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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Dat Soren :3


    Does Res Ploy work well for him with L&D3?

    I’m very proud of him. owo

    Your Sharena looks really fun! Good n’ tanky’s always fun.

    Res Ploy works okay with LaD since I have him summoned supported. I had kind of forgotten about that I should swap his seal for the gauntlet... he’s got the heavy blade seal now!

  2. Good to see the discussion hasn’t changed in here at all from every previous gauntlet. 

    I’m on team Lucina now for my own petty reasons but mostly I’m on team Tellius because I’m replaying PoR again and that’s holding my attention a lot better than the gauntlet. 

    I’ve got my Soren upfront but if anyone wants me to switch to a red or something let me know!

  3. I'm new to the whole cipher scene but I opened a S12 box and I got a couple cards I'm looking to trade or sell.

    Shipping from the US.
    Any payment preferably through paypal.

    Bold I ether really want to get rid of or really want to have.


    B12-082R Nanna

    B12-085R Beowulf

    B12-061R Say'ri

    B01-035R Linde 

    B12-001SR+ Ike

    P12-009PR Ike

    B05-090R Soren

    B05-073R Nailah

    B05-098R(regular or +) Kurthnaga 

    B07-041R+ Jaffar

    B10-075HN Forrest


  4. Poor bIke never gets to do anything in these clears.

    I managed all the quests painlessly too, I was really surprised at the lack of pain the cavalry quest gave me. Leo, Titania, Camus and Chrom. The real MVP was Vantage on Camus. Leo and Titania cleaned up what Camus couldn’t and Chrom stood there and looked pretty. 

  5. I got Gerome the other night and I got bit by the “build the new guy” bug so now I have this


    spur spd is in place of goad flyers because I made some mistakes and have no more Palla’s. 

    I got the Def Tactics seal yesterday so now I’m just gunning for the orbs as fast as I can because I am orb broke and that Ike banner is taunting me. 

  6. Ack I'm sorry for vanishing for a couple days. I had fun answering all the questions though!

    On 3/14/2018 at 5:00 PM, Rex Glacies said:

    VIII. Thoughts on this myth?

    IX. How about this one?

    X. Ra, Set, Horus, or Isis?

    XI. Fight or flight?

    XII. Favorite season?

    XIII. Any specific reason you enjoy ancient Egypt?

    XIV. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

    Oooo I like both of those myths!

    VIII. Its really interesting how Loki fits into all of the Norse myth cycle. This myth I think is one of the best that shows the odd duel role he plays as both the future harbinger of Ragnarok and also as the catalyst for the means to oppose the end of all things. I also just really like any story that has a lot of involvement from the dwarves. The way that Norse dwarves are so clearly the start of the modern fantasy dwarf, but also how different they are from modern fantasy is really cool to me.

    IX. I love this story. It has elements of a buddy comedy with Loki pushing all the shenanigans along, its stupid and I love it. There's also a lot of really interesting analysis out there about what this story supposedly reveals about attitudes towards women in the Viking world which I have mixed feelings on.

    X. Horus!

    XI. Fight! Unless mountain lions are involved!

    XII. The fall! Perfect tempratures, good smells outside.

    XIII. Nothing all that spicific. I've loved the look of ancient Egyptian art myth figures ever since I first watched The Prince of Egypt when I was little and I've never lost interest.

    XIV. Aaaah I've taken the Myers-Briggs at least three times and I always have such a hard time remembering what my personality type was. I think it was INFP and I remember the descriptions fitting me pretty well.

    On 3/14/2018 at 7:25 PM, Randoman said:

    What are your top 5 favourite game companies? For this question, don't count subsidiaries like HAL Laboratories or Intelligent Systems.

    How tolerant of weird things are you?

    Are there any things out there that you find so bad, that they're good? (Eg: CD-I Zelda, The Room, Sharknado)

    What would be among the first video games/video game series you'd let your future sons/daughters play?

