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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. just_soren_by_darklordivy-dc03thv.png

    Soren: Shrewd Strategist
    “An officer in the Greil Mercenaries. A coolheaded realist who has opened up to Ike”

    Hp: 33 | 36 | 40
    Atk: 30 | 33 | 36
    Spd: 30 | 33 | 36
    Def: 13 | 17 | 20
    Res: 25 | 29 | 32

    Weapon: Rexcaliber+
    Assist: none
    Special: Growing Wind
    A: none
    B: Watersweep 3
    C: Fortify Res 3

    My favorite green mage who is as polarizing a character as he is grumpy. Soren is, statwise a slightly slower Nino with bulkier res and a worse starting kit. For several months this was the main argument for why to not bother with him, but in the world of Arena and Squad Assault a second Nino can be pretty useful, and that aside Soren is versatile enough in how he can be built to step completely out of Nino’s even shorter shadow.

    Soren’s stats as I said before are very similar to Nino’s with three less spd and three more res at neutral. Soren’s def is abysmal. Unless you are for some reason running him with +def, fury and a def refined weapon, this mage is not tanking any physical hits until he is merged a good deal with Summoner Support. The high res means that Soren is an excellent counter for the long standing horse scourge that is Reinhardt.

    Even with weapon refinement making his default Rexcalibur viable to keep and use Soren requires a fair bit of investment to truly shine. Up until weapon refinement Rexcalibur was undeniably worse than almost all other green tomes (with the exception of Gronnwolf with its low low might), and was much better replaced by ether Gronnblade or Gronnraven. With refinement Rexcalibur gives a nice boost to his BST and is best used to give Soren some extra speed.

    Growing Wind, as with most AoE specials, is really only useful for specific GHB or BHB strategies. It is much better replaced by a Dragon Gaze line skil, Iceberg, Night Sky, or New Moon skill all of which let Soren kill things dead much more effectively the majority of the time.

    Soren wants an A skill that will ether boost him speed and attack or give him more res tanking ability.

    With his base Watersweep skill Soren apparently predicted the menace dragons and certain staff users were going to become down the line, but compared to his other B slot options it is less functional than other skills.

    Soren’s C slot is easily the most flexible passive slot and can be filled with whatever hone or fortify works best for your team. However, if available a ploy skill makes excellent use of Soren’s naturally high res.



    “Not Nino” [Blade]


    Wpn: Gronnblade+
    Ast: Flexible
    S: Draconic Aura / Iceberg / Luna / Moonbow / Glimmer
    A: Fury 3 / Life and Death 3 / Darting Blow 3 / Swift Sparrow 2
    B: Desperation 3 / G Tomebreaker 3
    C: Flexible 
    SS: +Spd 3 / Squad Ace D 3 / Brash Assault 3 / Atk Ploy 3 / Distant Def 3 / Heavy Blade 3

    “Down With Colorless Hell” [Raven]


    Wpn: Gronnraven+
    Ast: Flexible
    S: Draconic Aura / Iceberg / Luna / Moonbow / Glimmer
    A: Fury 3 / Triangle Adept 3
    B: Desperation 3 / Vantage 3 / Bowbreaker 3
    C: Flexible
    SS: +Spd 3 / Squad Ace D 3 / Brash Assault 3 / Atk Ploy 3 / Deflect Missile 3

    “Death to Horses” [Wolf]


    Wpn: Keen Gronnwolf+ [Unique refine]
    Ast: Flexible
    S: Draconic Aura / Iceberg / Luna / Moonbow / Glimmer
    A: Fury 3 / Swift Sparrow 2
    B: Desperation 3 / Escape Route 3 / BowBreaker 3 / G Tomebreaker 3
    C: Flexible
    SS: Deflect Missile 3 / +Spd 3 / Squad Ace D 3 / Brash Assault 3 / Atk Ploy 3 

    “Speeding Tornado” [Rexc]


    Wpn: TornadoRexcalibur+ [Spd refine]
    Ast: Flexible
    S: Draconic Aura / Iceberg / Luna / Moonbow / Glimmer
    A: Fury 3 / Life and Death 3 / Darting Blow 3 / Swift Sparrow 2
    B: Desperation 3 / Escape Route 3 / Wings of Mercy 3
    C: Flexible / Atk Ploy 3 / Spd Ploy 3 / Res Ploy 3
    SS: +Spd 3 / Squad Ace D 3 / Brash Assault 3 / Atk Ploy 3 / Distant Def 3 / Heavy Blade 3

    “Hurricane Force Winds” [Rexc]


    Wpn: TornadoRexcalibur+ [Atk refine]
    Ast: Flexible
    S: Draconic Aura / Iceberg / Luna / Moonbow / Glimmer
    A: Life and Death 3 / Fury 3 / Death Blow 3
    B: Desperation 3 / Escape Route 3 / Wings of Mercy 3
    C: Flexible
    SS: Atk +3 / Squad Ace E 3 / Heavy Blade 3

    “Sweeping Strategies” [Rexc]


    Wpn: Rexcalibur+ [Spd refine] 
    Ast: Flexible
    S: Draconic Aura / Iceberg / Luna / Moonbow / Glimmer
    A: Fury 3 / Life and Death 3 / Darting Blow 3 / Swift Sparrow 2
    B: Windsweep 3 / Watersweep 3
    C: Flexible
    SS: Phantom Spd 3

    “Expensively Fast” [My dream build]


    Wpn: Gronnblade+ / Rexcalibur+ [Spd refine]
    Ast: Flexible
    S: Ather
    A: Flashing Blade 3
    B: Desperation 3
    C: Spd Ploy 3
    SS: Phantom Spd 3

    I'll be back later to add writeups to the builds themselves and to proofread everything but I think its serviceable for the time being.

