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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. Poor Glade is so out of place on my ballet. Someone should help the poor guy. 



    The mid-term placements are... interesting. Can't say I'm thrilled about all of them but it is great to see Celica and Hector in 1st! And its awesome to see Keaton and Kaden in the top at all!

    3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Or one missing load-bearing wall, more likely.

    That too.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Jaafers said:

    I could understand Tellius having low sales in North America and Europe. Nintendo did indeed drop the ball with advertising FE at the time. Radiant Dawn was also released a week before Mario Galaxy, so the poor sales in the Americas and EU make sense. But here's the catch, it did terrible even in Japan, where FE was already an established series. And there must be a reason why IS isn't releasing many Tellius characters to begin with. Because they aren't popular, and won't generate money through orbs. Heck if you look at the views for the Radian Dawn banner it has around 230 k views after almost two weeks. The newest Sacred Memories banner coasted over 200 k in about a day.

    Its clear you have something big against Tellius. That's fine. More power to you, but don't be an asshole about it. You are being an asshole about it right now.


  3. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Many words in English have multiple correct pronunciations that vary from person to person (take "almond", "caramel", "bagel", "soggy", "Chicago", or "Boston" for example), so just pick one and settle with it.

    That is true. I am from the part of the US that ignores the 'T' in mounTain. I'll settle on a way to pronounce Ephraim eventually, but as long as I don't have to say his name out loud I will put that decision off.

  4. I do appreciate the help with pronunciation. Translating letters into verbal sounds is not my strong suit, and this helps... except in the case of Ephraim who is up to I believe four or five different pronunciations across all the characters who mention him in voice lines. I have resigned myself to never knowing how to pronounce this guys name. 

    Otherwise the voice work, variety of art styles, and getting to go crazy building up favorites have been making this game fun for me for almost a full year now.

  5. Ike was originally a unit I didn't think was going to need much investment even though my original was -atk. I slapped Repo, Vantage, and Threaten Atk on him and called it a day until November when I managed to get two of Dorcas. At that point my Ike was still -atk so I decided Fierce Stance could help patch that up a bit so he could still use Heavy Blade for enemy phase. Legendary banner #1 finally gave me a non -atk Ike so now he is +def/-hp which has been pretty great. I got really excited when the Heavy Blade seal was released because it meant I was going to have Ike getting that sweet special cool down boost on enemy phase with 58 atk. My only issue was a dire lack of any Quick Repose fodder. I have no idea what I was thinking getting rid of all the 3* Subaki's I had accumulated awhile back, but finally last night I got a 4* Subaki! So for now my Ike is complete, at least until we get some Fierce version of Steady Breath and/or Spd Tactic gets released.



    I'm still forever tinkering with my Soren. I pulled another 4* last night too so now my favorite jerk mage is +7! I really hope we keep getting good green units introduced so I can keep pulling green, I really wanna get him to +10. Anyway though this is the set I've been running on him primarily for the past couple weeks. 
    My Soren has eaten two Katrina's now, I find that pretty funny. She has randomly showed up not once, but twice as -spd so he's got Atk Ploy hidden away in his skill list, and of course Swift Sparrow which has been oodles of fun. Spd Ploy from a sad -res Deirdre is great for his wonky spd. The Quick Repose seal is just sort of there right now, I swap around his seal frequently, but QR is pretty darn good on him none the less. That wind blessing is just there to look pretty.



    Finally, rounding out my arena team is Seliph, who has not changed much since I last posed here I think, but finally justice has been served and he has Divine Tyrfing! For being -res he tanks mages really really well. Infantry Pulse is mostly there for the points but Ike and Soren definitely appreciate the Aether boost. It is a little bit amusing to me that Seliph is my main counter for both his dad and the powercreep Queen, Arya. My real dream for Seliph though is to eventually get a Nephenee and give him Wrath, but the game is apparently very opposed to giving me the lance units I want so that's probably a long way out still.




  6. I managed to get an Erika + horse. She was by far the one I wanted least from this banner just because of the principle of the whole shibang but I’ll take her. She’s not replacing Leo on my horse team though, take that meta I guess. 

    What’s going to be a good special on her? Draconic Aura? 

  7. Went into the banner with 175 orbs and I left it with just under 90. 

    I managed to come out with horse Erika +hp/-res but frankly I am way more excited about the 4* Soren, Tailtiu, Subaki I pulled. With those two my Soren is now +7 and Ike has QR3 and Drive Spd! 

  8. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Well, of course I'm negative about things I dislike! Because who really is going to be positive about things they don't like? It's a contradictory. If you don't like something, you're not going to act all happy about it happening, right? People will voice disappointment about things all the time. That's all I do and ever intend to do.

    There is a difference between voicing your disappointment and blowing up about it. I don't expect you or anyone else to act all happy when something you don't like happens, but there is no reason to tell people who are happy about things like this that they are wrong. You are not changing anyone's opinions about the characters you don't like by acting this way. You are just making an ass out of yourself. If people start arguing with you the way you are saying Icelerate did the best thing you can do is ignore it and go do something else. 

    Seriously in the wise words of Thumper from Bambi:




  9. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    "I don't like" is not the equivalent of a rude hate comment. Besides, Icelerate didn't seem to notice that I'd already said I didn't like Micaiah before that and continued to shove her down my throat.