    Since you talked about your dating experiences, how would you personally hope a guy would approach becoming your boyfriend/husband? The blind date approach didn't appeal to you, so I'm curious as to what approach would appeal to you.

    - Hmmm this is harder than it should be, I'm not terribly well versed on a lot of video game companies other than Nintendo

    - Pretty darn tolerant. My favorite thing to do to break tension is to stack as much stuff, phones, wallets, keys, hats, whatever on my head.

    - (let me preface this with I’m not religious) I have a special place in my heart for the Dreakmworks “Joseph King of Dreams” movie, even though it is so so stupid in so many ways. 

    - Kirby for sure, and probably Pokemon.

    - I should probably clarify, it wasn't a blind date. What happened was my old friend asked if I wanted to hang out at this summer fair that was going on. I was already in town because I had been in the parade for said fair, so decided fine I would get some food say hi to my friend and go home because it was hot and I was tired and dying. So there I was hanging out with my friend and trying not to pass out into some french fries and he confesses. I had zero idea how to respond so I just sort of said okaaaay. We walked around and held hands for about ten minutes, I made my escape and then proceeded to ignore him for two weeks until he got the hint. 
    I honestly am not sure what a guy would have to do I'm just not in the market for a relationship right now. Not a great answer sorry about that. D:

    On 3/15/2018 at 10:02 AM, Shoblongoo said:

    Solid picks!

    Do you plan on voting in the November midterm elections? If so, who are you leaning towards atm?

    On a scale of 1 to 10--when its time to put the books down and cut loose, how hard do you party?

    Where would you rather spend a vacation: shopping and dining and sightseeing in a new city? Or heading off into the wilderness with a tent, a sleeping bag, and whatever gear you can fit into a kayak? 

    Whats something you haven't done yet that you want to do?

    Whats something you've done before that you never want to do again?

    Impression of me? (be brutally honest)


    -  For sure, and I'm leaning heavily towards all left.

    - Does marathoning almost twenty straight hours of The Sims count as cutting loose? If so 9.

    - Hmmm this is one that tends to change depending on my mood but right now I'd say dining and sightseeing in a new city sounds pretty appealing as long as it was overseas.

    - I really want to do a river trip down the Grand Canyon.

    - I went to a fashion show one time. I am never doing that again. It was hot, overcrowded, the show itself was hard to see, and I didn't get the free food I was promised. >:I

    - You seem like a cool guy! 

    On 3/15/2018 at 12:21 PM, Marcus Aurelius said:

    1. Which FE games have you played?
    2. What makes Path of Radiance your favorite?
    3. I get the impression that you like Soren. Why?
    4. What languages can you speak?
    5. What do you think about the Roman Empire?
    6. Got any favorite Roman Emperors?
    7. Any least favorite Roman Emperors?
    8. What do you know about 1066?
    9. Have you read any of Tolkien's books? If so, which one(s)?
    10. Do you ever ride a bike?

    1. I’ve completed Awakening, all three Fates routs, PoR, Blazing Sword, and as of two days ago Radiant Dawn. I’ve started Sacred Stones and Shadow Dragon but I'm not very far in either.

    2. PoR has the most memorable cast at least for me, I like the story and how it leads itself nicely into Radiant Dawn. I also first played it during winter break of my freshman college year about a year ago while I was going through a pretty rough time with school stuff not going well. I needed a good distraction and PoR was perfect for it. 

    3. I’ve always had a soft spot for jerk characters. Especially jerk characters that have good backstory reasons for their asshole behavior, and if they have meaningful development well there’s some favorite character material right there! 

    4. Just English much to my frustration. I’m working on Japanese and I can understand some Danish (virtually no speaking though, Danish is a ridiculously hard language). 

    5. I’m a fan of the Roman Empire. All the different stages and eras of Rome are so interesting to look at, and it’s really amazing how much our modern world was influenced by the Romans from architecture, to language, to governments. The history nerd within me gets very excited thinking about it!

