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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Buy yourself an SD Card Reader like I did. They don't cost too much, and you can use them to get pictures off your wii as well. :P (as well as other things that nintendo would rather you not do...lol)
  2. Update now that I've ordered my game: Feb 4th: twiddle my thumbs all day, go to bed early Feb 5th: What I said in my first post, lol Local gamestop said that they weren't getting 'em in til the 5th. I can wait a day.
  3. Agreed. I was in awe of the epicness in the music when I heard it. I just wish the main theme had more of Fire Emblem's theme. It blew me away when those strings started playing the FE theme, but then it ended 13 seconds later. :( Didn't even finish playing the first few notes. That's not saying that I dislike the main theme though. It's pretty epic.
  4. that should have been spoiler tagged, LOL. Can females be assassins? Serene's Forest says it's a unisex class but it has me curious since no playable female characters are assassins off the bat. (Unless there's some in the DLC I didn't see.) EDIT: Further specification.
  5. Thank you shadow, I was really wanting to see what everyone else has been seeing. :D
  6. So you can load up your save file after you beat it? That's nice. I miss Sacred Stones' post-game. D:
  7. Same. Question on hidden levels: Is it possible for MU to get the level 10 and 15 skills from Strategist, Myrmidon, Thief, Swordmaster and Assassin? Or would the level cap out somewhere along the way?
  8. Okay, thanks! I also would like an answer to this. (Because I have nothing better to do than to plan my cast of characters, apparently.)
  9. This~ but sadly that means I don't get to play the demo. otl
  10. How the flip do you even pronounce that? Eh, I guess a funky-looking character deserves a funky name. (mostly talking about his preference to have qwilfish hair)
  11. Hey for those of your who have played it: How is the speed/evasion system working? I know in FEDS (which this game tends to take after a little bit) speed was absoutely worthless when it came to evasion because most attacks hit anyway. >_> FE12 didn't seem as bad, at least characters could dodge sometimes. But it still wasn't as good as the GBA titles >> Edit: I want to know so I can finish planning my unit. If speed is worthless then I'm going to aim for another stat to be 70% growth.
  12. 1: Bug my mom to wake up and take me down to gamestop ASAP. 2: Get console. Start setting up the clock, etc. Adjust settings to not have 3D on the top screen. 3: At home, get my FC, that swap note app and give the FC to emi before she flips 4: Get spammed with swap notes 5: Start playing the game. Spend forever being fickle about what I want My Unit to be, then finally pick one by random and get on with the story. 6: Flaunt my stylin' new 3DS to all.
  13. I really expected them to change Richt's name to Richard or something. Then again I guess that's too normal for IS' tastes :x
  14. I've heard bundles go for 200 USD, but I haven't really checked myself. :x Hoping it'll be less...
  15. I have a question about skills. Holy Shield Halves damage from bows, tomes and dragonstones *1 Skill% Would this work against the super effectiveness (for lack of nonpokemon terms) of bows and wind magic, reducing at least some of the damage?
  16. Same here. No 3DS, no demo for me. D8 But at least I'll be getting my dream 3DS. I've been longing for that jewel ever since I saw it back when it was released in Japan.
  17. Doesn't the 3DS also use Club Nintendo's system? I don't know if it'll be any different with a preinstalled game, but I know that my connected wii can download any game from the shop, and if anything ever happens to them on my wii's hard drive, I can download it for free again. At least a digital copy doesn't have the same chance of degrading with time. *glares at her FEDS game, which has been freezing up a lot for some stupid reason*
  18. I know that, but I'm talking about just the one on the right, lol. You can't even see where Altea used to be anymore.
  19. I always play for the love. :P It's one of my very few girly traits. I love pairing characters up and altering their endings. It's what keeps me going back to Star Ocean: Second Story so many times. I also play for the attractive guy characters, which this game strays from for the most part. Hopefully the 3D models will look better than the OA.
  20. 1: XL's have that ugly rounded corner design and don't shine. I want mah shiny 2: I want this 3DS for the color alone. The game is just a bonus. Also, I thought it was blue and black? ._. Not that it matters, I'd prefer white over black anyday. I am so preordering the console if I can. Even if I have to drive an hour down to a city gamestop to do so.
  21. I just noticed that Nintendo's 3DS page updated its cover several hours ago. A good sign maybe...? Could be just coincidence though.
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