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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. 1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

    Pineapple vs Lobster has reached Sameland.  I've been pretty conservative about using Flags so far, but might unload a few more tonight, if we get another Multiplier, in case there are none tomorrow.

    @DarkLordIvy I see you.  I was ranked, I think 8887, at the time.


    Ha! Yup it meeee! That's always fun. 
    Just above me in the rankings is a guy with a DC Seliph that I've seen in a couple gauntlets.


    1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

    I'm not sure... I mean, I've even left him out of the Trials recently so he doesn't get too worn out :O 

    ...Maybe that's it. Maybe he feels neglected :O But he's top of the castle! Top! 

    I'll butter him up more. Maybe you'll get him ^.^

    That being said, I've had your Soren a few times, but I mostly get someone's Nowi. Not complaining, 'cos she's handy, but it's just odd I only seem to get one unit this time round. 

    Incidentally, if you feel like switching to a red at some point, I would find that very handy :) Soren's been great so far, but I'm all greened out now. All blued and colourlessed out, too. Just red to go. 

    Hmm hopefully Rein gets over his pouting soon. I need me some blues!

    I'll switch my lead to Ike for the rest of the day, here's hoping Soren lets him show up.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Glad to hear that; it looks like you got her while I was doing Arena, since she's got Hone Cav instead of Speed equipped.  I've gotten your Soren once I believe, and hope I get him more.  He's the only Green Ally I've gotten so far, and I've gotten zero Blues.

    Takumi's BFF has been here in force today.


    Tomato Soup > Miso Soup

    Hope my Soren was useful, he’s running his “Fuck Horses” build at the moment but if speed boost rexcaliber or blade would be better let me know. 

    Tomato Soup > Miso Soup indeed, especially if grilled cheese sandwiches are involved.

    I’m apparently suffering a lack of blue allies this time around mostly because I’ve been getting my friends Soren 9/10. @Cute Chao what have I done to offend your Reinhardt?? D:

  3. 13 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    I don't think so. I'll add you now :) 

    Takumi is currently my lead (and my name is Zenelle in game) but that will be changed for the event :)

    Alrighty! I got ya. 

    10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Sure, since you asked and my lack of any real draw towards anybody else.  Here she is in all her glory.  I'll try to remember to swap her Hone Cavalry for something else, when I'm not doing Arena Battles.


    She's also got the Wind Blessing now, but I don't think that shows up on allies.

    It would be funny if Ryoma won and completely destroyed the point of the Holiday Gauntlet.  We know Corrin is in the data, so I don't know why he's being withheld from this.

    Huzzah! My begging recruitment worked! I really hope Titania actually graced me with her presence this time around. She was avoiding me last gauntlet. >:V

    At this point my only motivation for gauntlets is some feathers and getting to use friend units.

    Ryoma winning would be hilarious. RIP mCorrin, this gauntlet is going to be such a train wreck.

    quick edit: I’ll be running my Soren as per usual



    I’ll probably be swapping Swift Sparrow for Fury so he can tank Brave Bow Lyns. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    I'm planning to go to Team Takumi, if it helps :) I'm happy to use any colour units you wish and my default is Reinhardt, if you want to add. 

    If not, no problems ^.^ 

    I forget do I have you on my friends list? I’m on mobile at the moment so if your fc is in your sig I can’t see it :P

    my code is 0028978737 if you want to add me

    Rein should do just fine. I’ll be running my Soren unless requested otherwise. :)

  5. 27 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I might go Team Chrom purely for Feathers.  Odd this one's starting right away and with no accompanying Banner to it.  I don't think we've ever had Tempest and Gauntlets happening simultaneously before.

    Can I tempt you to team Takumi (out of the selfish hope to get to use your Titania in a gauntlet again)? We have Soup and memes. 


    36 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Azura hasn’t been in a gauntlet before.

    Looking back this is kind of surprising. 

  6. Less than thirty orbs down and colorless hell took pity on me!


    He’s +Spd/-Def!

    I think this is the least painful it’s ever been for me pulling on a seasonal banner. For the other three seasonals in my collection it took at least like 60+ orbs. 

  7. I started feeling increasingly sick and tired today so I ended up zoning out watching documentaries for most of the day while running auto-battle on 5 hard. And well. I’m honestly a bit ashamed. 


    Armor Emblem did way better than I thought they would even with Arden throwing himself at every blue mage first chance he got. 

    I’m putting that Heavy Blade seal to good use already though I’m happy to say.



    Now I think I can take my time getting the rest of the orbs and such. 

