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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Never releases on a Monday? Then he needs to see this:
  2. What? Pikachu is promoting! Pikachu promoted into Raichu! DADADADADADADADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *smacked* EDIT::
  3. It wouldn't be so bad if I was given details on WHY it's being held back. Is Nintendo purposely holding them back to keep another EB Games thing from happening? Did the shipments end up in the middle of nowhere? Did the factories goof and they had to recall all the games? >> So far all we knows is that it's an error from Nintendo's side. :/
  4. I called my gamestop earlier and he said the bundles are shipped together with the games, so I guess so.
  5. Why do I get the feeling this applies to my store as well? otl
  6. I called the gamestop in my area and he says that the bundles are being shipped together with the games. He also said they're expecting their shipment friday otl
  7. I'm going to call tomorrow when the stores open. I'll post my results.
  8. Hey I'm getting the bundle, and that's a flippin' 200 bucks on my end. You're complaining about expensive? XD
  9. Will this game surpass my favorite RPG of all time, Star Ocean Second Story? TWO OR THREE MORE DAYS TIL I FIND OUT 8D
  10. Love this part. So hard one of the developers said it "wasn't right" XD
  11. Well...let's see...overall it'll likely be my favorites out of the 3 GBA games. 1: Prince Marth 2: Merric 3: Minvera 4: Lugh 5: Eliwood 6: Ephraim 7: Eirika 8: Innes 9: Zihark ...the rest will probably be random >>
  12. Bob. *smacked* nah probably Sapphira or something. XD
  13. The fifth thing is for preorders too though, according to my local gamestop. Then again, I live in the boonies so...
  14. Same. Though, for me, all non-horse riding units feel wrong when they promote to riding a horse. Lords included. <_<
  15. This. XD SHAMELESS SELF INSERTS! If it weren't for the marriage factor, I'd be repeating what I did with FE12: make a male MU for eye candy. BUT MARRIAAAAAGE! D8 apparently I do have feminine traits. lol
  16. They better not push that date back to the 8th. I will be flipping mad if I have to wait three more days to get my 3DS. T_T
  17. This plz. Seriously. Wreck It Ralph wasn't aiming just for the little kids. It was trying to get gamers of all ages to feel the nostalgia factor. Mind you, anyone old enough to remember ye olde arcade games have to be at least forty? I started gaming as a kid and I'm not going to stop anytime soon.
  18. My Unit is CERTAINLY getting reclassed. Multiple times. I want mah skillz. As for the other units, it really depends on what my choices of other units are. If I'm in need of a certain class I won't hesitate to change.
  19. All those numbers in that first post My head.
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