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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. lol That reminds me of my last file. XD Chrom was fighting Aversa in chapter 21, and after having the conversation with her, he pulls off an Aether with the same line. So it was like he was cementing his words with the battle quote. XD
  2. Ah. Yeah. Instead, they went for "we're going to make them think they've lost the game again!" I think they were really aiming for pure horror and suspense with that scene. Or at least, I know that entire chapter had me going o_o "No I don't want to game over again DX" until Basillo showed up. After having played Star Ocean 3, I had felt like this game was going to be a similar plot--you're losing the whole game (despite winning) and even the ending is a loss on your part. So the game really had me hooked. XD "THIS GAME WILL HAVE A HAPPY ENDING RIGHT?! D8" True, true. They wanted you to feel like Lucina did, I guess.
  3. That image broke the forum posts in my resolution LOL. Anyway, Ouch. Lunatic mode, I presume? I dunno, it could have been. But I was really just referencing this comic, which is ironically about FE. http://awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=072312
  4. Hmmm...I can see that. I still wonder how the replay of that cutscene in chapter 22 is supposed to be interpreted, though. What does 'checkhov'd' mean? ^^;
  5. Good point. It is very clear that the avatar is quick to blame him/herself. (Though not as quick as Lucina) Perhaps in the second time that cutscene plays, the avatar isn't really trying to resist at that point, but actually has startled out of it. Or perhaps the whole scene was a complete act?
  6. Topic title is a reference to an awkward zombie comic. Anyway, I just thought it would be interesting to make a topic where people can post their against-the-odds experiences. For example, yesterday on chapter 20, a random mage pulled off a 2% crit and killed Gaius. >> And the first time I played chapter 22, Flavia pulled a Sol every time her HP got low. Every time.
  7. wait...what? So you can have a morgan with different hair than the mother/father?
  8. Yes, but the way the avatar looks at his/her hand afterward like "D-did I do that?!" or "What have I done?!" made it seem like (s)he regained his/her senses afterward.
  9. Her battle voice makes it VERY VERY clear. She might have done a decent job disguising her voice in the cutscenes, but her battle voice is 100% feminine.
  10. There is one thing this game hasn't quite made clear, and I've played it twice. What compelled the future avatar to become Grima? From the looks of the pre-prologue chapter and the cutscenes, the avatar was just as firm in his choice to oppose Validar as (s)he is in the main game's scenes...so how did (s)he come to choose sacrificing him/herself to become Grima?
  11. That was my theory as well. Perhaps she also wanted to get to know her father more by battling with him.
  12. I hate the generic female assassin outfit lol. Those breasts are as big as her head! I would rather women have small breast sizes, so her lack of breasts only makes her better to me. I find big breasts to be horribly overrated, particularly when it comes to men's opinions of them. Also, This clears some things up that I was confused with. I thank you for clarifying this.
  13. Reclass all of the units you want to use AT LEAST twice. Otherwise, the final chapters will be KJAHJSHDJSD hard. I only reclassed 5 characters in my first run, and ended up being unable to use anyone but them from the chapters 22 onward, because...that part of the game was just downright evil. Also, on Gangrel's chapter: At the start of the battle, highlight Gangrel's range. KEEP ALL OF YOUR UNITS 3 TILES AWAY FROM IT unless you want that guy to come after them. Which means leaving the rightmost chest until after you beat him. (The chapter is route enemy, so if there's other units about, you can still get the chest.) You also want to have your physical units charge left as quickly as possible, and intercede with the thief after he unlocks the chest. Your magical units (and anyone with high res) should go right to deal with the mages. These are just based off of my experiences., and are the hard lessons I learned during playing the game twice. EDIT: I need to learn my left and rights. XD Fixed.
  14. Is there any way to make the Unit Viewer show other uniforms other than the default ones? Like Chrom's great lord outfit? That kind of bothers me. :(
  15. My gripe is that Chrom's sprite doesn't update after he promoted to great lord. HIS GREAT LORD UNIFORM IS AWESOME. D8 As for trickers, I think they ALL look silly. Anna looks like her butt is huge.
  16. Blame the game, not me. XD So choosing to fight both sides will resort in being able to visit all four villages, correct? Does this mean I get a reward after the chapter ends as well?
  17. Well I do admit that this game had me tied up in anxiety for most of the final chapters. However, I do agree that this game's story seems to lack something. I think, overall, they were stretching out the story between too many chapters. A lot of the later chapters seemed like they were thrown in there for no other purpose than to make you wait even longer to find out what happens next. <<
  18. I'm just wondering if this prompt actually changes anything. If so, what are the pros and cons of each choice?
  19. Conquest (love the flute playing Fire Emblem theme) Chaos I seem to have a thing for instruments with reverbs. Flutes, organs and tubular bells. lol
  20. if you're lucky, a traveling merchant will pop up allowing you to buy it
  21. I love how this topic went from serious debate to joking around with just one post. ANNA THE GUARDIAN OF TIME. Eat that, Dialga!
  22. Ah. I never completely played through FE12. I got to a certain point in the game and the emulator started lagging like heck. It was odd that the game ran very well up until the desert chapter with all the wild wyverns. After that point it became a pain to run.
  23. The Dark Sphere? It was capable of turning Hardin into OMGWTHHOWDIDTHATHAPPEN. And though the gems that go into fire emblem exist elsewhere they all have different names and none of them have their properties mentioned...
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