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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. Well I’ve got no idea what team to join next round. 

    I don’t care that much what goes on in this gauntlet but I’ve decided I’m going to save all of my flags to use in the last round so I sort of want to be on a team where I have a bonus unit. So that would be ether Grima or Takumi but my conviction for that is rapidly slipping. 

    I don’t know. 

    Recruit me?

    Recive a god:




  2. 3 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

    I wonder what the Wind Brand’s effect will be? It could probably help him out depending on the effect. I’m hoping Wind Brand has a effective against Flier/Dragon effect and ignores something about those two types for a refinement. I would assume the WIP is for when the Wind’s Brand comes out?

    I actually never finished this in the first place, I would have sworn that I had WIP in the title originally but apparently not... So I fixed that today, and I want to finish the write ups I had started for the builds I have here and generally clean up my whole mess of a first post before Wind's Brand gets released. I am super excited for it though. My personal hope is for a brave effect, but that's probably a pipe dream. Effective against flyers and dragons would be a really awesome effect! I had not thought of that :0

  3. On 1/17/2018 at 3:35 PM, Zeratul said:

    Due to the added cooldown on Specials you either want to use the 2-turn ones like Moonbow or Glimmer or commit entirely for Arena points and run Aether. If Aether is not available his default Growing Wind is an option since it is a bit more expensive than a regular special.
    The other Specials aren't really useful especially after the buff on Glimmer, only adding ~3-5 points more than it in most cases.
    Heavy Blade Seal is kinda pointless for him since his Atk isn't that high.

    I'll be honest, I hesitate to recommend Moonbow over other skills because I've always felt like it just doesn't deal enough damage, I consider it to probably be the most overrated of the specials you regularly see on builds because low cooldown or not, it just doesn't kill things well as pretty much all the other options. Glimmer I do need to move up on the list but I would not necessarily recommend it over Draconic Aura or Iceberg simply because of the killing potential and personal experience. Draconic Aura is what I ran on my Soren until I gave him Aether a couple months back and he was able to KO pretty much everything that wasn't a super bulky red unit, which isn't something he should be fighting anyway. Growing Wind is a good budget option but I don't think its very well suited to the blade build.

    Like @Ice Dragon said Heavy Blade works quiet well on the blade blade build, but as long as Soren isn't -Atk he can pretty easily get over 50 atk and with the blade buffs added onto that he has no trouble activating Heavy Blade.

    On 1/17/2018 at 3:35 PM, Zeratul said:

    You want to highlight TA over Fury. Considering that Soren has poor physical bulk he needs TA to tank the likes of Brave Lyn or even regular Brave Bow users like B!Cordelia. On that note Bowbreaker is mandatory in that regard and highlight Deflect Missile.

    He doesn't technically need TA or Bowbreaker to tank Brave Lyn or most of your average Brave Bow units if he has Fury and Deflect Missile. Bowbreaker is a good addition don't get me wrong, but Soren's spd is high enough that even without Bowbreaker he isn't going to get doubled. Of course this gets complicated when you factor in buffs and merges but looking just at unmerged, Brave Bow/LaD/Moodbow/QP builds on the most common units you see with the build vs. unmerged Raven/Fury/DefMis Soren he can tank a round. Don't worry I will be highlighting that Deflect Missile it is the only way to feasibly pull off getting Mr. 17 neutral Def to come even close to tanking most Bow units. I've also never actually used TA on Soren for any build personally due to Roy being a cryptid, so I think I put Fury first on the build out of habit even though TA is for sure the safer option for the build after looking again at the battle simulators. 

    On 1/17/2018 at 3:35 PM, Zeratul said:

    1 build is enough for that. It's pretty niche in the first place since it trades 3 Spd or 4 Res for a tome effect which isn't a good trade at all. It makes sense for a budget build but not really in another case.

    Yeah I'll be condensing the Rexcalibur builds when I finish cleaning this up. The main point of the Rexcalibur builds is for them to be budget options, but I know there are quite a few people, myself included who have run refined Rexcalibur over other weapons specifically for the stat boost.

    On 1/17/2018 at 3:35 PM, Zeratul said:

    In general you recommend Fury + Desperation in every single set which is not a good recommendation at all. It is only good in -blade builds otherwise he wants to run other passive combos like TA + Bowbreaker in -raven and DD on -wolf.
    You're missing recommendation on boon/banes. -blade wants +Spd, -raven probably wants to avoid -Def to tank Bows better.

    I'm going to respectfully disagree for the most part on your first point. Fury/Desperation might not be the most optimal in every set but it will work for almost all of these builds in some capacity. I'm going to pull the "my own experience" card again here to say that Fury/Desp is what I ran on my Soren in the arena from about August until December with a mix of Blade tome, Spd refine Rexcalibur, and special refine Keen Gronnwolf. What I'm going to do I think is mark Fury/Desp as a budget option for the builds I have it down for other than Blade.

    I am missing boon/banes! I uh actually managed to completely forget to add them when I was working on this before. Oops.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    If you want to continue your streak of always being on my team, you could join the Burger King.  I'll probably be running my Titania, though I could always change it up.  It would be nice to use your +10 Soren.

