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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. ^ Going to pretend I never saw that... note to self: never let those two support.
  2. Gamestop isn't the only place to offer preorders for FE awakening, according to the official site. Try one of the other places?
  3. I love how this dispute has gone four pages, and nothing has been resolved. ^^; I agree with Kyneme. </statementtomakethispostrelevant>
  4. ... Suddenly, it all makes sense! Why didn't that occur to me?
  5. From what I've seen, no. It does, however, give a portrait that seems to go down to the waist/stomach area.
  6. Interesting. So you can transfer My Unit from one file to another, without streetpass?
  7. Not to mention, don't Manakete stop "aging" so to speak, by looks? I remember whatshisface in Path of Radiance said that, and while I would assume it only applies to FE9, it DOES explain why Myrrh, who looks like she's about 4 years old, has the maturity of an adult. (Or near to it.)
  8. Honestly I see where BrightBow is coming from. I'm not particularly a fan for the female characters in this game. They're all too sexualized (aside from a minor handful of characters) for my tastes. Nowi and Panne (or whatever her name is) need real clothes. Say'ri needs clothes that WON'T show off her underwear in battle. I can point out all the other things I dislike about this game. However, complaining about them isn't going to change anything. It's not like I'm absolutely FORCED into using any of them, either. Sure they're in the game, and on my screen, but that doesn't mean I have to use them. And honestly, people, ONE GUY (or even a multitude of people) boycotting a game isn't going to make Nintendo or IS go "oh, maybe we shouldn't have marriageable young loli characters." It's going to make them go "Oh, well this content isn't suitable for America. Let's keep it to being Japan only." And none of us wants that, right? ^^
  9. MOST of the music in this game is freaking awesome. lol
  10. If I'm not mistaken he was being sarcastic. ^^;
  11. Can't really expect Together We Ride to be in here since the actual series theme isn't a complete song either. :( You get like 13 seconds of it in the Main Theme and it doesn't even finish off the notes. It just drops. (Which sucks because those are the best 13 seconds ever)
  12. Ouch. I'd say more, but people obviously want this topic to end so.
  13. I love how two out of three of those quotes they labeled for suggestive themes went right over my head the first time around. lol THE AWESOMENESS OF BEING OBLIVIOUS. I probably wouldn't have known they were suggestive had I not read that, haha. Not for a while anyway. Ahem. *moves along*
  14. lol My unboxing experience will still be grand. I will probably cry tears of happiness. :D
  15. Jellin' all over this. Why do they get it early? *whinewhine* yes I know it's because they're a gaming company
  16. I don't remember seeing that in shadow's movie of it...but maybe I missed it? lol
  17. I have to say though, the random 1-3 words that are spoken at the beginning of dialogue is a little awkward, especially when the word(s) they speak aren't even in the script. But I suppose we'll get used to it lol
  18. Whoo...go star ocean 3 character: Nel Hair: Pink, short Class: Assassin +Magic -Defense Lockpick Acrobatics Magic +2 Renewal something She's practically an FE assassin anyway. :X She's a spy, uses short swords, has a scarf which somehow acts like a hood, has questionable clothing, actually does lockpick something in the game (abet with magic) and is always sneaking around.
  19. You mean BEEPING sounds. They were obnoxiously loud and it was hard to hear the music over them. otl
  20. Sounds like Nintendo wasn't expecting this much of a hype to happen. They should have known better. (They've been sorely underestimating us from the start, honestly. I think their surprise at E3's leak spreading like a wild fire proves this.) I preordered the bundle. I really could care less whether or not I get an art book. I just want my 3DS and my game. lol
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