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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. Took two tries pretty much only because Inigo doesn’t have WoM3 yet.

    This was the first one in awhile where I needed to use LaD instead of Fury so Soren could safely outspeed everything. Kind of makes me wish he was +spd instead of +atk but what can ya do?

  2. 91 orbs down the drain for one Winter Robin! I want Chrom more, but I’ll still take him.

    Got really lucky with his nature too, +atk/-hp. Now I get to be conflicted because having a blue armor that isn’t 4* Effie and pre packaged with Armor March is really nice, but Soren would really like that Brazen Atk/Spd. Hmmmm. 

    Ah well I’ll do a bit more pulling for Chrom once I get some more orbs. Probably on Christmas or Christmas Eve because I’m a sentemental sap, and I might get more Soren’s. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

    This is a work of art.  :XD:

    Thank you, I try~

    11 hours ago, bethany81707 said:

    "I promise this is a tactically smart decision!"

    "...I'll take your word for it."

    I am a master tactician!

    25 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    @DarkLordIvy What did you do to your Soren?

    I got board and decided to make the best build I possibly could with all the random fodder I've thrown Soren's way.

    Don't worry, he wasn't alone. Ike spent the night with this setup:

  4. 39 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    @Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@Arcanite@MrSmokestack@Infinite Dreams@GuiltyLove@Sophie@Glaceon Mage@XRay@DarkLordIvy

    I've made the world's first 5* Gunter!


    I wanted another Horse Team, and IS has dropped the ball on giving us more Axe Cavs.

    What a rare site indeed! That old man is still ready and able to punch stuff real good.

    It really is time for IS to add more green cavs. I don't want to build Fred or Cecelia I need more options!

  5. 47 minutes ago, Othin said:

    That doesn't seem like it would fit with any patterns of how they've been distributing refinement bonus effects so far.

    It doesn't fit any patterns, but the refinement is also totally new so who knows what crazy stuff IS will throw at us with it. It wouldn't surprise me ether way.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Forgive me if this has been answer, but how the heck is Tharja an Armored unit?

    This is the question of the day. 

    I'm going with "a wizard did it" until I can think of something better.

    6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Oh my gosh

    Brazen Atk/Def Oboro

    This is the part where I go on about how great Nino is

    See now you're really thinking! 

    Nino is a good, and deserves happiness.

    6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    You're right!

    I didn't even realize that... hmm. Well now I'm scared to see what they're gonna do :blink:

    I honestly hope they go this route, it would be nice if those weapons had something to differentiate them.

  7. 1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

    Something bothers me about doubling up on the infantry lance blonde girl for the canon team.  Why couldn't they have given her a different weapon so she just wasn't better Sharena?

    I agree tbh. Bow or dagger would have been a fun edition instead.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Quote this if you're putting Brazen Atk/Spd on your Nino

    Soren is close enough.

    2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    All of the other seasonal weapons were refinable so no reason why these ones shouldn't be 

    Well except that they are basically fury 2 on one phase and nothing on the other phase heh

    Yeah..... I am unsure about refinement for those weapons too lol

    It occurred to me earlier there's a chance refinement could give Chrom and Lissa's weapons different effects.

  9. Tharja’s outfit makes me want to bash my head against a wall. 

    I am not terribly excited for any of these units but out of all of them I do want Chrom. I am going to end up with Lissa and by extension, Raven is going to get a funny ax. Robin gets to live if he shows up, but Tharja will be donating her tome to Raigh and leaving my sight the second she shows up. 

  10. 10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    @Ciarre @DarkLordIvy I met this special Soren in AA today. At first glance he seems to carry the Egg only for the goofy effect, but its +SPD refinement has synergy with Flashing Blade and Watersweep. 

      Reveal hidden contents



    Perhaps even @Vaximillian approves this usage of Bunnilla. 

    Ha! I love it, wish I had gotten a Bunnilla so I could have given Soren a meme build. I like the meme builds.

    Watersweep is definitely the least practical thing I'd say. Windsweep would be better as far as a sweep skill on Soren. Thanks for that IS.

  11. 10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    @Ciarre @DarkLordIvy I met this special Soren in AA today. At first glance he seems to carry the Egg only for the goofy effect, but its +SPD refinement has synergy with Flashing Blade and Watersweep. 

      Reveal hidden contents



    Perhaps even @Vaximillian approves this usage of Bunnilla. 

    Ha! I love it, wish I had gotten a Bunnilla so I could have given Soren a meme build. I like the meme builds.

    Watersweep is definitely the least practical thing I'd say. Windsweep would be better as far as a sweep skill on Soren. Thanks for that IS.

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