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Everything posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. Lucina, I guess. I hate cussing, so I'm not Sully. I don't faceplant all the time and I HOPE I'm far smarter than Sumia. Cordelia is too perfectionist. I'm far from being a tharja. I'm not absolutely obsessed with SCIENCE. I prefer wearing modest clothing, unlike most of this game's female characters... And I think I AM the one out of all my friends that is least likely to get a joke. lol
  2. I kept waiting on Chrom to promote. He never did, so I eventually checked if he could use a master seal. Felt stupid afterward.
  3. I want to say Lyon, but unfortunately he's not the final final boss. However, the demon king possessed him, so by answering demon king, does this mean I also give mention to Lyon...?
  4. I agree. I also think Chrom should have been more emotional in the "Well, the war has ended, thanks to avatar..." scene. Unless he's so distraught he's emotionally numbed. I CAN easily imagine him voicing the text with a monotone voice, lol. I justify that cutscene by saying they were acting. Maybe they tried waking up the avatar in some other way, and then Lissa was like "Maybe if we act out what we said the first time."
  5. Morgan's crit quote breaks the fourth wall. "GAME OVER!" I don't have to explain this one.
  6. lol. Paradoxes for the win/lose? Morgan's ending makes me think that they had intended for Morgan to actually be the tactician from FE7. Speaking of which, the tactician in FE7 disappeared without a trace, right? So maybe Naga accidentally sent Morgan to elibe and then was like 'oops' and brought him/her back to the correct world, erasing his/her memories of elibe. That's how I interpreted things, anyway. Doesn't matter if anyone else thinks so, I think it works. XD After all, any explanation is better than none.
  7. By making a monster like Grima. And giving it a backstory. And character depth.
  8. That explains why the revenants and entombed are piles of jelly. They're actually just diarrhea LOL. wut.
  9. Hahaha. XD If I were a legendary sword, then I'd be scared too. My statement was more or less directed to the fact that Morgan/whatever other sibling can't actually -use- the falchion in battle. Maybe it's because Lucina refuses to let go of it.
  10. C support. The one where they were both freaking over a bug, lol. Also, Lucina corrected him by saying that the Falchion was not some torch you can light up at will.
  11. This would explain why they can't actually wield the Falchion. (Aside from game mechanics and programming.)
  12. Which support gives insight as to why Frederick doesn't eat bear meat?
  13. 215:06 That's after two complete files and two incomplete. XD I can't give my in-game playtime count since I deleted my first file.
  14. Come to think of it, isn't it said somewhere that Taguel once could transform into cats and birds?
  15. Ooh, this. :D Otherwise, perhaps a method related to Golden Sun 2's password system, which ported over names and crap? It might have to be a wii u game for all the many possibilities.
  16. It's been bothering me too. The only thing I can think of is that, since Chrom's falchion also gleams in the same way after it's blessed by naga, it's reacting to something? Perhaps Validar's presence? There's a massive plot hole there, methinks.
  17. I'd like it better if it were more...useful. That type of humor isn't my thing, ha ha.
  18. I think it's stupid that they made Iote's Shield a paid DLC and then released it months after the release. -_- Flying units are almost worthless in this game due to the effectiveness. Almost.
  19. Also, the Avatar in any class that doesn't use magic. The later scenes become lol when a myrmidon casts thoron.
  20. The wyvern riders in any class without a mount. Where'd their wyverns go? O_o Apaprently they still hang around despite not being mounted units anymore?
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