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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. Ike had to grow on me a bit for the pettiest of reasons. My introduction to Fire Emblem was via Smash bros Melee and even though I didn’t play any FE until Awakening, Roy was my absolute favorite character to use in that game. I was beyond miffed when Brawl was coming out and I saw that my favorite flaming sword wielded had been replaced by a buff Marth. No Roy and no Mewtwo were actually I think why I ended up never getting Brawl. Once I played PoR though, Ike won me over pretty quick with his blunt personality and obliviousness to social queues. At this point he is now hands down my favorite lord. 

    Cynthia and Sumia have both grown on me a fair bit recently. Cynthia more than her mom since I’ve actually been using her in my recent Awakening run. I actually really like her as Gaius’s kid, having actually read some of her supports I don’t find her nearly as annoying now. Her being a ridiculously fun unit has helped too, a dark flyer setting off two lethalities per turn should be illegal. 

  2. This was absolutely my most successful arena/AA session ever.

    image.png image.png

    That is by far my highest arena score ever. Giving my team all Earth Blessings was a great idea.

    I almost gave up on AA this week because I kept loosing the second to last battle but my final yolo run last night I somehow did a deathless run and got my highest score ever. So that was pretty fun. 

    I also got my highest scoring defense win. Its been a good arena week.




  3. 17 minutes ago, xXHoshiHeartsXx said:

    theres never a bad time for ikesoren <w<


    btw in the video i liked in the video when ike and soren are just skidding across the floor hehe like i know its hard to animate walking but it was kinda funny

    haha agreed!

    The video isn't meant to be an actual animation, but I was laughing to myself about possible comparisons with some of the infamous CG Berserk scenes lol

  4. 2 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

    Not that it's hard to imagine what they're saying but what exactly are they saying that would cause you have this reaction when Ike is prime to win?

    Mostly people complaining about him being yet another sword unit, which do I get. But there are also a lot of people saying its pointless to vote for him because he'll be showing up on 8% banners which is annoying because while true those banners are the worst to pull a specific unit on unless you get lucky and/or have a ton of orbs. I'm just tired and feeling petty today.

    There's also this guy but I'm not annoyed by this, I just think his logic is hilarious.



    A+ dude, you've shown me that clearly because he dies to my Soren in one hit, Reinhardt is the worst unit in the game.


  5. After seeing the general reaction on twitter I can safely say I want Ike to win out of spite more than anything else. I really do want LIke for a mergethough. Those 8% banners are a nightmare to pull on, I’d rather not leave those as my only option for getting merges. 

    wTharja’s outfit means that I could not be payed to use her. If she wins whatever it’s a game Raigh is getting CC and a funny weapon. 

    Hector is great and I’d probably merge him with my current Hec. 

    Edgy Azura is a dancer, I don’t have, don’t really want her but I’d take her. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Okay, Reinhardt should be able to smoke Corrin. RD Ike might be able to kill the axe Peg, but he'd get quadded by her because he's -Spd, so I dunno if he'd take a lot of damage or not. I was considering my Ryoma instead, even though he's -Spd too. He's got 36 spd thanks to some skills/seals I gave him though, so he wouldn't be quadded.

    Yeah, my Frederick's 56 enemy phase Def makes a lot of physical units struggle against him. lol I wasn't sure about trying many horses since map limitations, but maybe he could work too.

    If you have the quick repose seal your Ike should have no issue taking the axe peg out even if it isn't upgraded. The quad won't hurt him much at all.

  7. Those poison dagger’s killed my hopes and dreams of a Soren damage only run. Ah well eventually I’ll get there. 

    I’m not even going to try the flyer quests for now. No ranged damage options means I’m pretty sunk for this one. Armor I think I’ll be able to pull off with a bit more fiddling and Cavalry I have an idea for but I don’t want to dump even more stamina pots into this for now. 

    @Zeo the Heroes player base has clearly been sleeping on Matthew’s potential greatness. I’m rooting for you to get enough for a +10!

  8. Shout out to Navarre for having such an easy map.

    DD seal is the real MVP on this map dealing with those stupid daggers.

    I was able to clear all of the quests on this one.

