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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I got a Missletainn. Whee. An an axe weapon I already had. AND the Timeless Thunder spell. Which I already had. No complaints about the latter though. Shall now use that spell myself, since I gave the first one to Morgan. Game, I STILL want Ragnel, Excalibur, Nidhogg and Book of Naga. GIMME THEM.
  2. I tried to name my Vigoroth ADHD because of its pokedex data. Every time I tried to press OK it would give me an error sound. I don't understand this, lol. There's no bad word in that at all. XD
  3. I heard that Fire Emblem has universal censoring. ...Or was that one of the other 3DS games I've looked into recently? DX
  4. I hated the hit percentages in FE Shadow Dragon. Because they were absolute lies when it came to the enemy's units. Enemies always had a 90-100% chance of hitting, regardless of what it said. This game is somewhat like that as well, but not quite as badly.
  5. Just beat it for a second time. *finally makes it to first chest* "You got a Luna!" T_T I already have one of those. *makes it to second chest* "You got a Luna!" *facedesk* SERIOUSLY?! *makes it to third chest* You got a Mystletainn! ...Well, at least I got something that wasn't a Luna in the third chest. -_-
  6. All right, thanks. All right, now to track it down. I really should have bought that game, lol.
  7. Is there any way to make a special unit promote to an advanced class, aka if I made Gaius a dreadfighter, if there any way to revert him back to Assassin without going through the thief class first?
  8. ...Please tell me that is not in the 'wife' slot.
  9. I was asking if both skills could activate at once, basically. But after some checking, I found that they could, so... Also, I'm playing Champions of Yore 3 now, and I'm wondering: What music is this?
  10. If Morgan has a 100% chance of activating Armsthrift, does this still apply to skills such as Ignis?
  11. I'm pretty sure it was Emmeryn's head.
  12. I feel your pain. :( I got Walhart's axe yesterday, and that was after resetting because Lon'Qu died to an attack that had a 9% chance of hitting Also got a dark tome. That's fine and dandy and all but...I don't use dark mages. :| I want a Book of Naga. :( And a Ragnel. And I want Excalibur, even if it was HORRIBLY nerfed from its version in Sacred Stones. >> I have yet to try the map again, mainly because I'm working on further breaking my characters so I don't have to worry so much about getting a character killed.
  13. Awesome. So I could quite literally have a team packed with All Stats +2. Also, one from my friend on skype: [9:58:34 PM] Jen: I wonder if Paragon stacks with Veteran I'm doubtful that it does, but figured it wouldn't bother anyone too much to confirm it.
  14. No, it's definitely there. I see it. It's definitely -in- the pixels as well. It's just horribly, horribly tiny. Like literally one or two pixels. Look underneath the center bang hanging down. EDIT: Also, it's more noticeable on the conversation image
  15. How many dread scrolls/iote's shields/all stats+2 items can you get per file?
  16. ... *gets her failescope's x50 lens and boots up her game* *spots it* Dude you must have some awesome eyesight to notice that. It looks like only 2 pixels. O_o
  17. If you visit the barracks too many times in one day, they'll make a comment like "You sure are taking a lot of breaks today..." Are they calling me lazy? D< I make sure nobody in this army dies. How dare they!
  18. Falchion and Rapier for early game, then end up giving the latter to Pr. Marth since Chrom has built up enough strength to negate armor. I give him a Noble Rapier later, but I almost never use it, ESPECIALLY after getting the Exalted Falchion.
  19. ...That screenshot makes me believe that Aeo knew what she was saying when she said Stahl was CDi Link. Hahahaha! Donny, what HAVE you been doing on said farm? Certainly not working, eh?
  20. ALL OF THEM! 8D Okay, maybe not. Chrom and Marth ftw.
  21. True but Fire Emblem Logic doesn't ALWAYS apply. XD Perhaps that's why i didn't see it coming. I had not grown used to Fire Emblem's (and most all other video games', I guess?) 'evil is ugly' thing. And yeah, now that I think about it, he DID ask her for the bracelet. (It's been too long since I've played that game...) Good thing Seth was guarding over her, eh?
  22. And the avatar's default name is Robin. XD Also, looking at Walhart's lines again, he never does say he's a god. He says he conquers them. So ignore my last post.
  23. FE's RNG has always hated me. I remember showing a screenshot of my hack one time and Nayr was like "Those are really fail stats for a prepromote." Best part was he wasn't a prepromote at all. He was just RNG-screwed lol. My game really seems to hate Lissa, Maribelle and Stahl. Cannot do anything with those three without some serious grinding and reclassing, I swear.
  24. I'd much rather have ALL the monsters from FE8 visiting us again. But nope. Only the zombies and reanimated corpses. :( also, I lol'd at that post. not our fault your undead brothers give a busload of experience for beating them. lol
  25. Swordmasters need to have cooler crit animations like they did in FE6/7/8. I don't care if they have two swords or one. I want them to be awesome. I like swordmasters best. Mainly because I've always loved swordmasters. But also, female assassins get breasts the size of their heads, trickers look like they have big butts (even if it is just the pants) and swordmasters, while needing SOME form of pants, at least have some kind of short shorts on. I don't care what they really are, I'm saying they're short shorts and nobody can tell me otherwise. D<
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