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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. I've been watching Nintendo's 3DS facebook page for months, and I've noticed they don't give any details about a bundle deal until the day before it releases. It's a lousy sales tactic, if you ask me.
  2. I was having a hard time making out the photos lol. Thanks though~
  3. YES! 8D I have been waiting for this for soooo long. In fact, I held out on getting a 3DS until I knew for sure that this 3DS wouldn't be released. My other choice was the pikachu 3DS XL but I'd rather have this. :D Sucks that the game comes preinstalled though. Maybe they'll put the game up on the Eshop for backup?
  4. I'm fully aware of this, though I only noticed it when recording the video, and haven't had time to lower the volume yet. (I've already lowered it once.)
  5. You want proof it isn't a reskin? YOU GOT PROOF. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Now let's see how long it takes before somebody finds SOMETHING to nitpick about.
  6. X_X That would probably be easier since I have no clue what the heck Xeld's talking about in that particular quote. (I always have a hard time understanding that guy but that particular quote I can't make out at all ) How would I go about inserting the sound, by the way?
  7. IIRC, Fa's dragonstone, the Sword of Seals, Aircalibur and one of the other animations (Idoun's dragon stone?) kill the BGM when used. The patch I remembered finding only fixed the last three. I'd actually like to have all four fixed.
  8. What controls them, exactly? I would like to fix the BGM-killing spells of FE8. (I know there was a patch out there that fixed the spells but it didn't fix all of them, unfortunately.)
  9. Okay, I've got a video and a full event file here! What am I doing wrong? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6_COqKiP0M EDIT: Also, the map that loads isn't Renais Castle. It's the prologue map. >_>
  10. Okay, so I finally just excluded all the REDA and simply loaded the units normally, but now I have a new problem. (Even though Event Assembler told me there was no errors...) It's supposed to load the Outside Castle Renais map first, show the lord and guy next to him in front of the castle, then display the text scene. After that it's supposed to fade out the screen, load the prologue map, load the units at the correct coordinates and fade back in. BeginningScene: MUS1 0x52 LOMA 0x40 //Loads Renais map TEX8 0x0664 [0,0] //" Renais Castle" LOU1 GoodGuys ENUN CUMO 0x01 //flashes cursor on Ryen before convo Text(0x0907) // "Franz, ride ahead and..." // AND NOW RYEN AND JASON GET WARPED. FADU 10 //Fade-in with white DISA 0x01 DISA 0x02 LOMA 0x00 //Loads prologue map LOU1 GoodGuys2 ENUN FADU 10 //Fade-out with white However, when the map loads, it loads PROLOGUE'S map, no units appear and the conversation comes up anyway. After the text finishes there's a flash of black and then the game resets. :(
  11. I was seeing if i could solve the issue by copying the format of default Chapter 1's reinforcement data, but it didn't work.
  12. Can you tell me why the reinforcements won't work? BadGuys: //UNIT ID Class Lder Misc [X,Y]Flags Byte1 REDA *pointer* Items AI UNIT 0xAA 0x5B 0x68 0x04 [16,1] 0x00 0b 0x01 Baddie_Move1 [0xB1,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI UNIT 0xAA 0x5B 0x68 0x04 [16,1] 0x00 0b 0x01 Baddie_Move2 [0xB1,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI UNIT 0xAA 0x5B 0x68 0x04 [16,1] 0x00 0b 0x01 Baddie_Move3 [0xB1,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI UNIT 0x68 0x3F 0x68 0x04 [16,1] 0x00 0b 0x00 0x00 [0x1F,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI UNIT Baddie_Move1: // X/Y Spd Resc Delay REDA [3,7] 0b 0x0 0x10 0 Baddie_Move2: REDA [15,8] 0b 0x0 0x5 Baddie_Move3: REDA [8,13] 0b 0x0 0x5 It says there's no such code as REDA. :/
  13. I will never be able to play this game and take it seriously again. Though, this was a very entertaining read and I laughed throughout. Oi...story developers everywhere need to read this and learn what NOT to do.
  14. Me + fad = slow At least I got around to it BEFORE the fad died out? :x and thanks~
  15. Seems to be a lot of Kitties around here? What started this? XD
  16. Okay, it's either the program or me. I've tried like 15 different text codes AND formatted them in every way possible, but it's still telling me there's so such code. I even copy/pasted the text commands from Chapter 1 and it gave me an error. (Hence the TEXTSHOW error message) or maybe I'm misunderstanding the program, and it doesn't automatically pick up the definitions in the EA Standard Library folder? Do I have to make it do so manually?
  17. It never ceases to amaze me how you find these things. XD I wouldn't call Renais' castle thing a "town." Also, the green mountains/hills are there because geographically speaking, the plains of Triannos proper are very...hill-y. (for lack of a better term) I was trying to imply that with the hills, but they do appear rather random...okay, I've done some editing. Better?
  18. Okay, thank you. I'll look into fixing that. Link's War, most likely. I actually have a more customized form of him but it bugs me for some reason. Maybe I'll post it for critique sometime. Since I know SuperLuigi posts at this forum, I'm going to post my maps now. XD Triannos Castle, used for a cutscene The actual prologue map.
  19. Brawl for the actual fighting. Melee for CHAOTIC POKEMON BATTLES. No matter how hard you try, you can't duplicate in Brawl what Melee can do with nothing but Pokeballs on very high
  20. The midi2gba tutorial could use another chapter on instrument inserting. that, or maybe you can just tell me how to import instruments from another rom? Not like I'm worth your time... Turns out the rom I wanted to import all those songs from has unsupported tracks for ZME. Just my luck, eh? also, this is great. Now I don't have to bug ryru to tell me how he imported those snow tiles into FE8 anymore. :D EDIT: Question though...FE7 seems to be set up differently event-wise. How do I know where the snow tile data ends?
  21. It was giving a 'code not found' error for a while, but my recent changes must have fixed it because ti's not giving errors anymore. :/ I blame Arch for having out-of-date codes, and for not explaining to remove the parenthesis from the codes. *brick'd* Okay, so I figured I needed to study a WORKING (FE8) chapter to get this straight, and extracted Chapter 1 from the ROM. I've been converting all the codes I see. I've been reducing the amount of errors this way. But uh...how do FE8 text codes work? It won't recognize the macros Arch used, and I don't understand how the TEXTSTART etc. codes work.
  22. *sigh* This is way more trouble than it's worth. *reverts all the data to hex numbers and sees if that gets the codes to work* *still gets the "No code found" error* -_- ...Is there no warp function for FE8? Heck, is there even enough functioning codes in this thing to make a chapter in FE8? I don't see many codes for FE8 at all...or at least the codes I thought I would need to make this stupid prologue look right. (in particular, the codes to make it seem like Ryen and Jason were warped from their homeland to the new one)
  23. Okay, downloaded the latest version and got it to insert, at least. um...does the event assembler have to be in the standard library folder for the codes to work? It doesn't seem to be recognizing codes that I copied right out of Arch's tutorial. :/ Even with the definitions file for my game, I'm still getting errors. I don't see why as I'm using the codes exactly how the other guys did. >_<
  24. They are on one line, I guess the forum booted them to the next for some reason. and what does it mean "No code found: REDA"? I copied it from Arch's tutorial. It should work? Okay I fixed those errors and the 0x__ but now it's tleling me "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: startIndex"
  25. The unit codes are all on the same line? ._.; Or do you mean all four units have to be on one line together?
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