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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Once, I was on a cruise ship, feeling lonely because the girl I had been hitting on friendzoned me in favor of some Scottish dude. I was walking past one of those bars they have on the deck sometimes and this large, imposing lady with a crooked grin and Scandinavian accent told me to take a seat next to her. I don't drink, so the bartender got me an ice water while I began to talk with this woman about... life in general, really. Turns out, this lady was the ship's captain's brother's wife. She was about 60 or so, and had lots of life experience that more than made up for the language barrier. We had a long conversation about our different cultures and values and she gave me some advice on how to make girls like me more. After we were done with our talk, she wanted to hug me, but I guess she was a little tipsy and she ended up knocking over my glass in the process, breaking it. Then the bartender chimed in and said something about an old saying where "if you break glass the first time you visit a bar, you will only have happy times at bars in the future!" 

    That was a weird experience I will never forget. It was so spontaneous, yet so... natural...

  2. 8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Well to be fair, Alfred Kinsey, the famed sexologist of the US who compiled landmark surveys on American sexuality in the 1950s (and earlier- but I forget how much earlier, the female study came out after the male and in the 50s I know for sure) and probably did a lot to make it a reputable field, was himself not very sexually active. One person in a high school yearbook cited a Hamlet quote to describe him- "Man interests me not, nor woman"- so he got none and probably had no romantic talents either. He had to teach a marriage class or something in college once, and the sex-related questions of his students he could not answer, but he was intrigued by them and threw himself into finding out about American sexuality. 

    I'm not saying at all I'm a Kinsey in waiting, but if I were, the Hamlet quote would have rephrased "Man interests me not, nor woman? IDK.". I do like Hamlet by the way, but he could have not driven Ophelia into a mad sorrow that breaks her mind and causes her to drown to death.

    There is presently and recently invented a scientific US journal on pornography, just to bring it up. And there was a study refuting Sigmund Freud in the 60-80s (I forget when it was) concerning the female orgasm as being basically inferior to the male orgasm (Freud was a misogynist it seems to me), the last names of the two lead researchers were Masters and Johnson (no, not President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who sometimes flashed "Jumbo" to intimate some political opponents apparently).

    That's um... interesting. I'll be honest, you're actually speaking my language with all of that evidence and stuff.

    Dumb homeschooler question: does it count as asexuality if you like, or are even obsessed with girls and everything about them, but are turned off by the concept of sex in particular?

    Asking for, um, a friend of course!

  3. 3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    But isn't erotic lust supposed to override the disgust of the act and make it a net good experience?  

    Though yeah, I'm not someone who normally has physical contact with others, I'm not a germaphobe or an obsessively no-touch person, but I do like an empty seat between me and a stranger in public location. 

    Another reason to stay celibate is that I'm afraid I'd delude myself into thinking what I am and then copulate, only to wake up to the realization some time later, that I'm not what I thought I was. Will that be after my first, or 100 acts down the line? I wouldn't want to make such a mistake. And I lack actual experience in relationships as well.

    Thus, I stick to people who aren't real if I have the need to relieve some lust, it's safer that way, since I know the difference between reality and pure fantasy and won't act towards the real as I do the artificial. Reason to fawn over pixels instead of real flesh.

    Whoa... a sex philosopher...

  4. Name: Nagao Waotaka

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Yellow, cowlicked hair; 6'2"; lanky and fit; wears faded green jeans and a red flannel shirt with a cabby hat when not in school uniform.

    History: Nagao was raised as the adopted son of a Yakuza grunt. He has no idea who his birth parents are. Due to his unusual upbringing, Nagao has differing ideas on things like risk and civil responsibility, and gets a noticeable kick out of breaking the law. Is obsessed with girls, but his inability to commit to one in particular leaves him without a serious romantic life. While very strong and capable in normal situations, he feels threatened at Jyoudan due to the presence of people who are much more powerful than he is. Is skilled in hand-to-hand fighting and the use of weapons, including firearms. 

    Ability: "Emotional projection: it's kind of a lesser form of mind control. I can cause those around me to "feel" certain emotions. Depending on the extent to which those emotions are already present, the people I project onto will have either a positive or a negative reaction. For instance, let's suppose I project "attraction" onto Haruhi here. If she's already kind of crushing on me, my projection will cause that emotion to grow more powerful and more prominent. If Haruhi is feeling more disgusted with me though, she could react in a violent, unpredictable, and potentially dangerous manner. I would never use it on my friends, though. Even I have lines that I won't cross."


    • Strength: 8
    • Agility: 7
    • Endurance: 7
    • Charisma: 6
    • Intelligence: 6
    • Intuition: 8
    • Mastery: 4(6)
  5. 1 minute ago, Anime27Arts said:

    At least you actually got to post. Meanwhile I am the ugly dead Anime.

    At least LG managed to get revenge on you. He's still going to take out his wrath on me in the next EiMM! I don't wanna pre-emptively  massacre his entire alliance die!

  6. I'm a part of Squirtle Squad. I win when everyone who isn't a part of my faction is dead. I can shoot once per day, and my shots on men can't be blocked. Unfortunately, my shots on no one can be blocked because THERE IS NO FRICKIN' SHOTBLOCKER! 

    There. That was my claim. Now I've got to go do something real quick.

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