    Hmmm I do love getting to use that Titania of yours, a compelling argument. :0

  5. @ZeratulYo! I'm sorry I never responded to your stuff. I have notifications on for this but they never showed up for some reason, and I haven't had a good chance to sit down and revise/finish my analysis stuff since I originally posted. :/

    Once I'm done with class I'm going to come back and edit this with specific replies to your criticisms, and thank you for that by the way.

  6. My luck on the legendary banner is still scaring me. 60 orbs in and I've gotten five 5*'s. 


    AND ONE OF THEM IS A SECOND JAFFAR I'M SO HAPPY!!! +Atk and still -Spd, but I kind of don't care, +Atk is really nice on him.
    sCorrin though... I really need a ranged flyer but I also hate the fact that she's in a goddamn bikini enough to where I'm not keeping/using her. I'll probably end up giving Soren Swift Strike unless I end up with a blue mage who wants a meme weapon in the near future. She's +Hp/-Atk which while not a deal breaker on me using a unit makes me definitely not feel bad about sacking her. Please IS give me a mage flyer that isn't a woman in a skimpy outfit.

    19 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    Congrats on your luck, you fared a bit better than I did.

    My Seliph is only +7, so yours is higher now

    Ufda well a -Atk Ephraim is better than no Ephraim hopefully?

    I can't believe I'm winning the race to +10 Seliph that only I'm actually trying in.

  7. I went in last night with 40 orbs and I had a wild time. I fear for my luck in the near future. 


    Leon was my free summon and then bIke showed up right after, and I honestly was expecting nothing less pulling greens at this point. If bIke can show up for me he will. This bIke #7 was +Hp/-Spd, he got merged into my original neutral. 

    Next round 


    I wasn’t aware that it was summer time already. Summer might suck as a season but I’m really excited to finally have sLeo! I went a little crazy trying for him over the summer and got a regular Leo for my troubles. +Atk/-Spd seems pretty good for him. Might slap TA on him and make him another designated AA counter. My original sGaius was -res so while I wasn’t hoping for him again here I certainly don’t mind him showing up and as +Res/-Def too! 

    4* Seliph was really the only 4* here that got me excited. I’ve got a +8 Seliph now! @Rezzy are we tied now or have you gotten more pity Seliph’s than I remember?

  8. @Sunwoo @SilvertheShadow

    You guys complaining about wasting refining stones on Soren’s rexcalibur.

    Don’t worry you could be me in this situation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 





    I still want to give him the def rexcalibur refine just for the sake of completing the set eventually.


    2 hours ago, Poimagic said:

    Anyways, there is a new refinery update coming, and @Tybrosion and @DarkLordIvy are gonna be happy about it. Soren is getting a new weapon, while Eirika and Leo are getting a refinement. This is appearently coming in an update in March. Along with a new special map mode and the blessing based mode

    I am very excited!!! The rest of February can go to hell, I’m ready for March to come three days ago!

  9. @Sunwoo @SilvertheShadow

    You guys complaining about wasting refining stones on Soren’s rexcalibur.

    Don’t worry you could be me in this situation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 





    I still want to give him the def rexcalibur refine just for the sake of completing the set eventually.


    2 hours ago, Poimagic said:

    Anyways, there is a new refinery update coming, and @Tybrosion and @DarkLordIvy are gonna be happy about it. Soren is getting a new weapon, while Eirika and Leo are getting a refinement. This is appearently coming in an update in March. Along with a new special map mode and the blessing based mode

    I am very excited!!! The rest of February can go to hell, I’m ready for March to come three days ago!

  10. !!!!!!!!!!

    Soren perf! I can’t believe it!! I figured there was a decent chance but I was not expecting it for another couple of months at least! AAAAAaaaaaa!

    Leo upgrade finally is really nice too! Dang I hope it’s good, maybe my constant putting off giving him a blade tome will finally not hurt as much. 

    And finally my hope for another mode that lets us use the friends list! Now if only they’d expand the friends list...

  11. Must say I’m excited to soon be getting a painless merge for my vIke. 

    What I can’t believe is that Raigh as high above so many good fodder units. I’m also surprised at Camilla and mRobin’s placements.

    Pretty sure Luke is so low because no one remembers the poor guy is in the game what with only ever being on that one banner. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Crux404 said:

    I got lucky this time, but I spent around 280 orbs for a -ATK Bait!Hector in the first day. My condolences for your orbs.

    In the end I caved bought some orbs and managed to get Grima. He’s +Atk/-Res which is awesome but dang those pity breakers were the worst I’ve gotten in a loooong time. 

    @Rezzy congrats on your haul! You did a lot better than me lol. 

  13. Fallen Heroes has not been kind to me so far. 

    Something like150 orbs down the drain and all I have to show for it is a 5* Lilina, who I completely forgot is is the 5* pool for some reason. And a mCorrin. Why oh why couldn’t that mCorrin have been Seliph? mCorrins are it pretty but otherwise he is objectively useless for me. 

    Other than those two disappointments I did get a 4* Seliph so that brings mine up to +7 which is nice. I got disappointingly little useful fodder other than one 3* Hinata, a Camilla, and some repo fodder. 

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