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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. 19 hours ago, Zeo said:

    @DarkLordIvy I may not comment on your clears but they're always a treat to watch. Your dedication to Soren is pretty amazing and it's a feat that you clear all these maps not only without cavalry or healers, but without either blue or colorless units. 

    Aw thank you! Ha I’m glad that my excessive favoritism has payed off. I really love that you can pull off completing just about any challenge in this game with your favorite characters once they’ve been invested in enough. To be entirely honest I would not mind if whatever Ike alt is inevitably coming down the pipe is blue or colorless XD, but the challenge can be so satisfying. 

    Even if I don’t always comment on your clears it’s always a joy to watch Matthew shine!

    12 hours ago, Usana said:

    @DarkLordIvy Good to see Soren shine. Congrats on not giving up!

    Thank you! :D

  2. Well over 100 orbs into this legendary banner with only Shigure and Spooky Jakob for 5* pulls. Can’t complain to much I didn’t have ether and having five dancers is very nice for AA. 

    I want to pull at least one more time specifically for reds and greens. I really want more vIkes. 

    @Rezzy Egad what a pull! Congrats! Although oof on all those -Atk Ephraim’s. 

  3. Oof that map was mean. Took me forever to figure out a way to clear the damn thing and then I promptly forgot an important middle step and spent another hour trying to remember what I had done that worked. Then I got to fight with media encoder crashing when I sped this thing up to fit twitter's unreasonable standard of video length.


  4. It took almost 60 orbs but!


    and she was -Atk/+Res so honestly thank goodness! The past couple of times I’ve tried to get a unit specifically for fodder they’ve ended up with really good natures and I end up wimping out of foddering them (lookin at you +Spd Catria). But finally Soren gets Atk/Spd Bond!!! 

    Downside to this though I got almost no good fodder. I really need some good fodder but I want to save orbs for a bit so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

  5. Recording these after that 1am rollover isn’t my greatest habit. Please excuse the terrible joke in the tweet, I’m running on end of the semester panic.

    I’m about 70-80% sure that I could solo this with Soren if he had CC. I’ll be making an effort on the next Takumi banner. 

    Got all the quests done too. I’m going to miss those. 

    Water: Jaffar, Nino, Ninian, and Raigh

    Fire: VLyn, Vector, Inigo, and nyTakumi

    Wind: Micaiah, Sothe, Olivia, and Azura

    Wind was the only one that really gave me trouble because none of those guys can take a hit but sticking WoM on Micaiah ended up solving the problem. Wish I had done that sooner. 

  6. I have no memory of doing this last night but it’s on my twitter so hi Saias! Hope you like your new life as a red mage counter!

    The key to this for me was Hone Atk on Ike boosting VIke enough so that he could oneshot the green cav with vantage. I don’t remember the last time a blue mage was able to oneshot Soren but I never want to see that again. It was very unsettling. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

    Ouch, hope you get some better luck soon.  I only had 10 Orbs left after Reinhardt.

    Eldigan has to take sole pity breaker king duties for now, though I wouldn't mind seeing him again, so I can pad my Arena score with him some more.

    Nice on having exactly 8000 feathers.  I was glad when mine started being a multiple of 5 again.

    I don’t know if it technically counts as better luck or not but one not great evening + a $12 orb pack and I’ve been put out of my misery at last


    And oh miracle of miracles! He’s the one I wanted!! He’s +Hp/-Res :D No more spending on heroes this month for me. I need to keep saving so I can justify buying a Switch in the near future. 

    (Even or 5 ending feather counts is so satisfying.)

  8. 21 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    But, first @DarkLordIvy That 3* Seliph would have been a 5* Pity Breaker a week ago.  It's sad that my Pity Seliph will never get to +10 now.

    Poor Seliph, his throne as they pity breaker prince has been torn down. But who will take his place? :0

    You've had much better luck than me on this banner. I wasn’t going to go crazy on this banner but somehow I’ve ended up here 


    I’m ready for my pity breaker now please. 

  9. It is a fun sense of progress when a ghb like this that about had me putting my phone through a wall can now be cleared with my favorite deadly gag team. 

    I sped through the other blessing quests last night because I’ve got a 4% pity rate on the Tharacia banner and I want it gone. I got nothing with last nights orbs though. :/

    Water: Jaffar, Nino, Ninian, Fjorm

    Wind: Micaiah, Sothe, Azura, Fae

    Fire: VHector, VLyn, NYTakumi, Inigo

  10. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    I don't, actually. If they get upgrades, cool. If we get 10 more Ephraims, 20 more Lucinas and 30 more Lyns (etc.) while the Askr trio are left to rot as they are, then it sucks to be them I guess. The novelty they and all the other Heroes OCs had has long since run out, at least as far as I'm concerned.

    To each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    I don’t care about them all that much to be honest but I still think it’s kind of ridiculous how left in the dust they’ve been. 

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