    Cavalry: This team is hilariously wimpy, I badly need to just give Leo Rauðrblade+ instead of this limbo of waiting for a Brynhildr refine.

    Armor: How did this end up my most competent non infantry team? DD seal on Hector cleared almost everything out on his own.
    Burger King

    Flyer: Ceada is -spd and the deadest of weights poor thing, but her Fortify Flyers was nice for those stupid daggers. Michalis and Hinoka carry this team, Minerva still needs more SP.

  9. 29 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Now that I've actually got some Blessings, I'm tempted to use a few more of them, but I don't know if this recent flood of Blessings is a one-time thing or they're going to continue being a regular reward.

    It seems like they'll be a semi-regular reward at the very least, especially since we've got that new mode coming up that requires blessed units.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Back to Tier 19 for me.  I hope I can get some more L'Arachels, so I can replace Ursula with her on my core 3.  Until then, the extra merge on Ursula from later this week will make her +4 for me.  With all those merges, I might be able to stick in Tier 20 next time, but we'll see.

    @DarkLordIvy It looks like you can use your +10 Soren in Arena tomorrow.

    I'm very excited!! I get to use my Soren/Ike/Ike/Ike team to full effect!
    I'm thinking of going all in and throwing the earth blessings I got from the GHB quests on bIke and Soren. According to the articsilverfox calculator that would put me in the 720-735 range, which is terrifying and tempting.

  11. 5 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    Well, I agree with you. Colorless would definitely become bloated and ideally I would prefer if they were available in all colors, similar to dragons but also available as colorless, however that feels like I’m asking for too much.

    ???? How would distributing them among all four colors be asking too much they've already done it for the dragons in the game? 


    Just now, Ice Dragon said:

    Fire Emblem's dragons are literally elves that transform into dragons. Tellius's non-dragon Laguz are literally less-long-lived elves that transform into animals.

    Pointy ears and everything.

    I think that is the best description I've ever seen for dragons and laguz. lol

  12. 1 minute ago, NegativeExponents- said:


    And that’s why I’m a big supporter of them being close-range colorless units. Every other color has close attackers except colorless and colorless is one of the best offensive colors so it’s not like it’s incredibly detrimental for them.

    My number one issue with them all being colorless is that would add potentially up to 21 (counting non laguz) more individual characters just to that one pool. That would bring the colorless pool (as of today) up to 55 units which is about as much as the current red pool which everyone agrees is bloated as all get out. I am very aware that its unlikely that all the potential beast units will ever be added but even a small chunk if they were all one color we would end up with just more of a bloat problem. A problem that I don't think will be solved for the red pool any time soon, for the record. There are a lot more red units to add and there are already still a lot of bows, daggers and staffs to be added anyway.

    Maybe I've got all this wrong, and if IS does eventually add beast units and make them all gray then I'll eat my words but until then I am firmly in the camp that adding them all to colorless would be a waste.

  13. 8 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

    How you feeling, gurl? Told ya it would be grand. And best thing about it, that Soren is now there until you stop playing, bringing you a smile everytime you open your barracks.

    Congratz on your first 5*+10!

    I am feeling pretty darn good! Haha! He will definitely bring a smile to my face for a good long while. Gotta enjoy the little stuff like this in life!

    Thank you!

    8 hours ago, Ledrert said:

    Uh, looking at this image, we can see the evolution of Ike's age... PoR -> Brave -> RD. I like this touch.

    Its like an idealized timeline of a person going through puberty. I'd expect to see it on one of those sketchy banner adds "This man avoided the pitfalls of puberty! Experts hate him! Find out how!"

    7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    @DarkLordIvy Congratulations! So many green digits, how fitting for a green mage. 

    Thanks! Lol the wind theme ended up stronger than I had intended, and it works.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    @DarkLordIvy is gonna' have some fun. :3 

    IS is smiling down upon me this night!!

    Three of one color teams at least in my experience, are usually not as hard to use as you’d first expect. I run Soren, Ike, Seliph, bonus most of the time and the bonus ends up being red a lot. I’m not sure if that entirely hold up for teams not predominantly red but I don’t think it would be impossible. 

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