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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Rezzy getting re-interviewed? Oh, how I have waited for this day...

    1) First impressions of me?

    2) Current impressions of me?

    3) I'm pretty sure this is a record for re-interviews. How does it feel to be super-loved by an internet community?

    4) A lot of people here refer to you as their "mom". In fact, your "mom" status is almost as legendary as Elieson's "dad" status! Do you have any idea how this got started? How does it make you feel?

    5) Discord when?

  2. Dragoncat I'm right here!

    I guess it's just tied to my personality, but the most important thing to me in a relationship is that I can give the other person what they want. Most girls seem to want to be adored (at least that's what I've always thought) and I just have a built-in knack for adoring girls. Well, by "knack" I mean enjoyment of. I'm not particularly good at it. However, in a serious relationship people tend to want a lot more than praise and closure, regardless of how well-intentioned those may be. Seeing as I could never fulfill a girl like Dragoncat's more... intimate desires, I don't really feel old enough or mature enough for serious relationships. 

    One thing I've been wondering though, and since this is the women's thread I suppose this would be the best place to ask it: do girls enjoy being complimented or appreciated by people like me, or do they only care for that kind of attention from people in a committed relationship with them? Honestly, if I ever give you a compliment, I mean it. I decided a long time ago that if I ever found something in the world that I thought was beautiful, either tangibly or emotionally, I wouldn't let society or insecurity keep me from telling it as much. But if all I really do is bother people, then maybe I should stop.

  3. Thanks for the advice, @Shoblongoo and @Rezzy. It's good advice, but... I'm in no position right now to go against my parent's wishes without serious financial and emotional consequences down the road. That's why it's so important to me to socialize online: even if I'm not getting a good sample of "normal" people, I'm getting to know different people from different backgrounds. That's why I insist on hanging with a crowd that doesn't really click with me mentally a lot of the time. Just being honest: ya'll are all pretty weird to me, and I'm probably pretty strange to all of you. But getting to know you all a little better and find out what drives you has been an educational experience for me, as well as a real pleasure. So thanks for bearing with me!

  4. OK, this game sounds wonderful and I was looking forward to playing, but I'm going to be going on vacation soon. I won't be able to spend a lot of time on this, and I don't think it would be fair if I got in and a tryhard were to stay out as a result. So if you don't mind,


    Sorry, maybe I'll play sometime when things are less crowded.

  5. @Shoblongoo Selina is an inside joke from a few months ago when I convinced all of my friends that I was actually a 16-year-old lesbian girl who hid her true gender online in order to hit on girls. It was a good prank... I'd recommend it to anyone else on the Internet who wanted to mess with their friends.

  6. 2 hours ago, Excellen Browning said:

    You can't be below autistic. If you are autistic, and I'm betting you are, you're just that. Autistic. In a lot of ways something that defines what and how you think, how you react to certain situations and stimuli, how you (want to) communicate with others, and what you like and dislike.

    as for the reasons why:

    - your saying International Observer is speaking your language is a pretty strong indicator. The fact that the evidence-based, rational and clearly defined (and in a sense, the impersonal) works for you is a strong autism signal. Or rather, it fits the autism narrative rather well.

    - your problems with sexuality, intimacy and attraction fit well into the autism narrative. This one is more derivative, but these problems seem to partially caused by several extremely strong sensitivities and by a lack of body awareness in other ways (like loving their face, being obsessed with everything girls do, being grossed out by their bodies(which can very well be due to it causing such a strong reaction you can't deal with it)). And yes, these are not mutually exclusive. I myself per example am extremely sensitive to being touched, to the point of freezing up due to the scare it gives me, and at the same time I have (had) trouble with being aware of my emotions, whether I'm eating and drinking too much or not enough, etc.

    - your repeated adherence to stereotypes and taking things at face value, and testing them by bluntly asking about them fits in well with autism.

    OK, I feel like I need to respond to this, but this is not Serious Discussion. Can we just... chill?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

    I'm going to kindly request that if there are people who are fucking the thread up, @eclipse issue warnings and disciplinary sanctions to the appropriate bad actors instead of locking the entire thread. 

    Bro! I just got warned!

    Happy (albeit belated) April Fools!

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