    6. Titus Flavius Vespasianus, I had a class that focused a lot on Jerusalem, and I did a presentation that heavily featured Vespasianus's involvement there.

    7. I know there was an emperor that I read about a year or two ago that I could not stand, but for the life of me I cannot remember his name. I've been trying to remember for days now and still it escapes me.

    8. 1066 CE? I know that was the year of the Norman invasion of England but I'm afraid I'm not too well versed on that chunk of history.

    9. I’ve read The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, I’ve started the Silmarillion but I have yet to make much progress in finishing it. 

    10. I have a bike but I haven’t ridden it much in quite a few years. 

    On 3/17/2018 at 8:33 AM, Rezzy said:

    7: Opinion on the name Rachel?

    8: Opinion on petticoats?

    9: Opinion on kilts?

    10: If you were a Fire Emblem unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

    7. I think Rachel is a pretty name!

    8. Petticoats are definitely not my thing but I've got a soft spot for the 1920's style ones.

    9. Kilts are great, a good friend of mine wears a kilt to every formal event he can, and I have never seen his brother in anything other than a kilt.

    10. I'd probably be a mage with horrible base defense and hp with equally terrible growths, good magic bases and growths, and all around okay res and speed. I feel like I described that badly but I overall I think I'd be the sort of unit that would get rng screwed really easily.

    20 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    @DarkLordIvy Hope you don't mind a few more questions before the deadline ends.

    11: Favorite FE character from each game you've played?

    12: Least favorite?

    13: Favorite FE archetype?

    14: Why DarkLordIvy and not DarkLadyIvy?

    15: Favorite Harry Potter character?


    Funny you say Order of the Phoenix is your favorite; that's my favorite, too.  I remember reading it the weekend it came out.  My car actually broke down on the way home, so I was sitting in my car on the side of the road reading it, waiting for help to come.

    11. I'm going to try to go in order I played them. Favorite character from each.
    Awakening: Henry
    Fates: Tie between Leo and Forrest.
    Path of Radiance: Soren
    Blazing Sword: Jaffar
    Radiant Dawn: Soren Nailah 

    12. Least favorites:
    Awakening: Fredrick
    Fates: Felicia or Saizo
    Path of Radiance:  Makalov
    Blazing Sword: Florina
    Radiant Dawn: Also Makalov Valtome

    13. The Merric, but I've got a soft spot for Est's too. 

    14. DarkLordIvy seemed funnier to me at the time.

    15. Hermione! 

    Haha! We have such similar tastes. Harry Potter seems like a really good thing to have on hand for being stuck on the side of the road.

    On 3/17/2018 at 1:31 PM, Lau said:

    Sorry if these have been asked, but...

    - Favourite superhero?

    - What country would you like to visit if you had the chance?

    - Would you rather build a sandcastle or a snowman?

    - Ninjas, or pirates?

    - Mr. Incredible

    - Japan with Egypt as a very very very close second.

    - Snowman!

    - Why not both? Gonna go tentatively with Pirate even though ships and the ocean are a bit scary.

    9 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

    1. What three words best describe you?

    2. How do you think success should be measured?

    3. What scares you?  Do you have any irrational fears?

    4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day?

    5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 

    6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike?

    7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money?

    8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again?  (Already asked.)

    9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

    10. What are you most grateful for right now?

    11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why?

    12. If you could time travel, where would you go?

    13. What are your pet peeves?

    14. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

    15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?

    1. Zany, frazzled, and enthusiastic.

    2. I think success should be measured taking into account individual strengths and weaknesses. And by how many people you can get to also look up if you stand in the middle of a room staring at the ceiling. 

    3. I have a pretty bad fear of not knowing when bad things happen to family and friends.

    4. I like to play some Heroes or read through the tv tropes pages for infamously bad fanfiction.

    5. To a degree I think it is, but the people who end up full of themselves on social media would probably have ended up gaining that same ego elsewhere had social media not gotten as big.