  2. So I’m an idiot and spent forever trying to use the wrong special on Soren for this but I did it and without Gronnblade to boot! Sometimes you just have to put as much attack power on a unit as possible. No kill like overkill!

    I really am going to 5* Oliver, but that’s a project for the morning. 

  3. Free pull was 4* Clair, last summon on that round was a 5* Clair +spd/-hp. Clair apparently loves me now. Really wish one of them was Lukas I must say. I want Lukas. 

    Good news though a bit more pulling later and


    Boom! The one I wanted most! +def/-hp. Congrats Mic you might survive the odd bow or dagger! And I’ve still got 80 orbs left for whatever comes next. 

  4. MC: Ike- Elincia is cool too, I came so close to disliking her after some incredibly annoying interactions with super fans, but playing RD is making me remember why I liked her. Ike is still my favorite by far though. I like how he kind of lives in his own little world, and how his character arc pretty much ends with him just wanting to not deal with people anymore. I think I am the only person on these forums that doesn't mind his RD ending.

    Cavalier: Titania- Oscar is a close second, but Titania is just the best.

    Mage: Soren- Need it be said?

    Myrmidon: Stefan- pretty much entirely because the ridiculous way you recruit him amuses me.

    Fighter: Boyd- only by virtue of that I used him for almost all of my first PoR playthrough.

    Soldier: Nephenee- RIP the other guy, I forgot he existed until his doppelganger showed up in RD.

    Knight: Tauroneo- because his mustache is fantastic.

    Archer/Bow Knight: Rolf- my crit god. Shinon gets honorable mention.

    Thief: Sothe- I like his design better.

    Medic: Mist- couldn't have done that stupid BK duel without her.

    Pegasus: Neither.

    Wyvern: Haar- I love Jill too, but Haar is just the best.

    Cat: Lethe or Ranulf- DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE

    Tiger: Mordecai or Muarim- See above.

    Hawk: Januff- his supports are great.

    Dragon: Ena- Someone give this poor dragon a hug.

    Other: Reyson- angry angelic birdman, what's not to love?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    Welp, now it's happening to me, though there are several differences:

    • I play FEH on iOS, not Android
    • Phone model: iPhone 8 (no jailbreak)
    • I play in a supported region (USA)
    • Getting the error loop (Retry and Return to Title Screen options both get me the same error message again)
    • Phone and Game Center are connected to the Internet; I can use stuff like Safari browser and such - even other Nintendo apps like Miitomo and Mario Run! Only FEH fails
    • Already tried reinstalling the game, updated the OS, disabling and renabling wifi on the phone, and restarting the phone - all failed
    • Problem showed up likely while I was asleep as there had been no problems beforehand (so the error first showed up between 4AM-11AM)

    I’m getting this error too and so are several people on a discord I’m on and apparently the FEH sub. 


  6. Still waiting on Ashnard GHB so I can complete my evil wyvern rider team



    On a similar note, Almedha and Pelleas could possibly qualify for GHB’s. I need them for meme team reasons.

    Julius would be fun. I’d like to see what they would do with the Loptyr tome.

    Priam has the potential to have an absolutely insane map with reinforcements out the wazoo, which could be really fun or the absolute worst.

    Any and all of the main villains would be nice really, I just want more new GHB’s. Arvis feels like so long ago. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Cool, I do think I got that Ike, I remember Fierce Stance.

    Since Lissa is Green, I think I'll use my Eldigan next.  I just upgraded his Mystletainn to have Fury 6.  He breaks his enemies, just like he breaks my pity rate.  Although I'm open to other suggestions if you or @Anime27Arts has one, who looks like she's also on Team Lissa.  Or anyone else on my Friend's list.

    @Zeo I wish I would be friends with everybody here on SF.  I really hope IS raises the Friend Limit soon, since I hate having to take people off to add people, and all my friends on my list are active and/or people I know.

    Ooo Eldigan sounds fun. I don’t have Lissa so I have very little stake in who I get for ally’s doesn’t matter too much. :P

    I’ll switch in my Ike again to avoid the dreaded green pileup. 

  8. Takum lost... darn. 

    Looks like I’ll probably go with Lissa. I’ve been recruited by a friend. 

    All the characters I like are out so I’m probably going to check out and fly through more RD for the rest of the gauntlet. 

    13 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    @DarkLordIvy I may have gotten your Ike a few times.  I got several Ikes the last couple days, but didn't think to associate him with you.

    Ha fair enough it is not often that I swap Soren out as my rep. The only way my Ike really sands out is that he runs Fierce Stance with the Heavy Blade seal. 

    Oh hey it looks like we’ll still be on the same team. 

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