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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Well, here I am, diehard Pokemon fan who was somewhat inspired to do a Pichu solo run in a Pokemon game. The game of choice was Silver version; there are plenty of Pichu solo runs for SoulSilver, but none for Silver version itself, so...yeah. I'll be recording my progress via VBA and uploading them to my youtube account as I progress. You can count on me using LOTS of annotations (since I don't know how to record my voice and splice it into the videos) and you can also count on me freaking out part of the way LOL. Rules: 1: HM Slaves are allowed. 2: Tm Usage is somewhat required. 3: Cheat codes are only used when absolutely necessary. (like when I have to use it to get Pichu) 4: Pichu is not allowed to evolve. Anywhere, here's the videos: More to come.
  2. Well, now that this virus has finally stopped making my head fogged up, I can finally start work on this hack again. As some of you may know, I started the script over so that I could switch Luke and Ryen around. As such, I have now updated the prologue screenshots. (Refresh your browser if the pictures haven't changed.) Honestly, I had a lot more event editing planned for this chapter, but for some reason event assembler can't re-assemble anything without majorly screwing up the cutscenes and thus breaking the rom. -_- (Even when I dissembled, made absolutely no changes and assembled it again. <<; ) So y'all are going to have to overlook the half-edited prologue for now. Also, @Kanami: This is a message from Lord Aeo: "I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO!"
  3. beep. unnamed evil emperor dude ftl.
  4. *orders the emperor to fire Deathstar on the above poster* ...Crap.
  5. Indeed. I haven't played FE8 since it erased its data and I discovered emulation lol. Now I also like to play Pokemon Trading Card Game on the PC as well. That was another game prone to randomly forgetting saved data. <_< But it was a GBC game, so I guess you expect it more from those. ugh. Same. I had all of the sound room data unlocked too. T_T
  6. Control Panel ->Mouse->Click the Motions tab. There's a scale thing for speed there, as well as adjustments for accelerations and stuff. My speed is set in the center and the acceleration is low, and it works the same speed as my old mouse. Hopefully you can figure it out from here.
  7. Relevant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWN9rTc08GU
  8. *gets out flamethrower* WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MAH PIKACHU?! D< lolnightmaredugdrio
  9. Can you show me a link to an image of the trackball mouse, just so I know exactly what you're talking about? Is it the kind with the ball on the bottom, or the kind with the ball on the top? If it's the former, have you tried taking the ball out and cleaning the contacts with rubbing alcohol? Just pour a little alchohol on a paper towel and wipe down the contacts and the ball with it. Using compressed air to blow hair/dust out of the mouse is another way to get it working properly again. I recently had to upgrade from a ball mouse myself, but I had no problems upon upgrading. It could be because my computer doesn't have the proper drivers for it yet (lol) or it could also be because my optical mouse still uses the mouse plug like my old one.
  10. GBA games don't usually die because of use. They die because of disuse. Or because the game constantly used the battery to keep track of time. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald versions were (and still are) prone to the "internal battery going dry." The only problem that occurs then is that the clock no longer works in game. (Meaning time-based events no longer happen, but you can still play the game regardless) That being said, my FE8 cart randomly erased all data for no good reason. I was mad.
  11. Last night somebody tried to IM me telling me they met me at a party somewhere and this chick thought I was hot. I'm like PFFFFFFFFFFFT YEAH RIGHT. If there was a party it was in their head, cuz I've been at home sick the past week. T_T
  12. The plot only gets more and more interesting from here. :)
  13. I don't really understand what's going on or why you're bashing this dude's stuff, but Nightmare's comments on Sean Storm made me lol so hard! This turns an unbearable story into lolworthy material. XD lol at how it never says what exactly Rad is. :/
  14. I love Sacred Stones! Now if only I could find my cart. :|
  15. I'm not sure why but I was somewhat amazed to see that you knew so much on the subject. Then again, I should have known. Hackers are usually universal. XD
  16. Pokecommunity has a LOT of documentation on Pokemon game hacking.
  17. This totally tops the one when the woman solved "Boa Constrictor" with just 2 letters.
  18. Is that you Maomao? Haven't seen you in a while. Has it really been two years? I think it's only been one and a half. Regardless, I quit hacking for a long while but now I decided to get back into it and get my revenge on those hacking programs that made me quit. D< ...No progress to report. I caught a nasty cold and therefore have not felt like doing anything complicated. -_-
  19. I'm pretty sure it's just my system. I mean, I got the thing back int the 90's. And after I reset the playstation it did load the cutscene without any errors. Which I would think that if it were the disc, it'd just keep happening over and over. (I have had a disc that was ruined before, and the result was that every time I got to that particular part of the storyline, I got a "CANNOT READ DISC" error) It could be the playstation also. It's been sitting on that shelf for so long there's probably a ton dust in there. I'll clean both and see if the PS works better. O_o people can do that?
  20. Yeah, I have one of the original Playstations, and I was attempting to play "Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon" last night. Usually my playstation works fine, aside from having a few "blonde moments" (e.g. [CANNOT READ DISC] *1 second later, game resumes*) but last night it did something really, really weird. I started a new file, and it got up to the scene where the red dragon was trying to pull the blue one out of the hole. It froze on the "oil painting" (cutscene load screen) but after staring at my screen for ten seconds, I realized the game wasn't frozen, but rather my Playstation was having another blonde moment. (I can tell because the playstation is making the reading sounds occasionally) So I waited. And waited. After about five minutes I opened the CD compartment and closed it again, in hopes of making the playstation spin the CD again. A few seconds later, the cutscene starts, but everything's all weird. I can still see objects, but now everything had that static texture to it. (like TVs when you turn to a channel with no signal, but this was colored) The fairy girl had square eyes and her sparkles were dark green cubes. The sounds played for like, 3 seconds before it cut to nothing. I really should have gotten a picture of my television when it was doing that but I was far too busy staring at the screen in amusement and shock lol. I eventually hit the reset button and tried to start a new game again. This time it loaded the cutscene perfectly (like I said, it has blonde moments lol.) If it ever happens again I'll definitely try and get a picture.
  21. Okay, I figured it out. Does anybody know how to skip the Sacred Stones intro scenes?
  22. @ the RathxJaffar support: I lol'd. Off topic somewhat, but Innes and Joshua should have had a more interesting support conversation. T_T Innes x Ephraim would have been hilarious. I agree with this.
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