    6. I've always hated how there's a social assumption that you can't just be friends with someone of the opposite gender, that there has to be something else going on. 

    7. Free time.

    9. Very much an introvert.

    10. I am extremely thankful that I was able to finally see a psychologist and get an official diagnosis for my troubles at school. I've got ADHD that I didn't know about until this past summer, and it is such a relief to know that I'm not just lazy or stupid.

    11. I enjoy overcoming personal challenges, and challenging things that I view as fun (ie, figuring out After Effects, and finishing a video project). I'm pretty sick of school being a constant uphill battle at the moment and would almost rather that be easy.

    12. ......I'd go see dinosaurs. I want to know for sure what they looked like!

    13. When people don't use their turn-signals when driving. And when um people like um talk like this when the um give speeches or um presentations.

    14. I'm hoping netflix originals count because that's the majority of what I've been watching lately. Some favorite shows of mine would be Stranger Things, the new Voltron, Castlevania, Planet Earth, and Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.

    15. My year in Denmark. It had a lot of ups and downs, but it was an amazing year none the less.

  7. 2 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

    I think that one is my sister's favorite. I never knew it was hated/disliked.

    I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

    II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate to?

    III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

    IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

    V. What led you to pick out your username?

    VI. Favorite history topic?

    VII. If you're into mythology, favorite mythology?

    I hear people complain that book five has too much emphasis on teenage drama a lot. A valid complaint but it never bothered me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    I. Classical: Fire Chinese: Water

    II. My being Sloth was a running joke with my friend group in high school for awhile. I suppose Charity for the virtues, I like being able to make people happy. 

    III. Smash Bros Melee like all the other kids. Roy was my absolute favorite to play as for years. Awakening was my first actual FE game though. 

    IV. I don’t entiely remember how I needed up here. I think I stumbled onto the forums a bit after I played PoR, I lurked for awhile and then started posting once Heroes was announced. 

    V. Back in middle school and early high school my screen name everywhere was aKuMaIvY. At some point I decided that was way to weebish and I ended up going with DarkLordIvy because I wanted to keep the goofy edgy thing in my name and Ivy seemed like a suitably silly edition to Dark Lord. 

    VI. Ooo my favorite history topic has a tendency to change but right now it’s between the Prohibition era and Middle Kingdom Egypt. 

    VII. Mythology is my jam! Favorite is a tie between Egyptian and Norse Mythology. 

    1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

    history major, eh?

    1) Why history? What is it about this area of study that captured your interest?

    2) Favorite ancient civilization?

    3) Favorite historical figure?

    4) Ever read anything by Howard Zinn? If so; whats your opinion on him as a historian?

    ...very nice...

    5) Where did you go?

    6) Impressions of studying abroad?

    7) Coolest thing you saw as an exchange student?

    8) Lack of interest , or lack of good men?

    1. I sort of just slowly started realizing that history wasn’t a boring subject, contrary to popular opinion. History is an extremely entertaining subject in pretty much all aspects. I can find things that interest, amuse, and frustrate me in everything I look at so with a select few exceptions it’s never boring. I also strongly believe that the more we understand history the more we understand the goings on of present, and that’s really important to me in the ever changing world of today. Boy I sound like a history department pamphlet pfff.

    2. Ancient Egypt!

    3. Gonna have to go with Fredrick the Great. He was a pretty neat enlightened monarch as that group goes.

    4. I’ve read bits and pieces of Howard Zinn’s stuff for classes. Not enough to have a total concertante opinion, but I definitely appreciate his work poking holes in the common narrative of US history. I need to make time to read more of his work.

    5. I went to Denmark! Land of potato’s and Shnaps. 

    6. Studying abroad was probably the best thing I could have done for my high school career. It got me out of a lot of different comfort zones, taught me an independence I would have never gained staying at home, helped me work out social problems I had invented in my head, allowed me to make friends and connections that I suspect will be lifelong, and just in general broadened my horizons in ways I would never have gotten just doing a standered four years of high school. I’d study a ride again in a heartbeat if I were financially able.

