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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. It's attached to my first post now. I really should go back and clean it up, but it's been so long since I've done this hack I won't know what to do, LOL. Also, I fail to remember who fixed that error originally, but if they're around here I'd appreciate it if they could tell me how they fixed it or supply the fixed patch~
  2. lol That would be my once-upon-a-time website. XD Which I used as file storage. Let me see if I still have the patch, lol. Got it. ...IIRC though there was some kind of glitch somewhere that I thought I fixed but hadn't. There were some hackers that fixed it for me but I don't have any clue who they were or where the fixed version is. EDIT: I'd give it to you, but my browser's being a jerk right now. >_> FELinksWar.zip
  3. Ricken's voice reminds me of Sonic. -_- Even though they're not quite the same.
  4. Do the items for the DLC classes change you from ANY unit, promoted or not?
  5. yo guys, I don't want to ruin the plot by watching but can you guys give me times for when Sahl and Ricken speak? (If at all.) I have a friend that wants to hear Sahl's voice. Not like I've already spoiled enough about this game's plot by hanging around on this board anyway. Still, wanna save the good stuff for when I get the game.
  6. [spoiler=marth]Especially since they didn't even TRY to disguise her voice. They made it BLATENTLY obvious it's a female.
  7. Females pick him because he's hot. It doesn't really matter how generic his personality is so long as he looks freaking awesome. And his English voice is just so epically attractive. (And I'm speaking not only out of my own preference, but my two closest friends--who actually aren't on this forum at all, LOL.) I even think Chrom's voice is unfitting to his appearance, but it's just so awesome-sounding I'm willing to forgive it. As for your assumption that most players are male--you forget one thing. There are lots of female players out there, who are more than willing to play fighting games. (If this weren't true, why would Pokemon have female players, and Smash Bros have Peach, Zelda and JIgglypuff?) To boot, Fire Emblem's running theme in most games (excluding Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon) are support conversations which lead to paired endings. Girls LOVE this type of stuff. Even a tomboy like me finds herself playing games where I can pair characters up and give them endings together. The presence of attractive guys drew me into the series---the romance and relationships keep me hooked. And I'm sure I'm not the only girl out there that's a geek over this sort of thing, LOL.
  8. I see what you did there. lol Normally this would be somewhat of a challenge, but considering how most of the cast is female I'd say males are probably the more challenging gender for this game. :x Speaking of which I will most likely do that eventually. I know I did that in FEDS. ONLY GUYS. THE FEMALES MUST DIE. I am so sexist against myself LOL A sword-only run is also one I'll take up.
  9. Normal and Casual. That way, when the unexpected reinforcements happen, I don't have to go "OH CRAP!" and reset. Will likely take on classic the next time around, we'll see.
  10. True but they only showed her for a second, and I get the feeling that any unknowing watchers will have it fly over their heads, lol. Especially the younger audiences. Edit: Ninja'd.
  11. Dark pegasus. Sounds kinda awesome. Too bad the stat growths are kinda inferior to Falconknights...
  12. BlueLeafeon


    Hi~ ...I don't have much else to say, lol.
  13. Well the issue for me is that I live out in cow country and the nearest driver's license place is the next town over. Which is very out of the way. Heck, even going to that gamestop was a good 45 minute trip. ON TOPIC: 15 days until the release. (14 for some lucky people lol)
  14. Female: Krom Male: Sully. at least, those are my first choices. Will likely pair them up with as many as I can, since there's supposedly special scenes for each person. :x
  15. I lol'd. Hard. I admit the art seems a bit awkward there, but I'm gonna say that the avatar didn't stand up fully and play ignorant to the rest of it. :D
  16. I heard Japan sold out just as fast. It had me nervous so I bribed my mom into taking me to gamestop yesterday. >>
  17. I've been thinking of going for assassin. Honestly, my luck with RNG fails enough that all those 50's/60's will screw me over in the end. ...Then again I did get an uuber defense Ryan in FE12. >> Now if only I could find a picture of a female assassin model. (Because I'm super picky like that.) If all else fails I WILL use grandmaster and focus mostly on swords.
  18. I preordered my bundle yesterday. He says they JUST updated their computers with the info for it earlier yesterday. Tells you what kind of area I live in. >> Excited to hear that preordering the bundle gets the art book too. Now if only Feb 5th will get here faster.
  19. should not have read that otl Ah well. Not like I'm free of plot spoilers anyway. Can you name forged weapons, like in PoR/FE12? Serene's doesn't mention this.
  20. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/char_growth_all.html Drop-down menus FTW.
  21. I have decided that a fantasy version of me doesn't have to have my horrid athletic abilities. +Speed -Luck (Because my luck IRL tends to fail...a lot. -_- ) If I actually go for the Assassin class my growth rates will be: 80 55 30 70 70 50 35 25
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