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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. lol. This topic reminds me of when I was playing Fire Emblem 8 back in my noob days. I sucked so bad at FE that my characters were constantly dying. I was laying on my bed playing FE8 on the Gameboyplayer and my cousin was sitting in front of the TV playing her own game. One of my favorite characters died and I was like "DANGIT!" My cousin reached up and hit the reset button on the Gamecube without ever looking up from the gameboy. Because she knew that was what I was going to do. XD (Nowadays, I'm much better than that lol.) When somebody kills my favorite character, I usually make a bitter remark like "Why you little piece of no-good junk" or "Oh, no you didn't!" ...then I hit reset. ...Unless I'm playing FE8. Player Phase code to the rescue. :D (That is, if they die on the enemies' turn.)
  2. Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game). Carlyle, Michaelis (Minevera's brother in FEDS) and uh...can't think of any others atm. (been a while since I played anything.) Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran. Kent and Sain FOR THE WIN. ♥ Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head. Leila, Ismaire, Lyon, Eliwood's dad, Fado Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable? O'Neil lol. Generic fighter unit in the prologue. Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative. they wander the planet as lost souls? Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name. Does this mean making them die? If so, just about any character in FEDS that isn't Marth, Barst, Caeda, Tiki, Elice, Cain, Abel, Merric, Lena, Navarre or Julian.
  3. I could always change the stat sheet background back to this sorry excuse for a stat sheet background: lol jk. I hated that background. (And lol, don't mind my pupil Seth. Waaaaaaaay outdated picture XD ) Also, all these characters (aside from one) were made prior to the hack. In fact, they're mostly from my novels, and I just FE-fied them and threw them in my hack. Thanks! Good to hear some praise once and a while. (Though I'd be doing better if my spriter would hurry up with those animations. Luke is tired of being girly.) lol Ironically, all four of those characters are from different places. Leon is from Star Ocean: The Second Story, and isn't even mine. Chase is from one novel, Luke and Michael are loose-leaf characters. (Though from different origins) Also, I've been slacking off with the hack, hoping ShinyCharmander would get done with my images soon. However, I have finally figured out the title screen issues. (yeah the issue was me being dumb but anyway...) EDIT: Epic title screen is epic. :D
  4. I like Pokemon, Legend of Zelda and Kirby games too!
  5. What are you guys talking about? It's Friday here! Now, anybody want to go to Friday's?
  6. 1: Twix 2: Almond Joy 3: Chocolate-covered orange or strawberry marshmellow 4: Hershey's Cookies and Cream 5: something. lol
  7. Guess it's true. And doing some research, I find it was some internet prank that brought up the 'creator of Pokemon died' thing. Apparently, that's the scientific term for "bleeding in the brain"
  8. I lol'd so hard just now. on topic: Friday: Do something. Saturday: Do something. Sunday: Avoid the internetz
  9. What the title says. I want to replace FE8's title screen background (the yellow part with the shadows for the dragon things) I have the location for the image, palette and the TSA (is Xeld here? lol) The problem is, I suck at puzzles. Seriously, I do. And that's how the title background of FE8 was put into the rom. Anyway, here's the image I wanted to insert: So...can anybody help me with finding a way to insert this? (without having to manually tear apart the image so that it's exactly like the other one)
  10. Bugs. Bugs that fly at my face, bugs that make buzzing noises, uncountable amounts of ants climbing all over me, bugs with pincers or stingers, and...bugs. <<; One ant is fine. A swarm of ants, however, is not. T_T
  11. I lol'd Can't you see it? It's right behind you. D: Normal? Oh how boring. Crazy people are the best~ XD
  12. (okay so this topic hasn't been posted in since Oct. 9th but it's still on the first page so I'm assuming it's not necroposting) Myrrh's Dragonstone, though having 1-1 range, has a ranged animation programmed in by default. There was apparently a second playable Wyvern rider intended to be in the game, whose name would have been Nate. You can find his character slot and name if you're a hacker.