    7. I got to watch the changing of the gaurd at the castle in Copenhagen that was pretty amazing for an American I must say. I also accidentally joined a marching band and so got to experience a huge international marching competition that was an amazing experience. 

    8. Lack of interest mainly. 

  8. Aaaah! I was not expecting to be picked for any thing like this. Very exciting after a long day. I’m up way past my bedtime so hopefully my answers right now aren’t just blocks of typos and rambling. 

    11 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    Hi @DarkLordIvy, guess I'll start it off.

    1: What are your first/current impressions of me?

    2: Aspirations in life?

    3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

    4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

    5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?


    6: Will you be lifting the 5 question per post limit?


    1. You seem like a really nice, put together, successful adult, and like a really cool mom! It’s alway a pleasure interacting with you around here.

    2. My current aspirations other than just graduate college would be to 1) learn Japanese and 2) live for a time in Norway and Japan. 

    3. I like kids, I have no idea how to interact with them a good chunk of the time, but I am almost always entertained by them. I definitely don’t want any bilological kids of my own but I think at some point when I’m a stable adult I’d like to adopt!

    4. The fifth Harry Potter book Order of the Phoenix is one of my favorite from the series. Probably because I was fifteen when I got around to reading it, I related to the teenage angst. 

    5. Everyone that I know who’s seen Napoleon Dynomite has loved it, but it has so far been the only movie to put me to sleep twice. 

    6. Sure why not, I’m on spring break I’ve got time for once! 

    11 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

    7.  Still in school? What did you study / are you studying?

    8.  You working? What kind of jobs have you had?

    9.  Wildest thing you've ever done?

    10. Follow politics at all? What are your top issues?

    11. Whats the weirdest thing about yourself  that you're willing to admit to strangers on the internet?

    7. I am in my second year of college studying History. If I can get a handle on some life stuff I might double major in Meuseum Studies. 

    8. So far the only on payroll job I’ve had is Catering for a big center. The work is spotty but the pay is good for a student. My very first job was a volunteer position working the front desk at my hometown’s little historical society museum. 

    9. I was an exchange student in high school. I think that counts as wild?

    10. Hooo boy politics! I try to keep up to speed with it all, but I haven’t always had the energy lately. Right now my main concerns would have to be anything equality related, gun control, and taxes constantly being lowered. 

    11. Hmmm... tough question. I’m not sure if it’s all that weird but I’m 21 and have never really had any relationships or dating experience. I was surprised into agreeing to date someone one time, but that only lasted two week. All of which I spent ignoring the guy till he got the hint.

    8 hours ago, Randoman said:

    How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

    What video games and TV shows did you grow up with, as a kid?

    Who are some of your favourite ugly characters in fiction?

    What fears/phobias do you have, or did you have as a kid?

    Are you lifting the 5 question per post limit, so that people can ask you 6 or more questions in the same post?

    12. I got asked this question when I did my housing application freshman year. I ended up going with “zany” which I think still fits. When I’m not embracing my wannabe starving comedian I’m pretty chill. I’ve got a tendency to be overly negative, but I try to be amused with life instead.

    13. My very first game ever was Pokémon Fire Red and I’ve been a huge fan of the franchise ever since. Game Cube Animal Crossing was a huge time sink growing up. Smash Bros Melee and Kirby Air Ride I spent hundreds of hours playing mainly goofing around with friends.

    I have a lot of memories from growing up being over at my dads house watching Ed Edd n’ Eddy, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Teen Titans, and all those Cartoon Network shows from that era. 

    14. Tyrion Lannister, and Gollum are the main ones that come to mind. I know there are others but I can’t for the life of me think of them right now... I haven’t played FE4 yet but I’ve got a soft spot for Arden already thanks to Heroes.

