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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. The store is better. Their shipping charges are...rather high. (Unless you want to wait forever and a day for it to arrive at your house)
  2. I think they just ripped off the story for FE3/12 to make FE8. Only instead of one gary stu hero character they had five. Though this was disappointing to me when I realized this. Sacred stones was my favorite game and to realize its plot was just a spoof of FE3 made me a sad fan. lol
  3. Might somebody fill me in on what kind of game Shin Megami Tensei is? I want to know why everyone's exclaiming "WHAT?!" to.
  4. Shame, shame! lol Kidding. I'm just as guilty about stuff like that. There's tons of work I need to do around the house but I'm browsing this forum instead. SHAME ON ME.
  5. if Brave Sword works anything like it did in Sacred Stones, the character attacks twice before the enemy moves. And if the character could double on them, they attacked twice, the enemy moved, and then they attacked twice again. But I don't know for sure if they changed that.
  6. What is the reference, might I ask? I'm not exactly sure what my team will be, lol. Mainly because I haven't exactly decided which characters I will use during the story.
  7. My gamestop specifically told me I would be getting it on the fifth. But considering the fact that he said the information for it hadn't been put into the computer until earlier that day, I think that's a sign that this particular gamestop is slow about getting stuff in. >>
  8. He looks like a cross between Edgeworth and that other prosecutor. I forget his name because it's french...or is it german? otl
  9. This. I didn't think about that until you mentioned it, lol. Maybe because his personality is waaaaaaaaaaaaay off. EDIT: NInja'd
  10. I think I will, next month when we have no money because we dish out the rest of the money for that 3DS LOL.
  11. You can always download from the EShop? lol
  12. Thinking of playing FE9, but kinda unwilling to unhook my PS2 from my tv to hook up the gamecube.
  13. Agreed. Ricken's voice makes me think of Sonic. I think I already said that before but OH WELL.
  14. >Get job at gamestop >Wait until shipment comes in. >Slip one of those bundle packages out, and put my DSi in its place (to make up for weight) >Put package back >When the game is released, make sure I get the opened one. >Play the game a week before its release date. >Profit. lol just kidding I'm too much of a scaredy cat to try something like that LOL
  15. I need a life, lol. That would make the days go by a little quicker. >>
  16. It just seems awkward to me that she makes human grunts in dragon form lol. I know this was in the japanese version too, but still. Myrrh roared in her crit in Sacred Stones, IIRC.
  17. Dark Flier doesn't sound anywhere near as cool as Dark Pegasus. :(
  18. lol Glad to see I'm not the only one with high anticipation about this game. XD I've been playing Star Ocean: Til the End of Time to whittle the time away, but honestly it's not being very fun. Doesn't help that the plot is one long over-dramatized apocalypse (of sorts) and that the game has no happy endings. Well, there's Fayt x ? that isn't a sad ending but that's just ONE ending per game file. otl
  19. I know I posted in this topic before but I was undecided then. After watching the demo and seeing a preview of Ricken in that chapter 4 video, I have firmly decided on my first playthrough. Sorry Tiamo or whatever your name is, CHROM IS MINE. D<
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