  8. Hmmmm I want bRoy and Sigurd, but I know if I try for red I will end up with Ryoma and regret. 

    I don’t really want anyone from blue, again, although I wouldn’t say no to sLucina. Charlotte and Fjorm have skills I wouldn’t mind on some of my units but I don’t need them enough to really try.

    I want sChrom but not enough to dump a bunch of orbs while I still have a chance for wChrom who’s art I like better anyway.

    I got a random +spd Innes a few days ago so the temptation there isn’t very strong, and I want bLyn but I just got out of colorless hell. I’m not going back for awhile.

    I really hope we get new lady for free, or at least that we get a free wind blessing. I need one for Soren because of course I do. 

  9. So my best friend gave me an iTunes card today, and I could of course not help but spend it on orbs so I went Jaffar hunting again with 55 orbs. 

    First go round no gray and this happens:


    hello fourth off focus 5* for this banner egad! He is the weird +spd/-def. I was already at 3% so no pity break, and I go to try again. Second summoning also had no freaking grays! I pick green again-


    WHY HELLO! Finally an on banner focus and while I don’t want her nearly as much as Jaffar I am very happy to see her! And very surprised, it’s always a shock to get more than one 5*’s in a row. As a bonus even more she is +spd/-res!

    I’ve still got 45 orbs so I’m in for a bit more sniping. I get three more dud summons two of which had no grays and then


    F I N A L L Y 

    I HAVE WAITED SO VERY LONG FOR THIS MOMENT!! I don’t even care that he’s -spd, I can make him work. My nightmare in colorless hell has ended!! Third time really was the charm! 

    But man Weapons to Refine pt2 was a wild ride for me you guys. I managed to get six 5*’s off of it. 

    Innes, Maria, Katrina (who was fed to Soren for the second time), Hawkeye, Minerva, and finally Jaffar. Finally. 

  10. I just realized funnily enough that the Heavy Blade seal is pretty much perfect for my Fierce Stance Ike. I am suddenly very glad for my recent indecisiveness over which seal to upgrade. 

    In other news wRobin and BK will be getting married sometime tomorrow. I hope it happens in the chapel map. 

  11. Got some TT orbs, promoted Raigh to 5* for good luck, and went Jaffar hunting again.


    I... YOU are not even close to being Jaffar! al;kfhasalifjawel;fj 

    And she managed to also be -spd! Just like the one I pulled on the last gauntlet banner! Looks like Soren's getting Swift Sparrow!

  12. So as a Christmas present to myself I bought 75 orbs. I had 17 already so I went into my Jaffar hunt with 92 orbs. 

    I am still Jaffar-less. And with every passing banner I grow more and more defeated. I’m not entirely ready to give up though and so I really wish the TT started like a day earlier  

    In any case though my dive into colorless hell wasn’t a total bust! The highlight is definitely this surprise:


    he is +atk/-def! Couldn’t have asked for a better consolation prize!




    Hello dreaded healer pity breaker. She doesn’t have anything I can give Lucius poo, but she also isn’t another 5* Lachesis. So small victories?

    My overall collection for the night looks like this 


    I got my least favorite dagger’s once each and both at 3* how nice. Bowbreaker and Reposition fodder are nice for sure though.

    I still just want Jaffar. You’re killin’ me game! Your killin’ me!

  13. Hp: Arden and his 60hp is the captain apparent with 55hp Hector as the runner up, and 52hp 4* Zephiel holding the bronze. 

    Atk: Soren alternating between 57 and 59 atk is captain here with Seliph as lieutenant with 55 atk, and surprisingly, Alm and bIke tied for third place with 53 atk. 

    Spd: Soren is captain here too some of the time. He’s ether at 45 spd or 43 spd which ties him with Nino. Then there are amazingly three lieutenants Ryoma, Linde, and a 3* +10 Gaius, who all have 39 spd. Bronze is shared between Lyn and Azura who both have 38 spd. 

    Def: Arden wins this one too with 41 def. And then another three way tie with Xander, Hector, and Leon all with 37 def. And oh boy Ike, Burger King, bIke, Boey, and 4* Zephiel all come in third with 36 def. 

    Res: Captain is Deirdre with 38 res and lieutenants Caeda and Fae have 37 res. Fury Soren is third with 36 res, if he’s running anything else I have a four way tie for third with Arvis, Sanaki, Lucius, and 4* Niles all with 35 res. 

    Rating: A constant battle of who has more merges between Soren 202 and Seliph 201. wRobin is second with 187, and Burger King at third with 186. 

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