    15. I was pretty terrified of spiders as a kid, fairly justified as the first house I remember living in had a pretty prolific black widow problem. I still don’t like spiders but my main fear, bordering on phobia, is not being able to get in touch with friends/family. My mom is the main focus, but friends I’ve been on trips with and my dad have all gotten me into a panic one time or another. 

    16. Yes I am!

  9. I really hope we get another goofy themed gauntlet like the hair one. Hair gauntlet was best gauntlet and nothing will convince me otherwise.

    16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Hating fictional characters doesn’t make any sense.

    Hating/disliking fictional characters makes sense. Getting so bent out of shape over it that someone’s spends hours and hours of their time and energy attacking said character and fans of said character doesn’t make any sense. 

    This fandom needs a timeout corner. 

  10. 22 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    Thankfully, I can still make the -Atk work for the most part.

    Nice pulls!  I got a couple 5*s, but only after buying some Orbs and exhausting my supply.  I'm hoping to be a bit luckier next time, since I had gone quite a while before now without having to spend any on Orbs.

    Yeah -Atk is pretty easy to patch up thank goodness. 

    Oof. I feel like I’ve had way more luck than usual with both this current banner and the last legendary one. I am officially afraid of when this luck is going to run out. I’m trying not to spend money again until beast units get added. 

    (By the way Rezzy, thank you for nominating me on the interview thread! ;v;)

    Anyway though I have no self control so I used up my 20some orbs last night, got zilch and then on my last five orbs-


    Yeaaaah boy! Best part by far is he managed to be the exact same as my fMorgan +Spd/-Hp. I’ve got twins. I can safely be done with this banner now. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Nice to see Soren's Harem cleaning up.  The video was a bit choppy, but that might be my laptop acting up.

    I managed to clear it with my Horse Emblem team of Titania, Rachel, Xander, and Elise.  I got enough merges on Rachel to replace Ursula on my main team.

    I’m having way to much fun with this leathel meme team. That’s odd the video was choppy for you, it’s fine on my phone darn computers. 

    Congrats on getting more L’Arachel’s! 

  12. /crawls out of my pit. 

    @Rezzy -atk or not at least you got them lol. 

    I had a weird time on this banner, I’m just going to post all of my pulls. I want everyone on this banner so a sniping reds and blues I went. 

    Round 1:



    Lon’qu was the free, then hell yes Seliph will be +9 soon, and then one of the units I was least expecting. -spd/+def so someone’s getting Swift Sparrow! Probably Jaffar but I’ll hold onto her for a bit just in case.

    Round 2:



    I had such a long Subaki drought this was pretty exciting. I have lots of units wanting QR.

    Round 3:



    I was pretty bummed when Lightning Breath+ showed up first pull here. Nice to not have to promote one for Fae like I’ve been planning forever, but still that’s not fMorgan so. >:(

    Stahl meh, I sort of need swap fodder. 

    And then! There she is! Good kid and the only mage flyer in the game that I am willing to use at the moment! +Spd/-Hp so she will be excellent on my flyer team! 

    So yeah pretty good for only using a bit over 30 orbs. I want to pull more but I’m making myself wait till I have at least 30 orbs again. 

  13. Hooo boy I said I was going to try to finish this before Wind’s brand was released and that’s clearly out the window. I’ve been stupid busy and exausted the past almost two weeks now. @Zeratul I have had a reply started to you for a week and no chance to finish sorry about that. 

    With Wind’s Brand finally here I am going to try to take a day this weekend to completely scrap and redo all I had started for build writeups. 

    Owl effect is interesting. It is kind of situational but if you want to build around it I can see it being a really nice addition. The debuff shinanigins that he can potentially pull are going to be interesting too. I’m thinking possible doubling up with Chill Spd (maaaaybe upcoming Chill Def for helping others) and then doubling up with ploy C skill and ploy seal, Spd Smoke with Atk Smoke, or some combination. 

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