    You know, a pretty big part of the problem here is that you tend to always be negative when it comes to things you don't like. You seem to have a constant need to chime in and point out how much you hate Micaiah, Mia, Lucina, Erika, Soren, whoever. I do not like Fredrick, but I very rarely feel the need to screech my feelings to the high heavens because I know people like him and its none of my business that we disagree. Constantly picking fights, intentionally or not, makes you come off as unessential rude. Nobody likes dealing with the fun police.

  10. 2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

    I reckon Inigo doesn't do a bad job in his Performing Arts outfit xD

    Congrats :D

    Oh dang you’re right! I totally forgot about Inigo D: poor guy.

    gotta amend my statement to: “Hello one of two characters that can pull off a belly shirt” lol

  11. I did a bit of birthday pulling and after some next to useless fodder:


    Hello only character in this franchise that can pull off a belly shirt! +Spd/-Def, why are all mya dagger units other than Jaffar + spd??? Well I'll take him!

    Happy birthday to me, and I've still got 135 orbs for all the nonsense coming up.

  12. I’d take Tobin or Clive over another Masked Marth personally. 

    Yet another new GHB I’ll be promoting right away. Haven’t finished Sacred Stones but everything I know about Lyon puts him in my likes villians pile.

    New CYL voting is fun. I am going to vote exclusively for the dogs, cats and dragons this time around. And I’m throwing one vote to Glade on behalf of a friend. 

  13. 39 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

    So long as you're using the Battle Sim to determine what works, how well they work, etc. you should be fine! Just remember to explore specific matchups that Soren wants to be able to win (IE, if a base requirement for the player who uses him is that he wants to survive and beat Reinhardt, then make sure that he can do that tested against Reinhardt's common skills like Death Blow + QP Moonbow, etc.), and test against multiple different skill setups to see what performs the best across all of them; what I usually do is test against Fury and then various boons, like Spd and the corresponding defensive stat if the unit I'm testing is offensive, Atk and the defense in question if my tested unit is defensive, etc. etc.

    It's a lot of experimentation, but you get the best results by being thorough! And remember that a higher K/D ratio doesn't always necessarily matter; maybe you have a defensive unit who you want to be able to survive as much as possible, in which case kills are less important than deaths (and ofc the opposite is true for an offensive unit that uses something like LnD). In the case of Soren: can his Raven build beat all the reds/colorless units reliably? If so, what else can he potentially check if he has skill slots to spare? Can his Wolf build beat prominent horses like Rein and Lyn on defense? Can it possibly check or even beat red horse units (probably gotta rule out Sigurd, but it's worth a shot lol)? If it can, what else can it manage to check? etc. etc. 

    That's the process I generally use. And then the best results are the main options on the set, as well as other slashes for budget purposes / if they accomplish something different (and then you describe what they accomplish in the analysis. I know this is pretty wordy, but I hope it helps! x3x

    Ooo I've been looking for that battle sim! Hadn't looked very hard granted but. I have actually run all but two of of these builds in at least some capacity on my own Soren, (Roy is a cryptid and Triangle Adept fodder does not exist) so I've got a lot of trial and error under my belt with him but having the numbers will be good.

    I don't want to end up too long winded in the descriptions but I"ll do my best to cover all the bases. (Since you mentioned it that Wolf build at least with Summoner support has made Sigurd the only horse he can't outright kill on on player phase it is fuuuuun)

    This a big help, thank you again!

  14. 1 minute ago, BANRYU said:

    I get where you're coming from, but I don't think Rexcalibur needs multiple different sets; a single build listing the various budget options for folks who can't be bothered to get another weapon on him (or, as you said, want to get arena bonuses or something) should suffice.

    As for the Flashing Blade build, it seems pretty cool, though when you write it up be sure to detail what makes it better than the other ones, or what setting it's more useful in and whatnot. If all things said and done it's just a (for lack of a better word) flashy high-investment favoritism set, I think that's probably fine but make sure to be objective about it lol. 

    Okay yeah I'll merge the Rexcalibur ones once I get back to this. Flashing blade, again yeah I'll be sure to specify all that. I know I really need to add the main purposes of each build, I'll probably do that before I finish the write ups.

    Thank you by the way I have no idea what I'm doing heh

  15. 50 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

    Is there anything that the Rexcalibur builds do better than builds with any other weapon? Otherwise I don't see much point to them, besides a budget Soren build. 

    I'm also curious to know if the Flashing Blade build does anything better than the other builds, or if Flashing Blade could simply be slashed onto the Blade build. 

    In my experience Rexcalibur mostly just gives a boost to stats which is great for arena scoring but bladetomes and now things like Keen Gronnwolf are still more powerful in general. Rexcalibur is still mainly just budget since the boosts and effects from the other green tomes are in general still better.

    The Flashing Blade build is based off of a Soren on my friends list that I've used some in gauntlets, so admittedly I'm not a total expert. I mostly just think its a fun expensively dumb build that I would love should I ever end up pulling Mia. It could be slapped onto the Blade build the main difference is specifically using Aether and a ploy. I need to check but I'm also pretty sure for Flashing Blade to really be effective Soren would have to be +Spd.

    Hope that made sense, I just woke up and I'm groggy lol.

  16. That QR seal had temporarily saved me from the last few months nightmareish lack of Subaki’s. Hooray!

    12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    +10 Eldigan [+Atk, -Res] (Mystletainn [unique], Reposition, Ignis, Fury 3, Quick Riposte 3, Hone Cavalry, Fury 3, Heavy Blade 3) would be beautiful. 18 damage after every round of combat would be pure gold.

    If this isn’t a thing by the time this game dies I will be very sad. 

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