though in my opinion, the spell animations are lacking the flare and awesome of the GBA/DS games, I suppose you can't exactly have that amount of awesome when the camera isn't fixed. That aside, Book of Naga takes the cake for me, with the rainbow flare around the burst of light.
  21. As a person who prefers more modest female characters, I'm really against all the sexualization the female units received. As an Emblemer I have somewhat learned to deal with the short skirts, but most of this game is just crap. Specifically the assassins. There are no default characters for this class, yes? WHY do they need such huge breasts? Had they originally intended on Aversa being this class or something? That's the ONLY way it makes sense. (And quite honestly I see her being an assassin over being a dark flier. >> ) I like the war cleric dress and female tactician/grandmaster design for females. Most modest out of them all, from what I've seen. Well, there's mages too, but I don't particularly like their designs. (the generic ones anyway...) I miss the old fashioned capes :(
  22. So does that mean you'd like Precis voice clips? On topic: I didn't pay attention to Olivia's flashback scene. I really couldn't get over its awkward placing. Instead of putting it BEFORE the wedding, they randomly slap it in right before you regain control on the map. And it just leaves you going "uh...what? Shouldn't they have done this by now?" Then again, I can't really bear to see anyone end up with Chrom that isn't the female avatar, so that could have played a part too. <<; For the record, I don't really like Olivia's personality either. She's...awkward.
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