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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I would. I would 8D I've been thinking about installing my OC Lanse into the game as the male avatar. Amnesia is canonical to him anyway. XD
  2. You can seriously have sunglasses in this game? XD and I lol'd. Oh dear. XD
  3. The main website makes it very clear that the Avatar is supposed to be you--the player. So, will you follow the developers' intentions and insert yourself into the game, or are you going to make up a character that isn't you? Personally, I think I will do both. My first file shall be a fantasy world me, and my second file (and perhaps every file afterward) will be fictional. (If I can stick any of my OCs into this game's small avatar choices, I'm going for it!) And for those wondering, it doesn't include a "both" option because it's a yes or no question. lol
  4. So basically, just like most other FEs with their opening scenes and such? ("The continent of Magvel. For some 800 years...")
  5. That's what I'm having to tell myself on ALL the names. And the sprites/artwork. (Okay maybe not ALL the names, there are some normal ones among them, but still...)
  6. Intermission chapter? Now I'm curious. Eleven days til I get the game and find out. :D
  7. It helps that you can build supports outside of story chapters. I loved that about FE8. 'Tower Abus'e for me meant going to the first floor of the tower, putting all the characters next to who I wanted them to support with, and END TURN spam. LOL
  8. Today I shall tackle chapter 8 of Path of Radiance. I was too lazy to do so yesterday...
  9. That's what I meant. The topic creator was talking about classes having inferior stats to one-another, despite growth differences. (Unless I misunderstood things?) I was saying that things like this have always existed
  10. I lol'd. So essentially, My Unit is like the player in the Harvest Moon series. You can get ANYONE up to max friendship, but can only marry one guy/girl (according to gender.) Awesome. XD
  11. Hasn't it always been like this? IIRC Eirika had much higher stat caps than Ephraim, the latter of which had better growths somewhat. That always bugged the heck out of me.
  12. I finally hooked up my gamecube. I hate chapter 8 of FE9. otl Doesn't help that was I doing a male-only run until this point. now it's like USE EVERYONE OR DIE.
  13. I'm sure assassins spend most of their time hiding and sneaking around. *smacked* Eh, I like it better than some of the other whacky designs in this game. >>
  14. Okay that works, so long as it's based on the game XD. Wow, female assassins look awesome. Thanks~
  15. Hey shadow, you wouldn't happen to have a female assassin in your rosters that you can screenshot for me, would you? I don't care if it's the generic outfit, I just want to see what it looks like. lol Also, a question about the website: Is there no information available for the Bride and Demon Fighter growth rates? My friend is planning to be a Bride but there's no information on the DLC classes.
  16. Hm. Doing some playing around with caps and growth rates, i'm going to change mine to "depends on what class I end up choosing." Grandmaster: +Speed, - Strength Growths: 80, 45, 50, 50, 60, 60, 35, 3o Caps: 80, 37, 40, 41, 44, 47, 39, 40 Though I will be using mainly swords with this, I plan on going to Swordmaster first, getting the Sword Expert skill, then swapping back to Grandmaster. Going with magic or resistance lowers the speed stat, and I don't like that. Going with -Luck reduces strength and magic, as well as lowering my caps so that I have 39 in magic and strength. I have an OCD thing against the number nine (I always want it to go up one more) so I'd be bugged to death if I ever actually hit my cap in those stats. Assassin: +Speed, - Skill Growths: 80, 55, 35, 60, 70, 60, 30, 25 Caps: 80, 39, 30, 47, 50, 47, 30, 30 Skill doesn't affect the speed, and before making it the worst stat it's 70, so that seems the best route to go. Strength sadly caps out at 39 but one stat is better than two, and I'd have to get lucky to reach that cap anyway, so...yeah. My male unit, however, will more than likely be a swordmaster, though I haven't decided what his stat spread would be...
  17. What's with the gum? lol 12 more days before I get mine. Cannot wait. D8
  18. Same, so long as the Japanese don't hog it all for themselves. *glares at FE12* WHY NINTENDO. WHYYYYYY?!
  19. Yay another novel writer~ I write them myself, but when I have New Game Anticipation syndrome I can't focus on anything. otl
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