  13. Awesome. I forgot where my Pokemon Yellow, Ham-Hams Unite and FE Sacred Stones carts went
  14. Lowen. I don't understand why most people prefer him over Kent or Sain. The latter two have more of a personality, and they don't have hair covering their eyes.
  15. Improved Kitty portrait, though it's really just an edit of one of the other cats from the game. It's hard to shade white without making it not look white anymore. :( Also,
  16. How archers can only attack from 2+ tiles away. Yeah, not only have I seen movies where archers could attack from up close, but I've played video games with that as well. Archers can attack from up close, it's just that their aim takes a hit. This and this. I know a sword/axe can have its edge dull after a while, but to just have them snap? :/ Oh, just thought of another one. How weapons "effective against mounted units" don't affect Pegasus Knights or Wyvern Riders.
  17. I don't see where it even says he died. It said he was undergoing surgery.
  18. Epic Fail: Gharnef: "Behold the almighty power of the dark magic tome *whateveritscalled*!" *1 damage* Epic win: Somebossdude: "You will not set foot inside this castle. You will die at my hand." Merric: "ORLY?" *crits*
  19. Oh yes, I play Harvest moon. So far I've played HMDS Cute, Tree of Tranquility and Animal Parade. My next game will be twin villages. I am absolutely fangirling all over Kamil. ♥
  20. FE8 villager girl. Except, change the gray hair to brown.
  21. Welcome! Though I only came here yesterday myself. XD Your kind of energy is CONTAGIOUS! (in a good way)
  22. FE: Realm of Darkness features many of my original characters as they get randomly warped into a land in peril. They first set out to find out where they are, and begin to run into dangerous monsters and humans, eventually learning the true reason why they're there, and what they must accomplish to save the world. DISCLAIMER I, BlueLeafeon, am not reponsible for any damage done to your computer, ear drums, eyes or head while you are playing this hack. I run a virus-free computer and my site should be virus-free as well. I am also not responsible for any stuck game files that result in your careless decisions while playing. If the game tells you to go through Ryen's mode and you pick Luke's, that's YOUR OWN fault, not mine. Teaser Info --Completely New Storyline. Remember how Link's War was a half-edited script? NOT THIS TIME. --Imported Battle animations --"Custom" battle animations --Completely new maps --Edited Map palettes --Keo: Seed! --Toughened Monster enemies. --Altered weapon palette and massive item changes --Maybe, just MAYBE custom chapters or something. Depends on if I can get somebody to tutor me. --Edited stat sheet, title screen, etc --Minor Music hax --Light magic will no longer exist![spoiler=Character List] Chase Cavalier Joltese Myrmidon F Laura Archer F Sethe Shaman Darren Swordmaster Andrea Myrmidon F Fremont Ranger Kendra Assassin F Lorelei Pegasus Knight Millicent Falcoknight Lupe Evil Wolf Mather General Ashton Wyvern Knight Marilyn Toubadour Sunny Sage Lance Hero Leon Mage Rebecca Paladin Luke Eliwood Keo Bard Kedar Sniper Luis Axefighter Michael Thief Connie Cavalier F Valerie Pegasus Knight Clark Priest Clarence Spearman Ryen Eliwood Pekia Pikachu [spoilerz] [spoilerz] [spoiler=Prologue Screenshots] [spoiler=Chapter 1 Screenshots] STATISTICS: Progress: Chapter progress is halted, however, I'm still working on other things. Chapters Done: 1 Portraits Inserted: 3 Battle Animations Imported/Edited: 0 (Waiting on ShinyCharmander to finish the battle animations he's volunteered to do.) Credits BlueLeafeon, as I'm the one who made this hack. ShinyCharmander, for spriting various characters and for offering to make custom Ryen and Pikachu animations Nintenlord for his awesome utilities General Army for replacing Comrades with Together we Ride Aeorys for fixing up various sprites and providing chibis.
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