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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I feel like such a failure. Here are all the veteran FE players going after hard mode and lunatic, meanwhile I have spent almost all of the day level grinding JUST to stand a chance against Chapter 11. (And even then, I had a hard time.) Maybe my characters got RNG -screwed? Or maybe I should have promoted everyone already. ;>> Or maybe it's the fact that most of my characters don't know how to dodge attacks. Most likely I'm just fail though.
  2. Uh...so there's no renaming forged weapons? :( I tried it just now and didn't get any renaming prompts...
  3. Agreed. Love that tune. If only that Deku Pipe wasn't in there to feel out of place. But I like listening to that one while doing stuff, lol.
  4. Which could be the cause of the delay in the first place--either Nintendo held back the shipments to make more to accommodate the extra preorders, or they purposely held back the shipments to try and get people to cancel preorder and get the shop download.
  5. I have a friend in New York so I was pretty concerned for her too, during the whole thing. She seemed to be one of the more lucky ones, thankfully. But yeah, the point wasn't really about Hurricane Sandy, but rather that the news stations all seem to focus on that one story and keep it going for long after the event finished. Which I suppose makes sense for natural disasters, but things like a Hollywood star's death? Does not need to be dragged out for six months. Anyway, back to the topic at hand: That was what mine said too, lol. Guess they don't know when their shipments are coming in. We're going to assume around noon to two Oclock and drop by for a visit. EDIT: We get daily updates, I think. I'm not a news watcher but my mom has mentioned both of those to me lately. But I assure you we don't cover it with that much depth. >> Even though it's just as bad as what happened here. But yes, we are horrible over reactors. When terrorists struck Brittan a while back I was very amazed at how calmly they were handling things.
  6. Sorry. ._. What I meant to say was that we go on about events like that for months -afterward.- Perhaps using another event would have been better example, but I couldn't remember any of the recent ridiculous ones. Doesn't have to be hurricanes either. I wouldn't mind it so much if they would report on other news too. *goes to remove her last post*
  7. Huh. So instead of seeing illustrations in this game, you get to gaze at eye candy? Interesting. ;P
  8. Yes, but you see, we Americans like to complain about everything. We also love making mountains out of molehills.
  9. I see...thanks. Nintendo's website doesn't really help out with figuring that out, lol.
  10. I meant physical spotpass locations. XD Unless you can just download them from wifi normally? I don't really understand spotpass mechanics...
  11. Don't those cost money, though? I honestly have no clue. I'm hoping at least 20 dollars lol. I'll be willing to let you know when I find out though, if you really want to know.
  12. Yeah, it just occurred to me that I did the math wrong. lol Eh, even five bucks will help...
  13. I need to find out where I can access spotpass. >>
  14. This~ Looking to trade in a couple of DS games and a DSLite to reduce the price. Normally I don't trade in games or consoles but seeing as how I have a DSi and a DSiXL I don't think I really need the DSLite anymore. And I never really wanted Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (got it for free with another game) and Gamestop is supposedly doing a two game trade in deal, to get an extra 10% off. (I can use all the money off of it I can get.)
  15. The future of despair pack I will definitely get. The name intrigues me.
  16. I'm confused. Does this mean it takes up less space or more? Interesting, but would it be worth it if you get the first Yore DLC for free? hm.
  17. I think my patience is just starting to run thin. I have a mission trip Saturday and I'm banking on actually having the game when that day comes, so that I'll have something to do on that two hour bus ride. and I would like to have my game at least a day or so before then, but from the looks of it, unless gamestop forgot to call me I'll be waiting until tomorrow. -_-
  18. I know, but it is kind of stupid that other stores have gotten their stocks in by now while my store seems to be locked on "To be determined." -_-
  19. I know one thing: This is the last time I'm getting something from gamestop on release day. <_< Having to wait this long to get something I preordered while everyone else seems to be getting it in earlier is ridiculous.
  20. hmmm...all this discussion about trade-ins makes me wonder how much I can get in credit for trading in my old DSLite. There's also that game I don't want; even if it's only five dollars in credit, every little bit counts. >>
  21. Ah, okay. Thanks. What's wrong, Ike? Too BA to stay in your own world?
  22. Right? -_- My gamestop said they could come in anytime from Wednesday to Friday. I WANT IT NOW. D<
  23. Was playing super smash bros melee, taking Ice Climbers through Classic mode for completion, when Marth challenged me and almost kicked my butt. Having been a Legend of Zelda fan, I was like "This guy is like Link, but faster! :D" Started writing a fanfic later on (which I now dub the 'Old Awful Melee Fanfic') and joined Fire Emblem Sanctuary of Strategy to do some background research. Saw Fire Emblem on the store shelves sometime later but didn't manage to get enough spare money to obtain a game from the series until Sacred Stones. Been hooked ever since. XD
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